Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Floor A Duh Or Is It The Float Uh That Creams Milk To Tee Times Hours Apple Raised Shins

Goods look to the sigh burr Front on the shag of Wools car pet troll,
as the eye lends a blink to the World of Worth to this Thrift tee Store,
club to the bat told to have deep shepherd on sole,
for the Shield did provide a Hedge Fund on Toll!!

Saddle the shaft with a band at the ring,
for in riding the arena has letters to bring,
with that test of Dressage on knowing the Crow,
for dark hour its still feeding the grain as a pole.

Wager the paddle to or on the Roads and tracks of Railroads prose,
in different to Mammoth this Values the bold,
from with that at challenge more the deal a cold,
which makes this errand a Message with seals that clap to the Owe Shin us Mould,
the Hour or Minute timer that bask in Robins gone full,
staggering fact or the resemblance of shoal.

Chew that tow back hoe to working it as an Outsider reason to writing the bull,
tag to the seam a binder of scene,
this is the basis of for better slow.

Laugh Track this Sign to prod for Supply,
tractors ditch Farms with dough nuts gone tongue,
twisted bits that copper touch taste,
rolling the thunder with light knee on sheep,
sleep Ping the Nap pen with spice to sat chill,
all while the sell phone is driving a Told,
that master bay shuns a primer to Math,
adding it route to root of bay Wrap.

Drop the at plate license the Can,
flip to a Channel and tea 'V' it stout,
heavy be stars on the digest of guide,
remainders are stacking to libraries lane`d,
with that crossword puzzle to bubble talk pop,
jazz blues mistaken for summertime Coots.

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