First test under the age of 8 properly tested and recorded for my Intelligent Quotient was done by Dr. Louis Vuksinick, MD - Psychiatrist in San Francisco, CA. It was thus recorded in my official medical records which was kept quiet as I tested genius. I am refraining from giving the public my score for purpose and privacy as any quick study will provide to you that the process of advancement is based on age environment, and so on.
noun, plural geniuses for 2, 3, 8, genii
[jee-nee-ahy] (Show IPA),for 6, 7, 9, 10.
an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown increative and original work in science, art, music, etc.:
the genius of Mozart.
a person having such capacity.
distinctive character or spirit, as of a nation, period, or language.
the guardian spirit of a place, institution, etc.
either of two mutually opposed spirits, one good and the other evil,supposed to attend a person throughout life.
Origin of genius
Can be confused
genius loci
[gen-i-oo s loh-kee; English jee-nee-uh s loh-sahy, -kahy]
the guardian spirit of a place.
the distinctive character or atmosphere of a place with reference to theimpression that it makes on the mind.
It was upon return later in life that I was recorded as a savant, thus genius savant. Read the following and find that as expected and required/recommended by the psychiatric field to properly record the first findings it is important to test again. This is to not just qualify a score or quantify said score but rather to find what that score indeed did advance through life and experience thereof. As many do not understand the word savant nor what a savant actually is I am providing to the public as what is now considered acceptable as a proper modern day reference panel. In this fragment of an education for whom may be ready for greater clarity 'Savant syndrome' has absolutely nothing to do with my life and never has at any point during my life. This point of clarity is now in need of being said as the confusion is greater for whom has not been through the entire process of what my life did and now entails.
Examples from the Web for savant
British Dictionary definitions for savant
/ˈsævÉ™nt; French savÉ‘̃/
a man of great learning; sage
Derived Forms
savante, noun:feminine
Word Origin
C18: from French, from savoir to know, from Latin sapere to be wise; seesapient
Word Origin and History for savant
"one eminent for learning," 1719, from French savant "a learned man,"noun use of adjective savant "learned, knowing," former present participleof savoir "to know," from Vulgar Latin *sapere, from Latin sapere "be wise"(see sapient ).
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