Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Write

Record a Note, a tonal sound,
a hum or whistle right.
It is a simple vocal throat,
bringing culture 'round.

Grasping at a straw filled line,
relieving all the pain.
Worth of joke,
rest is mine,
tempo with all time.

Presence in a moment jar,
screw down the Lid of Life.
Stalled in a time,
not once but thrice,
a curse of all this verse.

A blessing found,
in this I lounge,
the Pen of Strife,
I write!!


It's Mine

One birth I cannot return.
A Life I stole from you.
A guilty mouth with thee unfold,
almost, I know I'm sold.

Sorry for your angry days.
Apology's were few.
If I could redeem to you,
a state I won't undo.

Deserving peace, I know I need.
Today I must approve.
I was born and now I'm torn,
between your disapprove.

A healing trait, for this I mise,
my energy is sure.
It's time to say,
"No, you may",
not become my Life!!

It's MINE.

I Do Not Lie

The time to be no more,
shallows when you die.
A quiet calm,
serenely plays,
a peaceful calming song.

Years of Waste,
lay in hate,
surrender to the bait.
Allow a deep and mournful cry,
to tone a long good bye.

Do not fret!
We just met!
A man of simple prose.

Close one eye,
cross your tie,
and pray I do not lie.


Life, Strife!!

My cause for sure is sight of All.
No apology from those who are to Tall.
Living lives in blank repose.
My face is all they hate.

Reminders of a Night in Rage,
mistake my turn from safety cage.
A chance to live a tired life,
at least I am and don't engage.

Locked away in prison stay.
One day my freedom shall ring true.
A moment of release divine!
Sweetly teasing, nicely pleasing.

Yearly dedication wise,
this is desires of my mind.
I know a softer, easier time.
A Gift of Life was mine.

Although I fight for every breath,
this is not a test of sight.
I gently gaze, a line of haze, 
foggy is my life. 

All I know,
is when I go,
I will know, no more strife.


I See

A talent for birth canals,
the rivers run deep.
No ship on mission states,
a canoe narrows in.

Hold the paddle,
the torrent of the turns.
A Waterfall will crash,
in beautiful fall.

No fear will answer,
the deafening call.
White water will froth,
like anger does rise.

The babbling stones,
the crashing rocks.
Water will run!
Patience, Seeking.

A gentle pass,
the curve I brake,
and it all repeats,
until the ocean
"I see".

My Birth

I delight in my creative existence,
I know of simple paths,
I revel in delightment,
I seek out my wonderment.

My breath brings into me my life.
I love my own thought,
on glorious bounds,
twinkling the corners of my eyes.

I enjoy the Clarity of Speech,
loving each word with relief,
not asking for any guise,
just releasing illusional piece.

A Gallery of Trust,
oxygen soothes my sides.
Etching on a comforting sign,
of my simple souls design.

Lovingly I find,
the death of all time.
Gentle do I say,
"My birth was really mean".


Embracing Wisdom

It seems a Time of Peace serene.
My thoughts are calming now!
The hatred of this wicked pact,
(discovery of all who signed)
"of what", I cannot do all that.

A very timid and small child was,
a fleeting memory mine.
The waste of such a gentle life,
was very simply mine.

My mind is wise beyond this time,
a pill of Genius doubt.
I can not be aloud to be,
I must be put straight out!

It's sad for all the ignorance blast,
what waste of valued space.
Quickly pointing at the grace,
when wisdom did not embrace.

The ticking, tacking, blocking way,
of ginger cookies crisp.
A wonderment of all I say,
I simply can't exist.


Real Foe

I was choking on my minds rage.
I was here and there Inside of Age.
The cum ran down my mouth and face,
I threw-up inside my body's thought.
The surging fact of real body,
over this I truly toil.
Disgusting late in madness rank.
Missing only body form.
Reality is a blistering spot,
until the boil pops!!

Screaming anxiousness, in toil I turn,
am I here experiencing there?
Real spin of rotten Life!
the stinking Depth of Pain.
Hurtful ringing in my ears.
Rotten, Muddy mirrors.
Don't help in this empty nest!
Don't call for your own faness!
All I know is what I show,
Agony of Life, in this I grow.
Making memories of real foe. 


Yesterday Hit

Yesterday smothered my thoughts.
A blind rage in what I'm taught,
can you see the boys and Men?

Breaking in every scene.
Ramming down their cocks.

Erections that are mean
leaving every being.

Throwing me all around!
Hosing down my phlegm!

Shouting obscenity's,
saying that I mean.

Gnashing teeth!!
Grating ribs!!

Fighting, Hitting, Fisting, Life?
fucking, yelling, frenzy's out.

No more minds, no eyes, lights out!!!
Wild scourge of all I see!
Implements rehearsed on me!

Nothing is inside my home.
I have left.
I need a comb.


Can't Leave

Swarming mind of frantic space,
my Self removes me from a race.

Where is the air in age?
Drowning underneath the sage?

Counter me, I clock myself,
I am here and there in place.

Looking round inside this mace,
cream-filled pie was not on my face.

Raging sight of glue filled crap,
dangling memories would fill all that.

My head does race, 
I'm blind enraged!

From a time in such cramped space,
the air is hot and wet and dry,
I gag with blood, and cough out taste.

My stomach racks with hot outrage,
ripped apart in dark garage.

Beams of wood stood there in large,
welling deep in memory.

The scare, the rights,
of this I blare.

Here Me, I See, 
I'm Blindingly!!

My eyes, 
they sting, 
I cannot breathe,
gagging, gasping, 
I just can't leave.

Real Romance

When a child is born,
a little one will follow.
Years roll by, Ocean Waves!
Trees will blow,
Storms will rage,
Rain will pour,
will age wane?

Pain runs deep,
a Well will fill,
positive, creative, real,
Your mind can save,
not wired the same.

Normal? Insane?
Crazy May;
be not so bad.
Look up! See!
a Sight of Love.
Desire will show,
to maintain such stance.
Bright bulb, a flash
of real romance.

Again, I Tear

Early MORN doth break,
like a father as he comes,
to hold the gentle breeze,
to help his daughters needs.

A mother drawing close,
nature doth approach,
to bad for physical being.
I need a small reprieve.

Spirit of the Universal climb,
out-of-body and singing,
Auld lang Syne!!
No New Year, just a day,
when nature went away.

Far north, does it land?
a mental approach
rebuke the curses there,
and wrap myself bare,
until such time
I Tear!




Fear has my mind (and body),
my soul does not know.
Challenge lies in Truth of Thought,
fraught seems to cost a lot.
Freedom from this terror and cage,
is different from "turn the page".
A mindful being is rarely seen,
human troubles bought.

Natural path must have to last,
earth should know the way.
She guides our energetic sign (sought)
giving us, though she's gone,
the scare in me since I was Three.
Began in one short dare.
I closed my eyes and then I cried,
coming for me 'till I died.

Earth mother, Moon father,
Stars of another kind.
Dark matter, more matter,
create for me a safe.
Take my fear, do not jeer,
please take from me this rape.

Will Last

Glorious moments, dimes in time,
experience that is not mine.
Ownership of "Self" required.
It's just the way we are wired.

Shout with eyes, do not tire,
journey is a fragment trier.
Mouth shall silent, minds require,
noise on trails in wonder mire.

Adventure, truth, wisdom, why?
questions asked. Do not lie.
A rhythm earthly knowing cry,
do you know who is your........sigh.

Close your conscience self
to sigh, thanking goodness
you say, "bye", (not tie!)
a complicated nursery rhyme,
that will last eternal time.
