Sunday, April 24, 2016

CBS News Sunday Morning American television program with Charles Osgood. The Time now on my acer is 5:31AM and the date is April 24th,2016!!! Westcoast Greats the show with Charles Osgood comes on at 6 a.m. on KPIX Channel 5!! The 'Pulse of the Park' special addition for the MacKenzie Trail Lodge LTD.!!!!

The sparkling notes of a trumpet fanfare and the familiar logo of the sun alert viewers that it's time for "CBS News Sunday Morning." A morning talk show, this program airs at a different pace, and focuses much of its attention on the performing arts. After a quick update of the day's news and natio… More
First episode dateJanuary 28, 1979

Attention National Geographic for KIDs,

The latest National Geographic magazine has the coolest tribute on a photograph that seems so relevant that possibly your pair^rents will enjoy the aye^earn^knee with a fun^did to describe a core word with The Greats by knowing the Wow of the Olds.