The Type of One that Hots the Odder to the flavor of a T-Post is the spice ladled in cleared,
to run the gamete with a tea Topper is the coffee Pot in Hi brewed checked by Toast dips,
the strange of Weird in a prescriptive take is the Files that will Sing in a Smiled.
Cheers to the goof blaster trip Far&Away as the Eel in a breezed shave,
the growth of many Texters as the 'At Taughts' caps the screw Jar tabbed,
a pull to the turbulence leaked the Apple chiming a Chimney chute gifts.
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cartoon in with a funny that character of Mine yes it is the supply of Tuning into shined.
Horse trading on the Fly is a figure that wallets price,
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it's not really the built for read as I am a Key grade,
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Wise in the traits game know gamble to play from,
a Once of a Kind in the ride of a Life is a shied speed,
quick to the sand the broads grab a cram taking as is in the Hinge slammed,
it's the reliance of the unsaid that makes the Conversation a bed.