Wednesday, September 17, 2014


a trip to outside in the MOMENT a FULL WINGED VULTURE eclipsed my body real,
the surprise of the WIDTH to a Wing-Span,
I stretched to try match but my arms fell shadow'd to the Fleet,
in vocal burst I shed come back settle with I for your NATURE brights MY SKY!!

The Tale of Such grand to follow River 'Lo' the light on the bridge to a fold scroll tree,
in flight of COMPLETE Magistery,
the galloping of the WAVE air on a tongue blasting FLY,
OH!! to the branch of Balestra Crit,
to be Ore in the foot gear of sub'd on this a Feat shore of Kipe!!

I feel the SOAR of a Callant Dreed Gripe asking the Shop to stock on the Clite;
Trip Graeae in the First on Gites,
The Coze`R!!

Sun Flower Seeds

The Corporal Flounder of grass eating Hay,
goes to alfalfa the field of trade,
the cuttings in Multi to lives of a Trait,
the bale of wired a three-twine in stock.

To grab at a hook thus Spinners of flour,
mix in the Pasture the blend has a Crop,
carton to Vassal an Age with done top,
the brand of the pattern speaks Bastion Lot.

As sugar to cane and able with shock,
dance with a hoe the plow will go talk,
with maintains to the skid rows, 
water for stop,
a Canal on the slough Channels jug lock.

Carp in the Bass trout fish to bred,
fresh Stale systems that Ocean a grave,
dock with a Giraffe or Trumpet the Whale,
an elephant tusk to the Hippo on crock.

Tree stand the Magpie to pawn of a spree,
feathers to fluff or a painted-Hand lead,
the Ass of a Horse radish on Creed,
mushrooms Ark toad pedestals Jumping a Chart,
the graph of a a pulse to the temperature Flush,
a heated debt Baked rite on the Ridge.

Topple the rockfall a Landslide in Live,
shoes to a Swing the saddle is Gem,
girth with a Billet to attach to the Web,
stitched on a Thorough over-Stuffed Grind.

Deep in the tooth a horse stills the thought,
as Cattle to Bull the Cow is Bovine,
sheep in the lamb a Goat with a Ram,
what is a Tractor with Engines that Chime??

Car Parks  

Do Dogging

Swell to the glade is a Marsh on sunk Time,
the obvious station of barrels in sight,
the erosion of broth on the silt barrier leaf,
mulch in the vegetables as fruits park the same,
to mix the dig with read cycles of scene,
the growth to a sent is the barn cleaning vent.

To know aisles of rake as the sweep to concrete,
'The Look' in a chalk or the dries in on brew,
a social climb to dial the true,
creation evolves with birthing a tune,

Shouts to the scope on a submarine show,
the Kaleidoscope tube on a tunnel of shell,
fossil in touch ask expression the key,
the cuff goes to holdings that the button-Up loosed,


Horse Power

Understanding language is thought and the body is talk,
communication is driven by the spur of detail or 'A Blind' in the lie.

As the consider to voice on an acoustics note,
the sentence deliver enhances a kite,
to string with @ taught to express,
the training on rail or the line of a sprite.

Cork the burble to part the read,
in burt of the lid a crowning is fee!!

Cost central in crest a shoulder with pack shingles the list to a history kiss,
in silent record or advertly in mist,
the dew of the morn in an amplified come!!

Tread on the shower rubber boots cart to bring with a puddle an umbrella will rain,
the spoke-wire in the cambridge on this university in sea.

The worth of  'A' time to wheel a winged,
is on-can in dues to a bough of anew,
practice right in a left turning view,
the tack of the bit is a kind of rein to boo's.

Note Thatch

Map You're Self

Ask for a prompt and deliver a Mission.  The airport of life in the introduction to a Storm in the midst of the twister I believe I can write.  All on the back of the trim tights that produce the foundation of the hand flowing with the speed of light.  The Moon shine to Sun Ray states that should the Eclipse cover the disc with a sphere in the shield of a`Move than it is the grace that envelopes an Understanding to breathe.  These are the flavors of the Spice in life with a twinkle Twinkle Mind in I.  Aye forward an old done to bring the Today a ladder on the Steeps that presentation has Bay.  The  superlative of just freezing the grunt of point as the Compass of the Magma in the crisp on the bake.  Tread soundly to the Post of already read for in the instant of the free mind a Note came versing the trouble of a chime.  To gallop the sneak as Snooker to Pete, a Que stick in Pool is the Pipe smoke stool!!  A green felt cover on the slate of guard has Pockets to corner and sides in the through of the built by design to shuffle a Cue.  Balls that go Rack to the Scribe on the tack, counter the strike with the ball as a Stip.  A arm that is gliding to the hit of Exact tribes with the Game as the lottery loud.  A string fold of Squatters that Rinks to these Skates, have bladed the method to a Coat on the stake.  Differ in clause to the Tea Room of Street, should the Public not interest the brain stills the live.  by grave in decision I gallant a Frame, the portion of riding to the bus of the trait.  Release on the heel than the foot step still made, a ghost for the sand dial on the Winds of a State.  True bore discretion will cajole on the fate, as Cain is to Able the pyramid in Shape.  Change a story Time to the updated on line, the Internet Cobwares as the spiders do bind.  Scatter to the Fourth wind on the grounds of a throng the third to the North and second to long, this is the Vice of the first on the strong.

The Nine Understandings

"Structure that develops belief, leading too A Transformation of your own Consciousness!!"

1.) I am Independent
2.) I will be Principled
3.) I am Creative
4.) I will have Infra-Structure
5.) I do have the freedom to Change
6.) I am Balanced
7.) I will know the Metaphysical
8.) I shall achieve Mastery
9.) I can and will know the transformation of my own Conscious!

Providence = Spiritual = Metaphysical
- Divine -

Receive > < Accept

+ The Foreseeing care & guidance of god or Nature over the Creatures of Earth
+ A manifestation of divine care or direction

"The Act of Providing or preparing for Future use or application."

Workbook Questions

Name the most Happy moment of your life.

Name the moment that your felt was the most Sad of your life.

Name the first Belief that you have, that comes to Mind.

Name your biggest Doubt.

Name a personal Conviction.

Name one of your own Judgements.

Name do you take Pride in.

Name what causes you Shame.

Name what brings you Peace.

Name what would make you War. (bring you to)

Name in what case you would Forgive.

Name when you would Blame.

Name how you Receive. (name the first moment that you learned to receive)

Name how you can or do Accept. (name a moment that you learned to accept)

Name how you attain your Wisdom. (name a moment of greatest wisdom)

Name what you are Ignorant to. (name your most ignorant moment in your life)

Name what Love is to you. (name first moment of love)

Name what is Hate to you. (name worst moment of hate)

Spell It Out


An active hand writing alive with Mind is a genesis in guide 'to Watch' the thigh,
the lockers that Creation grid of what is set to invitation line,
the width ink understanding that likes list,
to hear the put to plates of Life!!

As rib is Cage & Organ pipe,
the Plugs on stop can Also pull out,
the gift of Voice to sing 'At Choice' lifts the bar to muscle Tell,
a Produce from Naturally Scribes,
the Earth on Air an equality stare!!

To blink or pull the Shades on corn,
a Valance with curtain the string an Arm,
slats made Temple brain of Claim,
what does nerve is bumps on long,
Aim to Tight the focus Pike is brought with grass in Wheat on cryst,
a Vein to chop the dice in Crop.

A Baron Trine the develop Kine a nursery with the borf in Crimes,
dunk consider of the drowning climb.

A home that floods from Sandbags clubbed,
allows 'The Wash' to enter fudge,
a cleaner Musk to truck a hunch,
the slop of Carriage where the Mustard danced,
a Bark erred Read.

To waltz with roust the Room of sound,
is in no difference if work is shroud,
the colloquialism of  Arent negates'(ing) the Punctuative of comma Caused,
a letter with a graphic Law,
the claws of least to the Steat of sure`d,
a bounders lip with Lisp of grate!!

These grills that fort Fronts to are Pull,
grab the crunch in Vice-Grips Brunch,
the Vealings in a Stock-holds Ton`ch,
beaming Vaad able to Shet at lunch,
the platters of the preevade too Scortch ask grunt.

Labour Training Arts at Hanging apply the Picture with in Scene,
a Painter with brushes sculpt,
the granite Soap or stone of pulp,
treasure factory a Trident gum Investigate to know the Strung,
a Face with real will laugh with eyes,
the same I.D. makes dialate ' shun cling to 'A Sera' stung,
the truth of tongue sweep to have been taught,
by my Grandmother that a dustpan can also double nothing but a shovel,
but paper is Able.

The 'E' Classicals


A mention yesterdays bone on the Post my Cat holds phone to a Tongue of speech,
the phonetic this Minute bounce as Mouse said with loud in Sound "How are You." 
I jumped up Too, for in An (in) stanza I reply I am fine the Wake is wry,
for a trip to Store brought so much more to this score of waited Core,
a Crow to left the second Fly!!

There are stood at Convenience Corner the date of Nine Sixteen in Hood,
looked straight behind the Moon in shine the hour of the early dime,
a perfect Half the shade of black and split like Yin with Yang on the line of no 'S' squiggle just line'd on Middle,
from stern to bough a Up & Down directly showing the Equal ken.

The One Crow flew as Three joined sight on the Tree of Pine in enfaced,
in sudden shock the First ones flight direction too the aim was to my Center Head,
low this Crow the wings in show a dot i Move to Thought of high,
a touch comb with a Memory tone.
the counted five @birds in pry,
a Comment state Mint on the dream that woke me in a weird.

Just less that Twenty-spin,
the Clock now marks a Time of send,
yet Words did sit with heavily,
hence the hold on dockers Chin,
a think on worth gave show to Rate,
considering what Mail quire`d.

The Night dreamt caused my said in pause as the Spoken spend of strange to have,
in this Dream I've never had,
so Sentence weird found in the Mere, A Jedi.

First such word spoken heard,
a "Collaborator" in the verb,
to sit in responsive lid 'ANU' I shouted the sleep I broke awake,
all with Talk that held my wow;
and certainly attention.

Ask timing lane the release of pane,
windows clearly sills of brain,
taking life by the Horns to trumpet in the Cost of corn,
a feet to loaded remembered Tell as the Moon is on the spell,
in the shed on now it's red with the Hue of copper lead,
yet on it's lean of side to rite showing how the change is light,
cast a Art with sky of start the simple Message Raven Chart,
before the form at grabbed the shark with audience at row of gar!!

A Shee