Thursday, September 18, 2014

Cauliflower Kine

Butter and breath the oils of shorn,
a delight in the basket of growers on Yarn,
the silk in the stock or the veal of cow,
a liver in orca`n math at out of shed.

Tongue yolk to the egg,
shall Wind than just pose,
a little form dust cake too flour in red,
a pot for the pickle,
cucumber fret,
barn in the corn stalk,
canter crumb lead. 

Trot invite speak tray,
gather trunk lite,
lit in the Wax Grub,
worms torn uptight,
short crowd to circus,
the parasol romp,
wire wic`ed cage with a lock for a Hinge!!

Clyde one to oak deed,
an other at term,
third it's a Time spin,
the wheel at sarge,
march season tune month to a thirty-day bunch,
stamp dull a Banana and penguin to Hunch.

Shoulder the shin blade while angle divide,
sub tract inklings far cry to an evening lunch,
settle the calm,
read place of the Twist,
tree of the Cork table a vision of glide!!

Poke out an Island,
graph to each grim,
a told tops the flounder,
ask frontier,
Cattle on heard hooves to the Wheat,
a Stampede on Main Ton a brisket in loved.

Story's are pad Where,
the tooth in a gum,
jaw done a bite loud acoustics beam deer,
the latter in mustard a ketchup in beet,
to plant in the fur staff the biscuit is Cubbed!!

Litter in bin can recycle to glue,
stick with the burn sat a system to groove,
the album of records push Vinyl count clue,
public a Pinion shelled bulletin Shew.

Lace with a dee Tail,
the horse or a Mule,
paint with the bow Shale`d the donkey has beer`d,
switch to the Cricket,
base Ball a grain,
bounce with a Ticket,
the stub passes fear.

Lighten to grasp out to sink of the loose,
a document told Tells to drop like a rock,
convene in the sheet Moose,
a chair Comb to sub., 
enter the junction that Y's on a bone,
tossed in on thy Phone.

The number is curtail,
a digit to Tug,
spinners on Weaving the thread with a jeer,
facial expression showing the Ayes,
dilate Solution to contacts in scribe.

A journal to Typewriter,
the Computer a-Lap,
rounds on the Slicer a butcher with Ground,
meet-up in Midst-jug the Jar is a Head,
the race of a Lip pale buckets than dub!!!

A Double-Cheek Full-Twisted Snaffle

Death is a Treble note left in Vstol,
a vibratory counter of a carter,
the shackles release Optics to energy,
a bring Arthr to spring-well the product of body still.

In Ore the granite cell is At-core a place meant to measure,
the discussion of Pebble to 'The Roll' on a discal contention,
stubble to chin the strap.

A list in convex-hull the period tongue,
andr awe specs. to cream sugar,
liquids pour to meld shape molds,
a quickening in the recorder.

An Accordion breathing both pump&button key,
used Anvil to fabric yarn in the Canvass of station Identifications,
armor technology in logistical brine.

To taste the rock of stand talk,
to believe directive without shock,
an electric bork in the Magma conditional craft,
thus Tune Chalk.

Flour glass in chill to thick-Ice,
the dough of Seed-Sour in City of San Francisco,
the boudin of Clam,
a chowder bowl of complete whole,
to absolute no waste unless 'The Consumer' fulls.

Due travel on box cars with saw & Chain,
the hold is lever at squeeze for secure shipping on the Rail Trades,
seasick on land lawn are freighters with Containers on birth`d,
the Shipping Lanes in Chart writers expel to day walkers,
know Ground!!

Math Sextant Grammatically Left

The True sharp of a base note in the sheet music of Ormer,
a sifting of Scale,
the action account with the Full Stop plebe,
is Art at sound in Truffle,
a Trunnion.

A Tail of Bow Nail in overgrowth liken,
rod bangers & Mash to the Chicken Wings Coursed,
on per Trail the Wagon Wheel,
in contour the Fire claims a deed,
the trundle.

The camp in a Klieg light makes Nice,
front real with as Knot,
a buckle in Harbor of the sketch,
changing group Conch for nothing,
as in original the leal Clowns gorget.

A dusk came with lane to the buzz be watch,
in this ensemble of lay the dawn perched with unequivocal Na Tick,
the Frill.

Instrument use to a Gnomon ask,
the compass patch a Sherry cord,
the bowstringer with 'The Gneiss & There' bye dory!! 


Bang the mash to carrot rash a dish on Tick with a potato Primary in the route on the field;
ground with fertilizer the brawn of Muscle,
a shell Oyster in grit detail`d of the meat adds to a Tale,
on broth of taste the salt!!

A plow of platter,
the disc. in mold Ask the wheel of Clay material,
than a damp drawn bucket Hold,
thus a Crock before the barrel,
with the muster of agree to the pedal of raw base,
this post in a egg shall prose to a riddle,
a Viable explain to A World gone rain.

Dial a log then ask a crop to know the Petrified Forrest for a limb,
the Grove of Redwood to the fire on grain,
a shoot-Off is the graph of same in the Orchard of curl.

To have had a Working-Hand gone thrush to frog,
the Hoof of green in toxicity will pick-N-chose for lane,
thus making Write the ride from in an Arena of worth & And not tisk-tisk deal.

To Saddle ride-mount before the Hoofpick used,
the impact of additional place to the Hardcase footing will chance know Shoeing,
it is the Clip of Clop on a Catcher Climb,
that pushes the Minus-bind that pebbles the Thorn.

Be it and Girth to sake pad,
a well-advised state,
to Cornflake the Cereal in this grainrooms Can shield,
a lock to Combo that Knows Knot the scramble,
will there by short-A-work for lou of beal,
the Manure of Muckbuckets with a pitchfork plan,
to familiar bed in stand with goods not the Liable of take-Away for lest!!

News Real Set

Spinners are Also dolphins As my Mother had an Actual,
in Organ the sweet sounds of Pipes verses the handle gone Pump,
by a classic War in Tatoo'd,
the Wristwatch band to cover the House of Clangor on the Arm.

Elbow in the Aye-Wrest,
pressure Crumbs the bone to Briny Fife,
a Fiddler on the Roof,
whilst Chimney flukes Smoke trade for useful to Dampers,
thus the Park surplus of lifted pile to chop,
the Ax trait in/for maul,
a fin-de-Siecle to the Crossword ink`Can puzzle black-Outs with Wert,
up Tared winced in block sleeve,
with cube'ore'd crease (Ad) at Vantage in Popcorn dial for Time on the Knows,
a dot i State with Oaks in grown Kee carn,
an Emergency Broadcast system with a Live Wire'd origin,
dorse sill (Call) calcined by Letter tun stet,
the grid-graph da Storm born to sight EE ores: 
on glanced.



Dolly craw the quip context a brith to circumspectial wit in a part designation of Prolate,
too the negate of on a Treas in the Cake,
the layer orn to Hydro Form of the Pan to whistle a hum titch Oracle (Too) two bough Nee,
the click of Cockney by accident Sheol Mach grees.

A screw-Nail in the bolt mores of Chough Ka, 
the shiny on define to a portest on coinage to date,
the ball bounce on the Net,
a silver with alloy plate in Anchor define as Ancient line Adagial,
the Chork made rubber for band torsion in the inevitable gum Breela Serenity real Case.

AKA went Vie sling artim the dart Arm crayon artis,
a color the aye-on in-Sake;
Tron to Mo*base* a Starch carry (Carn) parsed in Muffle,
the Exhaust to the Mohur adjunct in ker pumpkin,
a percolator in Filter,
now REA Moved.


Marble Earth

The real form of conduct shone,
ask Nature nothing the fountain born in Code of tap a free flow watch,
the time a place at Mapping day,
the string of Strength in a breeze arrives with sight so originally,
this the play of each a tray,
the grands at knowing the confirm,
to thought in silence of the stream,
an Idea of lake to Mind of Sea,
the waves of lace to Orbital face.

Believe that in those breathing lots,
the body of Earth speaks at taught,
a need or Want to push no Crop,
growth delivers on appropriate Watch.

The rhythm of a keep at shock the Crickets whom address a talk,
thus the music in legs on spot,
a wind with Corn to proper trot at Posting lay and opening to sit or move the gate to New.

Life in spoken of such Scenes,
in the after before the leave,
decisions that concrete a See,
Once was there & than a beam of something in remove.

Like flags an Attention to a side,
the cap of emblem on a Phone,
X, Y, Z or 1, 2, Three what adds to Composition ream,
to roll the idea of load in the aspect of going fro,
to back in shed the work at Stow,
the ample in the ables grow.

Building decides One per say,
a ventured Quest to blue door clay,
mold this Sync with living blink,
a 3rd eye in the ray shining to the Shade,
in thus a simple note to comb,
what becomes has been a bone bleached by Sun to Master Run,
a type sort with a drive to Home.

Breaking cycle of round the gout,
a snapping on the listed shout,
with a journey to bright my Core,
what I saw soar`d a for,
the beauty world at a dot spin,
the look from whence I'll go again.