Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Flower Arrangements

To vacate the terms of agreed upon learns,
as advised at each of my life's turns,
would have been their only win.

Embracing destiny of fate in cast,
the whizzing of the line caused production in last,
a plea to stop or slow the pace,
to gain understanding in total grace.

Gaining comprehension or to have made mention,
provided a graph in a Site of a Race.

The purse of the string,
the guidelines of bring,
the guile of matters,
began to make clatter.

Brought about by repetitious in continual shout,
people won't quit unless they're found out,
the odd of the even is quietly appealing,
making aware the difference in healing.

Justice subjects the voice to survive,
the proof of abuse resides with not die,
venture to speak did deliver a peek,
the whole of perfecting the path of erecting,
the days to recall the deadly inspecting.

Had I lived the advice of passing the buck,
the accounts would have gone unnoticed like stuck,
to ignore the awful and bury the pour,
would have only watered their intention of more.

Take note to the lives that suffered demise,
in private admission guilt was their claim,
no public forum could work such a plot,
for behind those closed doors,
investigation for caught!!

Red Handed

When Would Cried


Broadened view the backs of do,
channel turned to open learn,
taught the patience to practice stern,
laughter created a life in spurned.

The fill of deepened sorted through,
evolved to know the give is true,
read for chortle in life a joke,
all become the lettered stoked.

Embracing since youth was graved,
mortar showed the stone was paved,
first it came from persons home,
from behind the fear of known.

Advancing quickly removal skilled,
learned or witnessed enveloped thrill,
psychotic eyes warned demise,
to be still took greater tries.

Scenes of wretched mourning my,
looking to the base of die,
time became the length of sly,
not to empty but to try.

Age took out the void in spry,
made the found clips to sound,
now I lay my head to sleep,
upon my pillow watch the creep,
he'll smother breath with out a set,
hide beneath the wry in swept.

Remember days of doomed scape's,
vigil rose to know of late,
crushing prepared to serve the made,
will you prosper in final take?

Gorge yourself upon a date,
the Time of Place a given state,
provided that this type is trait,
to announce exact same fate.

Review of history,
in parted verse,
know that words speak of terse,
vivid scenes in what partakes,
every person had a stake.

Just A Post

Released to Being a body store,
the capable will See the core,
as the marrow of the horror,
a simple task to slate and pour.

The chalk of board,
the game of seal,
an understanding,
revolving real.

Underestimate belief in whole,
balance comes as streaming spun,
comprehending no more than done,
the quest of mortal humans stung.

To example 'all' the lest,
discovered Races practice rest,
the war within the captured test,
creates the theory,
idea in best!

Wrote to trust,
leapt in Faith,
the equal state,
a drum of spake.

Counter signs in 'other's' brung,
quiet times deliver wrung,
the climb or movement to next is sung,
the Being in total evolves with tongue.

Score the Value,
the Circle complete,
the Line of which will deliver Street.

Brambling thorns of forced impose,
stands to place a pounding case,
crossed to spear the opened day,
the tomb of kill is a empty play.

Vitality remained in spite,
finding difference in different might,
produces stature to end such deaths,
for Life's importance relies on press.

The talk of conversation trough,
the swipe of dated year to Sot,
freedom brought a decide,
the Choice of Wares a road to Swear!!

No notice given to other Means,
gifts become the treasured reams,
to warn the populace with words like Keen,
secrets kept with Mind in scheme.

Quality recites to familiar sings,
why the fight if intimacy brings,
closer associations with common leads,
to piece the ever for lasting seams.

Investigating reasons importance believing,
coincidence to happenstance,
it equals only random chance,
when luck produced a similar lance.