To be afloat in the worth of a note on the major of a key in the Posting of read tracers believe the lead,
at the base in the year of a time in the skate across the trouble has brought laughter times cheer mixed,
in balance of speak the treat to the play inks the Opera for path inasmuch a blaze from abstract,
formula front while the World is a bump to the leaves in the fall or the Mountainous sprawl.
Valley to bridge made Google a rig to write the perspectives the glass in the frig,
a chill rather goose to the Swan in a Moose legs that have Crane to the growth of a strain,
winged to flew flight in midst of a tight soaring like Eagle in the bald of a kite,
strung via thread for the start was in Stead a product of Nurse in a life that spoke Red.
As the burst ran to rolling the fan blows showed that venture wrote with steady a hand,
oatmeal milk cream style sugar as up to the point of the '08 deliver,
in decision to go for the Open in Throw best was has been from Future to hen`d,
cocks in the Farm House had pecked my brain full at return of the Sender I Shed to atoll.
Speak Waterfall try Barrel the Blog made a fee key to fit with dates that added up paced,
course crowds to Numbers charge ride Impulsion a Site with a Purpose rose with a Motion.
Vowed in it bell a Chimney storm Hell built to the search of building a whether,
in vein the pour framed by experience in train pumping the pulsed artery to releasing the pain,
so careful I am with words that cause stand the quick of the backlash is same simple pan,
click hit check list emails that slam more in the extract the lecture dips fact.
A positive negative flips like the sink in the dish of the wash a scrubber is link,
should I chose particular words such as Love the slams I receive are hard in the deed,
so personal the comments that spell me a pave the slam of my head is the mashing from gave.
Spot changes in the biggest amaze is the simple Complexity that I choose every day,
to be observant to past in tomorrow Today for in such decision the Choice is hooray!!
The Power of Won