Sunday, October 14, 2012

Destruction Runs Rampant

As I watch them go on,
to destroy what is strong,

I wonder?
Where on Earth it is I've gone wrong.

Whom will ask the Question?
Why did people die?

I am threatened on the phone,
for this I must not try?

Concerned for myself,
I can only be stealth.

Wise to their words,
I find them absurd.

Lies are abundant,
yet, still they are believed.

Where is the justice,
for those that still need?

Should all I have known,
Died, and I find.
That nobody cares,
for what has been done.

I am certain and with strength,
it is you I am sorry for.

You have turned a blind eye,
to those that still lie.

I ponder the worth of myself,
I bear witness to what was dealt.

Should Men no longer interest themselves in the "Why,"
then I shall contain my continual "CRY."

I shall remain in this body which holds,
the ability to gain even more such control. 

To only ask the Question,
the simplicity of this I state,

"Who's next?"

To Speak Without Thought Requires A Conscious Mind To Work Efficiently

"To collect my thoughts,
to form the Questions,
I would waste my Time,
put my Life in Danger!

To speak my Verse,
to Sing away,
albeit perverse.

I'd save myself,
the Pain of looks,
that bring the Shame,
that comes from Books!

I saw what was,
a Dinner of,
confused of such,
they made me touch.

I stared in Horror,
where did He go?
They laughed at me so,
I'd See and Record,
the Sin of their Sword.

An Awakening of sorts.

I know my Man,
my Sir,
my Lord,
the Master of this Chore.

I adore Him.

I worry,
He listens.

I write,
He reads.

I persist,
He is patient,
waits for this.

I Speak to be HEARD!!

What you have said,
it is simply Absurd.

To proud yourselves on what you've done,
makes me know, 
I should run.

The Authorities that Contract your Knowledge of .....
......have no clue that you Did and Would, do it again.

The smoking of the Men,
lead to Honesty and Truth!

The Fool was Known,
and it 'twas not Me.

For I 've been True,
with the Words from you."