Wednesday, July 13, 2016

To That Torque Like I Be Strength In Communication Touch This See^Bee As My Kid Drew A Poster On The Streets Of City Hall To Say Friends Are In Our Bell!!!

Should the 'T' Zing bare.role than the rest Room be eh just as the dig is grave a Measure is hard,
to walk on with once a pawn a story a bank is the Barn to the Stable on a read of Mucking,
the pitchfork of that is the cause and at Festival of knowing a stile to Waltz the Matilda!!

In the Austrian of Yodel,
an echo of Wise,
pull Ups to say that the Cent is a Cry!!

Choice is the Fined of Drill,
Mechanics by Designing a bet.tour to the owe.Ill,
flew to a chimney as the Turn.key.

Should any Police Department or Ike be on the Hoover,
say to that car that the gere is on the take??,
sum of all lines is the notes between the letters.