Thursday, February 21, 2013

An Armored Approach A Birth of Rote

To Speak,
with the flavor of grace,
requires truth to be said.

Not Spoken

A Continual Road,
paved with pain,
delivers growth,
not shame.

To Recover,
from what has been done,
takes Voice of Been.

In Every Begin Birthed,

Appreciative of small favors,
a testimony of,
I've been theirs.


Time delivers Age,
to go a Knew way.

It is the patience,
that may deliver Knight.

Knot in this World

I state,
A Date of not Myth,
just miss.

By Design,
out of sublime,
to say:

"The Rings-of-Gold, and Established Home, Views from this I Roam."

Not of Fear,
for that's been here,
but War declared,
merited an exit.

It is Fate to Believe

In What?

Remains up to You,
not me!

The Rite To Rune

Should We-Wake to Justice,
than injustice shall be shown,
to have existed in Our-Lives.

Not to make a Blister,
to be ruptured,
but a wound to be healed.

.With Insight.

Know Callous Disregard!

if known should make room,
not destroy or entomb,
'Those' desiring a Reason,
to understand;

"The Why"
people lie.

If at first You are laughed at,
then pointed at: called perverse,
than why,
in the End is it such a Reverse?

A Purpose, A Quest, A Journey at Best,
requires so many tests,
that to seek a rest,
seems fruitless,
if Survival is Dreamt-On.

In 'See',
Eye-Sight !

Wars, Too Front!!

There Was This Day!!

I could not stay,
the blood soaked fields,
released me.

Born in Total,
held in mind,
I had been at War,
so many times.

Countless Strikes,
a measureless door,
I found myself,
never bored.

My Father Heroed,
a proclaim on land,
I See the Hurt,
both can't stand!

One has Gone,
so another can.

To be cast out,
or put in place,

"I Fear a Throw"

might have been a day,
my mind does rue!!

Still confused

I search my 'Sight'
memories banked,
with-in my being.

Seem to Team

I become fixed,
in Tranced,
in Thought,
lost in translation of myself!

Seems so Long,
that I've been,
on battlefields,
with men.

As lives do blend,
the past is ready,
too mend.

Gold Rings were,
my begin!!

A Fiery Start,
when Two come as One.

An Incredible Song,
of Places that are not wrong,
just lost to me.

Searching the Caverns,
of this pitted life,
I sing,
I don't belong.

The Ache for Answer,
lies in the question.

Spoken Fare

If Words are Merely-Spoken,
with Meaning-Inferred,
must then,
the proof-of-attention,
fall upon 'The Voice'

Or, What is Mentioned?

A History that Plunders,
kills in need of want,
exampling through taking life,
as oppose to,
showing a Guiding Light,
will end in no fight,
of what is wrong.

Claiming only Rite

The many recorded Wars,
declare liberty for,
what it seems "Their Lord!"

...did he not also state,
Thou Shalt Not Kill

A Commandment of Old,
often mentioned,
not enacted.