The galloping Course,
the blued in Source,
in health of know good tort,
grounds treat to morse.
Edged in Planet voiced,
the Round does rink with Poise,
ciphered tipped in grange,
a vapor steamed to clayed.
No conversation witness,
wording jumps to pop,
a Stanza in a Proper,
the Scene of Act to Act.
Shift of Keys on Board,
the skipping to a phrase,
a natural ride in real scribe,
decisioned scratch the Pied.
Turned to open ranged,
rogue in spur to flame,
glide within the vitality,
provides the Bit to tame.
Ashen marks reveal scars,
the haunch builds muscled spar,
to filling parts in pleating sharps,
collected precedence sharks.
Manual Start