Teaming in Time where Life is why,
produced a full featured true,
to provide things like Innocent Belief,
with stating Faith happens in by.
A Trust to a View enhanced the blue,
to strive for greater means,
the ones that can cause the sum redeem,
not bury people in a suicide theme.
This is not a 'Carrot-on-a-Stick'
the verse is rather a sip,
to invite the lost in fright,
a road to path return.
The World at Large determined far,
from embracing different could,
to lock away not just a key,
the burial is burned for wood.
Cause and Affect
Difficult decisions are made by whom,
does chose to guide a boom,
allowing words to come,
at rates of natural speeds.
Imprisoning a person, place or thing,
it's true I am familiar,
however all that's given,
are gifts that came with being,
the nature of the scene.