Strike the flint to know it's Fire,
enlightened to it's require,
'round the World 'Agents' retire,
invoking Times need a Cryer.
History shown Past is thrown,
down to walk the Turf in talk,
little requests to bid the best,
the Old and Sign to Contact test.
Riddle the chiseled Maul to think,
Churches in the Templed brink,
cast out the Belong,
to finalize the Parted strong.
From a City strength in Men,
the Castro, Fillmore, blend is Win,
power stands and support creates,
I no all said in Biblical Fed.
What if the Verse in Ancient wrote,
words described the Cross to stroke,
even Now the Times invoke,
Habits of the Catholic broke.
Laws to Nature holds to Fact,
I love Men and Love is trim,
the only living shown to me,
was those Men whom I do see.
Raised amongst the ever bow,
I'll never abandon what I've known,
for Men are Men and this is good,
for the best is better Win it's stood.
Gather senses to varied states,
proof becomes this wondered rate,
why does fear inhabit Fate,
regardless of the give receiving shares to Live,
yet all in 'round the World speaks,
condemnation judges preach.
Allow what is to enjoy a Being,
changes come to every lean,
to place judgement is merely mean,
however cruelty is the World Scene,
regardless of the Sexual Ream.
Rainbow Flagged the landing Moon?,
as it is the words change boom,
from the outer edge of stance,
to reality it's a dance,
the presence of a trued Romance.
Witnessed by this Eagled fly,
my life was soothed by 'All' those Guys,
no threat of death or punking kept,
I was loved as Men did met,
showed the education in ways to know,
that what is seen will be a Crow.
Man made Clay to Monk the Stay,
fire breathed dragons in pass to snake,
the Tree of Always in Birch of bark,
I was raised in a City lark.
The balance made by Men with heart,
hugged me each and every day,
to know the threat was not the set,
but it came from Christians swept.
Funny how the Christians speak,
and yet they've raped behind the Keep,
built to hide the human lie,
released envelopes Priests not Fella's.