Friday, July 1, 2016

Now Its Called The Underground Ray^Ole Row^Duh!!!!

Gasoline Prices according to Gayle King on CBS is $2 something and that 3 Million will Fly,
should that be code to John Travolta that this signature Piece along with those Hi.Heels its a Sheet,
the jacket be the Muse.See.Um and that Act.Tier to Tom Cruise on the NBC of James Blunt for Maya Angelo,
great exportations to the Fort Cronkite to know that Cavallo Point follows the 'Don't Ask Don't Tell',
the Horse Barn at location in Marin on Course with the Hot Air Balloon for The Calvary,
ride on over to YMCA??,
don't go that far cuz the Import is that Yard Gate with the Literal Dummy in the Tub,
there in plain sight to see that Manican to every Avenue on the sub.limb.a.knoll Lynch??,
who cares.

Nobody brings that Press.see.Dee.owe mark the Mare.rowe to that Tunnel Vision,
the grout to the Spry as the beach in a Wave!!

Its that chimney of Grizzle Peek to literal Wild Fires on the Thresholds Rat,
the Mice and the Fin is the shark going Whale??,
not that path of dolphin for the gal.len of Milk to dee.sole on the Dumb,
deaf & Moot,
knot that pad of liberal flow on the stolen shed tools to the Book and signed Too??,
words from the otherside Storm!!

Now to Petaluma and Jewel.lee.Inn,
does the b.b.q. letter state eh bee see or the indicative Trip to floor.a.duh as Hawaii literary,
for I know that that package of bulb bragged about the suitcase full to the bacon on the key.key??,
saddled and padded to that Island be Trade it was the Gem in the Wine Bare.Role store on Main Street.

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