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The Nine Understandings
"Structure that develops belief, leading too A Transformation of your own Consciousness!!"
1.) I am Independent
2.) I will be Principled
3.) I am Creative
4.) I will have Infra-Structure
5.) I do have the freedom to Change
6.) I am Balanced
7.) I will know the Metaphysical
8.) I shall achieve Mastery
9.) I can and will know the transformation of my own Conscious!
Providence = Spiritual = Metaphysical
- Divine -
Receive > < Accept
+ The Foreseeing care & guidance of god or Nature over the Creatures of Earth
+ A manifestation of divine care or direction
"The Act of Providing or preparing for Future use or application."
Workbook Questions
Name the most Happy moment of your life.
Name the moment that your felt was the most Sad of your life.
Name the first Belief that you have, that comes to Mind.
Name your biggest Doubt.
Name a personal Conviction.
Name one of your own Judgements.
Name do you take Pride in.
Name what causes you Shame.
Name what brings you Peace.
Name what would make you War. (bring you to)
Name in what case you would Forgive.
Name when you would Blame.
Name how you Receive. (name the first moment that you learned to receive)
Name how you can or do Accept. (name a moment that you learned to accept)
Name how you attain your Wisdom. (name a moment of greatest wisdom)
Name what you are Ignorant to. (name your most ignorant moment in your life)
Name what Love is to you. (name first moment of love)
Name what is Hate to you. (name worst moment of hate)
Spell It Out