The hand written Ream verses the Palm in a tree that fruit brings Coconuts to clear fluids drink,
the well-Kept trunk to Spider writes in the trim are the Waves that score the Menu`d spotter,
break Nest to the Mast to the Viking caller that echoes form while fog is Thick in loud banked,
turning Charts to Tidal`d parts the Craft each Vessel built by the work of the Thatcher on spur.
To state by State the Coast of Bay stout courage in the open lane no Dinosaur to oil shore that's Crude,
clogging the Channel with spilling the tank`d the lapse time of the bring to the Goliath spillings,
filter an Ocean with chartered Fleets the drill to the sonar Sleeps while pounding in the hole,
on the deck of Complete the hill of the goat billies fires that Feat through the sure shot Accident think.
Pipelines not laid but Mohawk Stations of Gasoline place`d the Loo to the over a few to relief flush,
pumps that are familiar with sync Well in the historical venue of Plate a Tire to the Wheel of floats,
it is the sweeping sudden under Tow that creates the Knowledge to structure of the Engine Featherings,
the arms of How riding to the Scale of rifle break that bulletin to this straight shooters rogue Colt.
No matter the Weight it is the boats job to muscle the freight as loaded to empty from Full to Bank,
the title between a Tanker and the Means is the ability to both due and to feet the Porridge in the Meal,
that is the portion of Real work in a Man that gave me a true value look at the Tugs Captain at Seat,
these are the lesson leads bringing discussion to Know Order has a Keep in the House of steel Cogs.