Tuesday, December 25, 2012

To Whom I Care, 'The Men of B.D.S.M'


Too Plan Ones' Life,
is to Know Strife,
not Sin!!

In This,
I believe in only what will be,
not 'What' has Been,
to Awful of a Thought,
would be a sin to me.

Expression of what I have been Gifted Naturally,
should Cause Difference,
amongst the indifference,
Upon the Earth.

The Excitement I feel,
is to know,
"I have Won."

Freedom to hang-upon,
that which,
will support all the guilt,
people run from.

To be Thankful,
for who I have become,
is to share with only,
whom would understand and be wise,
while entering a life,
of not change but require.

This B.D.S.M. Girl,
is Grateful,
to the Men whom loved her,
so readily and without lacking.

The Void of Love,
caused by my own birth,
is the Allowance to Be.

An Introduction to the Treasure,
"These Men."

Bestowed upon 'My Life'
so many years ago,
a Faith and Religious Order,
the Oldest Factor,
an Artistry of Nature.

Your Toll,
will come due.

Mine has been paid,
as I move,
I work as to not,
calculate upon my Life...


The Breath of Such,
is my Allowance,

' To See '

There is,
no Why, just 'cause.

My Understanding of Cruelty is,
"I don't need to; You Do."

Countless Terms,
Set the Measure,
which will never balance what has been done.

Only the Innocent,
will do what is Correct,
not necessarily right,
for that may cause a Sharp Left.


...that I know,
is not my Life,
merely for,
Reasons of Taught,
not bought.

The Men,
that I believe do love,
not Traditionally.

I 'See' this in the Everlasting though,
a Lurid Approach,
an Eternal Flow,
of; Drove.

To not be late,
for the Change which is Afoot,

in this..

"The Continue"
a deserved end,
for Sum.

A Calculation,
which only Men of B.D.S.M.,
Total for Sin,
not been.

A Gift of Presence,
not Wrapped,
for Sake.

'Cause in The End,
it's all about Them,
not fright but a light,
 'See Sage.'