I have spoken my Peace never shall it End,
for it remains your Choice in such decide,
due with what you Wish remembering stipulates.
Wishes like dreams have been dismissed in Society day'ed,
neither are applicable in Scientific Research a Factuals,
for the sake of philosophers a theme of fright.
Removal of any and all guilt in speak,
for in silence the vibrations Deak,
in place of the belly gut taught.
Hold your tongue for Minds are Equalizers,
progress Thoughts proven by Lap Topped,
what is will be events to see in life a bleed.
Decides are hard to breathe,
but in and at the Counter of death,
no debt will I require for lives ignored.
The World is a Mess with Opposed,
bread & butter spread toast,
crumpets are scones in bakings.
To figure the lettered Word,
to the Text of the bursts,
a broader points to spook.
Take this inability to Peach,
add the Spice of Teak,
the Oak tied the Ribbon Pied.
If more People would be blue,
than less the Zombie Flu,
traits to the Elk for the Stag is a Belt.
Orion the Birth in a Mingled,
no thanks clarity bells,
for the Soap in the Washings of Steeped!!
Stringing the Loom in Out the boom,
creates a Cantilevered structure to a Movement of Health,
not the denial of existence by turning the nest of liked.
For in Ignorance I find treason to Battle the Could's,
with the temper of the racing times to proves,
we all are in the picturing plates.
The slippery slides of mossy dews,
throws a measure to Duty Self with the Honorable exit,
from what may or may not be the Poof of Smoke in just a Wildly dote.
Pressure Pounded Exposure Founded