Upon entry to Death.
The immediate stop made, after you believe.
That Heaven and Hell are only cities,
with Hotels that usher you into what is your next permanence:
Judgement of Yourself!
1.) Pull a number.
2.) Stand in line.
Recite your defense while waiting,
as if you can rinse away your guilt or sin.
But, not as it's been, it has changed since then,
you've contracted in, for a stiff sentence,
called, "Life."
So, as you wonder, or as you fear,
this time you die is drawing near.
Dirt you're not: Compassion nigh.
Your life has been read,
line by line.
Are you ready to face your lie?
Have you shown? Have you done?
Have you been? For anyone?
Are you a person, who thinks they can; Run?
Or, do you finally know you're done?
A simple message, from Old Past.
Where Souls exist, but, you've killed that.
Did you hear? The cry of One?
Who said, "Please Sir, I need a Twin? My Souls been sold! I need..."
Or, will you only plead what you print?
"My God, Help me to survive this deadly love."
Does it matter? I think not.
We both know, you will not show.
But, well-versed we both are on this thing,
the After-Life is something.
Death will meet, "On U-Tube, Right?"
A practice for your Shroud?
In my case, I have already seen;
Death for you, is Life for me.
I'd rather have a "Deadly Love"
then plead to anyone from above.
So, live your life free from me,
'cause one day soon you'll cry in need.
Loneliness, your best friend.
Sexual resist for what? I do persist.
'Cause when I bed a Man or more,
I won't be a singer or a fucking whore.
Attraction, will rule and I will soar,
to finally have it all, like THOR!
Your hesitance in this will be,
the reason why you're Homeless, SEE!
A transient life is lonely; Strife.
Take a chance?
You can't! You won't!
You are afraid to loose yourself,
although you write in Limerence. Right?
What do you think? That I'm wrong?
If so, then let your nature be,
continue on and sing the song.
"Been in a Country 30 minutes long. Got a Girl"
Come on!
Settle down, end your whirl of whine.
A True Love found you did for "Sis"
Sold her on E-Bay: No Resist?
Yes you did, makes you fair game.
God forbid, I heard your name.
You are a curse to me and mine.
The hope that magic comes from a sign.
But, I hope you accept my pain that's true,
you seem well-versed and very vain.
So, if you find a love at funerals,
then why deny yourself a Seer?
Who writes some script, it rhymes, "I guess."
but in truth it is a Riddler, am I.
This I do,
If you could find the meaning in,
realize that I don't sin.
But, want you too! My mind wants more.
I imagine you're cute, but probably "A bore."
I look past your foibles,
I look into your eyes: Just right.
Embarrassing? You have no clue,
I'm the one in like with you.
So, do ignore!
Pretend you're blind, to every word and every line.
And, when your Old, holding your mind,
looking up at what?
You had a chance to dance a dance.
That was new, A World Romance!!
But, cold you are and age will take,
your looks away and leave in stay.
A date with Death, you cannot miss,
for at this point, "You'll wonder this?"
If I had taken the chance?
In America?
On this Romance?
Would I be "Old" and "Alone."
Or, would I have, had a life, a home,
within a Family that loved......etc.
Not mine, but yours my friend.
The only answer I have from then,
When you go, to far below,
pull your number and they ask slow.
"What have you done for anyone, that was selfless and not a shun?"
"Did you help? When you were asked?"
"Was Romance, just a piece of ass?"
"Do you have a Soul? Or, Two?"
"Do you have a Soul? Or, Two?"
"Are you missing? Did you undo?"
Caught you are inside yourself,
sounding better, you are so stealth.
What would it cost to find out, Why?
I write these riddles, are you so nice? I ask myself.
"Are you my Twin? Are you more?"
It seems I know you from Old Past.
But, down below, silence won't go,
the answers forced, they never wane.
So, here you are; Denying yourself,
you've made C.D.'s with songs: You yelled!
What do you want? If life's not it, is it,
adventure, fun, about?
As I come to my own end,
I say to you, "Good Luck."
Every person enjoys not much,
and in your case you have been touched.
By a Riddler, a Poet Seer too,
a Reader, a Savant,
"What more do you want?"
.....does laugh, at least its true.
I have a chance, if not with you.
To experience all you've done,
travel the World and meet everyone.
Just to say, "Hi, how do you do?"
Stay for dinner?
"I would love too."
So, March yourself to shorten life,
married Men, know much less strife.
Travel with you? "Of course, I would."
Cook you dinner?
With good food and a very kind hand.
A homemade plan.
My ..... would love such an idea.
To see the World, not count thereof.
A number, you keep of Countries that pay,
you to sing. It's not the way.
To build what's good,
friendships that last,
to make more money and to be invited back.
You must believe that people see,
they do read and wish for thee.
To know what's good, will bring you wealth,
not to your Bank but to "Yourself."
It's not about giving away,
don't be confused or turn, say "Shew."
You must make bank, it is what you do,
so that you afford what's new, what's good.
Relaxing, recovering from your long Tours;
You've been, it's true, you're tired too.
Just don't count the days or countries; You sin!
It makes the people feel so much less and then,
it becomes surreal and that's not cool.
Would you like to just be a ticket or deal?
Magic happens, maybe it won't be you.
Just maybe, it will be another you see?
You cannot say that, people don't sway,
at what I've written to you each day.
So, take your time, it seems your way.
But .... save you from what might be true,
you're just too scared to know.
That in "Adventure" you find what's new!
Don't worry Sir, You are just fine.
I'm sure you'll find and "Fuck" your kind.
Make sure your eyes are open so,
that you'll be alive and "Whoa."
Not in a fantasy inside your mind of sexual, blow?
The truth is bitter!
Never goes down as sweet.
But, "Death Courts" real,
to me, at least.
So, in defense, of never me.
I'll send my record in advance you see,
of your date with them: Announce,
"Your failure and/or your lack of try,"
of any interest from this guy.
Anubis, Iris and RA will be,
just a few, that represents Me.
The Demons, the Spirits and Satan,
I'm sure.
Will receive you, "Dear Sir."
You sing of this, in Time, in Space.
Did you know I have a face?
Now you are aware of my scars;
I too; "Write!"
dear Lord,
by no mistake, you're made.
Not so stealth, but Honesty wins out.
So, ever so loudly, I do so tout,
"To a sensitive Man," he's about.
Alright! I do, admit my guilt!
A "Twin Soul" haunts my very self.
So, I do listen to early songs,
but after that, I do what's wrong.
I ignore and push away,
the very man I should pull my way.
I only do what is correct,
'cause odds are that my Heart will break.
By ignoring and not coming to see,
what is this Magnetic Force to thee.
It is I: He'll never ask himself.
Protecting me from uncertainty.
I hold the Flame, a Candle, well.
Of Hope, I do to see me through, this time, it's weird,
"What to do?"
I just don't know?
"Do you?"
"Do you?"
They say we are only suffering from,
"The Seven Degrees of Separation"
anyone on this Earth?
I know I've seen this man before.
I know a "Twin Soul" he is to me, a Sword.
So, words of Wisdom; "Words!" I plea,
"Cut me out! and leave me be!"
Don't pass so close to my life.
Don't tempt me, my children, I love,
and we, as family, deserve what's nice.
I've had the worst life, "A Thing" could have
(referred to since my birth)
but, a best life is my balance: A Stab.
A shot at what would be so cool,
from "Worst to Best" with only too.
The moment it takes to say, "I do."
So, whether it's you or someone else,
I wrote the truth, I was not stealth.
But; Silence will come one day, so soon,
'cause, a book I want to do.
Write, it's true!
"Death Court"
a message from my youth, "It's due!"
Just like you, I'll never be.
I won't be late for this date:
Instead I'll speak and be what's neat,
Myself, my story is what I like,
I keep it real, based on life.