Sunday, November 15, 2015

Gee Que From Bill Mayer On What Is The Truth On A Talk Show Cuddling A Milker On Top Pick Subjection Or Is It Enter *Ject Shin

More Fee US on the read bill owes of the Chimney of a Roof,
the skull to a brains Tree is as Pot is to plant,
that knee Grow on the grow Sir,
what Of the Floss ease of string to the Waxpaper on a Tin Foil of **SA ran wrapped??

Does the stagger to the swaying limb burr make haste to a Week nest on trial Nations lever,
the sage in the cool dare of threads,
a putter in the Golf Game of lawn,
to mirror the tack of Weed??

Ivy is an interesting Honeysuckle to the Organ,
pump the product place meant to in tied,
round the fountain pen to light in up,
joint the a Fair and Wash the title tasting Real Time.

Is it a Shoe of the Priced to fixed,
are the bars just a lyrics prose,
is the platter folding a Nap a tend,
for the good conscious of harbor to boat the Shipping News.

Shed talk is the tool of shoveling a bundle of Wad,
in that is the Suit a tie with that bit of Mug on tee,
Clubs are the Tease Parties to a Dan rather at Roast,
these are just those Awards that Trophy to the Obvious on the Tongue,
as Any Cart is the carriage of a Harness to the Hames of life on the Rein.

Marking that fox in the Hen House as an Egg layer,
but what of the shake,
is that then the bush Ole of corn to Maze??

Is the Wage on a Tick it To Ride the Horse of bigger T 'V' a Numb burr or device??
does the toe back go package the Smoke as to say that its a diced,
or is the simple railroad take the Wares of division to Drift of a liced,
as the lo Kissed gamble the roo let to Win status quota with a dirty rice,
would not that make the Anchor of a bay be in with the Inn Crowd on delivery in Stead??,
that perfect family of know response to the staff of skill on Men Shinned so Off tend,
for as the Original Home Box Office pursed the directional Media,
was not the enter view on that core shore of greater importance to that cast stir oils louse On Report.

*The Latin word root ject means 'throw.' Many common words are 'thrown' about each day which use this root, including eject, reject, object, and projector. Perhaps a pointed way to help remember this word is when you receive an injection, which is a shot 'thrown' into your body

1. seaman apprentice.

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