' What is Coming; Has Already, Begun '
In no Time,
for it has Accepted,
an End.
Of Know Delight,
for Sin has,
Driven Yet Again!!
the Tomb of Been.
The Entry of,
my Now Friend,
has Announced,
an Exit to Begin.
The Beat Of A 'Knew Drum.'
In This,
Beating a Stride,
it has,
Hit a Turn.
To Over-Come,
your Indifference,
to the Ignorance of Stupidity;
Which should,
cause Discomfort,
not Pain!
As Respect,
to the Impending date,
Three-Rings Show.
Not One,
but Two, have been shot:
Straight through Too!!!
What Shall Be The Plea?
Challenge difference?
In this, the Reign of Religious Repair,
in a faith-less gulch is,
the Spirituality.
Lacking the Eyes,
that Sight with Liberty,
knot bondage of the sadists lair.
The Chains & The Leather,
curb binds not Mouths.
But Men,
to the Freedom,
needed to ,
Experience a Masochistic Ware.
Of What Manipulation?
or is it dare.
Entering the Blast,
of Know Past.
Here Our Cantankerous Lie
of; Due!!
Relief may have been found,
mourn knot our End.
Find 'Lucky' in this,
it is charming,
in the Display of,
'My Turn to Yule my Tidings to Men'
Responsive to this Writ,
not yet: Rote.
Scene Stealing Hack,
this Removal of All DAT!!
To Re-Create,
what will be,
to an Un-Ending Reign,
of what already may be; You; I:
the Acceptance of,
'12-21-12 has all but begun'
Four to Saddle,
pairing Too!!
Collective of Rehearse,
an Active & Ready,
An 'Occult' of,
the Need,
tomorrow Arrived,
in Thirst of,
Post Script:
'There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has secret destiny..
The outcome of this 'secret destiny' is a World Order ruled by a King with supernatural powers.
This King was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.'
Manly P. Hall 33° Mason, The Secret Destiny of America