The Words that People Spew,
are the Garbage,
of what Humanity never Cleans-Up!!
Clinging to Obsessiveness,
making You liable,
for Speech-Itself.
To be Sorry,
for such Foul Demonstrations,
of Your,
Poisonous Verse,
is not Only Counterproductive to Thought It-Self.
In addition to that statement,
I include this also.
Admission of Your Guilt,
uttering such Ill-Repute in the First Place,
is a selfish-state of affairs,
not 'An Apology,'
to repair.
To Destroy,
with such Exact & Pointedly Clear Attacks,
is just Offensive,
not deadly in the end.
That which does not kill Us,
makes us 'Better.'
Rage to Recover