Thursday, August 24, 2017

People Are Board!!

Stride text touching each fountain that breadth of soar,
as these bean to a vine as a solar shard,
it is only the Orion on a speech.

Spoke in start a balance of what is Worlds to harness nestle,
as humanity died to grape and drink gave war it is North that Viking Gate!!

Valhalla Shore?,
this is merely a vice that grapes wrath and Men enticed to factor of mad,
spire is thistle of flea,
Fleets Ship to Oceans of Skies on my Mind in beautiful lite,
across no divide the math adds as the people just Trump,
it is east that door gave to death,
thiese are the words that drive the gear to your farmers of Almanac.

Tribe with your hand and gone is the head to shoulder debt,
money on the method of tax is the Freeway of height,
in tarmac the freeze is dinosoaric to forest of the groves which Man will make!!


Written 8/16/2017
By Karen A. Placek
Published August 24th, 2017