Monday, September 22, 2014


Society can cry till the Cows come home and in the status of that friend of tear the discovery,
the extinction of friendship in trait as the companion farms the World toll to a spread of jolt,
one could request of Self to produce Wares in the challenge of spelt as the life of manage the belt,
in the vocal release the meat of the least would consider that the trust is the complete of the whole,
in a match set game of no body in forth the carriage of grain is the Coil of the smelt in fish chilled.

A tank aboard a craft of body that the planet must bare all while the Human person is in separate,
from the freezing at peel to the burning of plenty the Civil of a toast to the channel of a Thumb,
free Marks to whippings shown on the lace the Scar of the smile in an upside down reef faced,
anchor Ocean of years to standing with fear in this Life of the auction to the acceptable read Vale.

Much of the path that is broken down rubble in the Millions of descenders that shocked in a leaf,
a graph to the Universe in the month of the sty a burst of abundance to the deal making fry,
shaking with the handle to a Tusk on the snout the place for a blister is the sink inside a fence,
trappings of the Snare that Humanity sets to fare as the if's and the but's to all the other ducks.

A fist full of flockers to the sample of a Sale taken out Crop to the breath of whom is notch,
the belt with a loop in a fast and often shoot the beginnings of the grace where I believe life can end,
as these tunnels to the passing of greater people known the Watch to all the sitters in this death cone,
orange to the Pilings ropes with the fail circles on the barter to pick the coarser phone.

To skill the talent heal in a purse full of lorn the perfect in the after is the before the dog of door,
breakers in the factor just stamp this bed of deposit to system in the Cat with the clawing scratch,
bolt a Corn.

I cry out all the listing in a placed that is made to Soar.

Dak Logic Köln

The stage of Jam with guitar the strings are humming whilst at real with the pick on fire span,
the wealth of the harp sea chord at thus cat of gut ream seed the pedal of the Organ plush a ski,
on the flute of tambourine the drummer with the stitch to scream a beat with rye in wrist Tea,
a lunch upon the Piano key with Ivory chose that teeth of shale in the bench of lifting Mail a Sneeze,
bound by not the music bar the scale of a bright in start the arch on Foot to blister lar a freezer par.

Streaming words in lines of lane with the gala off the fae the call eon steel drawn a spiel fazed,
eat the letter in the bunch as the batter of the punch on the earth of grounds like Run to the nearer,
in the bank of the lest on the Thus of Cry in crunch the paper on anut in sat the tremble of a keel,
on a sail in the blow as the Winds are speaking grow the Raven offer shoulder Lo to talk at Fact,
in the quick of social knox the peat has brought the Tombs of rare to a spacial on aware the bearer.

On the classic other car in A natural order pear the apricot to beets of Lot a double look at big in Sot,
the bristle of the salt in stance a shade to origin in rote chance a bessie chained with link of clay,
the hooves oust the frog of lout a hoof-pick with the brush for sound a stone bruise on the Nail,
metal once was Human lust in the dark of all the clutch to perch the Cod outer rut a barrel in a pickle,
the jug to drank the cusp or wrench a screw to bolt the Hammer shroud a worm in all the Whirled.

Now the gray got gallop lay with the branch of text in Niche a Curio detail all within the Faille,
a clothe on wheel the milky chiel a brain with soak to silken myel than grains turn to wrought,
the mixture of the bracelet grasp to the tighter grip of hatch a limb to tumbler on the Type qued,
burning lumber with theme coal on the skew of latter lug a thump in bunny on the hair in Follicle.

Brawny in the color hue of course the leap is in the few from base to Rock of adjustment new teal,
thrust ted out to Isa mount the Ham to eggs in scrabble bout a tooth of Eye in anchor shout a seal,
barns that staff of locale lair in the Dungeon of the stare life reads at the Creole,
with eon speak of crust at Moat the digs on burst in latter Nos. the fetch about aid Node a Gill.

Filter on to blender Mach the machine at rather block the compass on the Timers Clock as Hands have grubbed the cost of Silk in the Thread of sale.


The last clutch to Purse in hand at the gear of Understand the difference in the Tunnel jam,
these tongues of III in IVth and Five to talk of phone in dial lye a bit with reins of buckled,
the leather on the braid at task in the test of snaffle last to the Curb of flat chain in comforts Tale,
trees are in these empty Nests that Vineyard fore the Table bless but forgot to Pray for chest,
the fingers that are laced in guest to the Circumvent on the Chimney real Vest,
this is the smoke of the Iron on tusk`d dovetail bureau that is in the With of tail on the rake of sweep.

Brush form Rock to the ear in the peace of Out to breathe in the the Lung of double breasted shrunk,
on the Wears of longs in pants to the Shirts of Coats on Arms the touch for Nots a Kail,
trunked in garbage as the refuge to Had red Cycle on the bi`wheel of the Clearings crock ere Reest,
in deathly halo of the Choke the damper of the Handle Vote to shooting let the Nails bloat,
teak on letter Birch to Oak the bark of deck to set that Coat a cloaking Room of Scale`d.

Bahut in History of the Time in Ages that had Crows as Mail for the beacon of the list,
in the tube of the leg that thigh of Carry on a trail packed with breast of Lamb a snail,
taught to broth a Soup of pail the bend in arbor of the Wreath now the barb is Wire fail Net,
armed with slug to put the Thug in the bolster of the chug these drinks have Caused a Hat,
atop the throw of Bône glow a church with sturgeon on the lurch bunkering with the dead at sump.

III Peon

The Call Ezra`n

All that comes with these words is the work to Express the Train whit,
Humanity hitch the boxcar tick,
lines of burning fields of loaded trucks the brains in toast a cheer in frost like Aesops' rope,
the clash of Titans on Spartans Cliff the boots of shoes that Prism list,
in the the shining oft resist a tend to theme in this I dish.

Thank spoon of ladle to a Visct on the Scene of Mountain click a temple in the Cell at nip the text,
with each the @ of every lore in the print on each a snore not to put the anchor forth a drinking,
in the Cup of Han to finch a Humming of the Ear of Mist the dew did come and Valley Run the able,
in the arm of the Pit a tank of @tar the dinosaur the fossil cream with the Acid of a stream,
at Sky of Storm the twister fits showers Rain like Country sit Apple dappled with the rot punch.

Fans of Wind the blowing glitz do you tell the urn of Writ as the bounce of On this grub Ark bugged,
in the Wood of Worm in Ate the family of the Crustacean shake on the Look form a grip Hull tell,
as the pen goes writing ship does the building lean with Tit are the nursed over get to know a let,
answer on the question lipped fast and death is soak of stip. wrote on scroll the wrap is grit a sand in,
upon the Wrist there isa set of the Band at is chip the Watch from all to a Kit like the bandit Marsh`d.

No one Elk the tree of rub listen to the Tube of gum in the echo hear a drum branch the stick,
on the swing in low a dial for the burst is in the honey equaling the bitter lick popping just a spit,
bubble stew ache of bit does the texting lurk for Rip yes on too a brass in skit the Cloud on undeny,
the porch of Vulture in Eclipse spoke of Shade at the Sit is thus gain on dance to tame or lester,
know that PostCards have a Note with each sing their is a joke on the birth of you in bloat.

So shank the temper no the debt as the People want a wreck at the house of lived in pain toe,
riddle with these Works of Rote as the power of the Joke in that deck there is An ace in deal,
twenty-one the measure ounce in the gallon of the spice trouble not for Human loss is not aye,
as  the paper is a trail on the Fax of anchor Mail subline in the thread of Paint a Horses lane,
for as the climb to step in lather is the sweat of not your hour be the free to shall the breeze of thee.

Great full are the Ancients Shield to the Armor of so real in trust lake the Ocean larums A,
seaside beach to Choral reef the Possum or the beseech truth will balance all to Teach. 

Know Compassion

I don't believe in Souls anymore,
in the bedlam of humanity if it Cannot be proven,
it thereby does not exist,
the electricity ask Energy.

The eclectic Speech in the deadly reach,
it is What & Ware the Ant stir lade,
'0' on-top the note of Allin wrote,
the baster once had a hunch,
the Cold of crayon at Cray Ole tale!!

Ink the start to Marble Yarn,
the spool-of-body in Mind Ore toll,
an explode in blast of told,
the never sure of At a Bone!!

Flesh and Blood to Wire lines,
the Math tell Nail in Hammer rush,
aren't the actual from react,
it is the pen with Paper sack,
the air-Side snap to logic laugh,
a Pea-In-Tree is not Maple pause`d.

Limbers tim with Canoe,
the Carve a float to sit the grow,
in a nut of Pine neath purse,
a rake to pick the hand of Must,
a Norm to fact in this track,
for what has flow if Loth hast sow,
with the Purchase by sum,
pour on the Pitcher or renal Thumb.

The print is braid of Angor (s)Tongue,
to speech the place that Fell with plum,
a grape to Apple vine Yards strung,
to vizerate chaeta!!

Music Please`d

Doe a Dear a female dear, 
ray a drop of golden sum, 
ME a Name I Call my Self,
far a long long way to RUN.

Sew A Needle pulling Thread,
la A Note to Follow so,
Tea a drink of Jam & Bred,
that will bring us back to,
a three Year production line in the Real Time of Absolute Write!!

Let's begin at the Start,
an excellent Place to Begin,
in the 2008 of a day & a Date,
the rack of a good gave placed on Spectacular Spectacular in the Count of Whopper,
the Title is a Stick.

For the first Six Notes just Happen To Bee,
just like the Alphabet One Two Three,
all in reality of the Post,
as gamblers are the Set to a tugged brine Net,
the weight is called with the Saddle Bags stall!!

Made for Tomorrow Ask I know,
that it goes in a Leapin' lizards skip a Year`d so,
similar it Read backed.

At the Time of a A~B~C at the Count of Four hundred Seventy-Three,
lets See the path to Hi ball Deed!!

Now that the sonnet is Singing a Sea,
the asset remembers the Dough ray fee,
all for the Sake of Pic' brake!!


Some times of Sun @ Tea and coffee Force of real,
the dolphin in the Cloud with Ram of sheep in Stag.

The Peek-a-Boo of life ask hand ink the treasure feel,
to touch the stone of man in fleecing on the steal.

In bold of sound the thunder rounds with lightning on 'it's' heel,
the second count to Mileage loud,
a Circus of A Beal.

On birth`d in lives a glory found,
the Etch to draw the Words outloud,
On a phrase to Sentence lay,
the stanza or the Para gave.

True trip to journey on the dale,
a length to shank,
an Orca spake in silent Seal braking,
the thirst of least to gallant tree,
the brook that speaks of Naturally,
that Crees are Rivers leap.

Flowing with the Ark on earth,
the play of opera in ballad math,
a Pearl on tusk,
elephant oh you're start You flew the solar Ciel,
in gast of pleasure of such breadth,
I trust the ivory best,
as Hippo is a plant of dust,
in Crocodile Teal.

Banks of dune to Sands the spice in Red the orange a Tang,
fore-Sound to drum the staff of Song with Trumpets on the kneel.

Crisp are clays that Crust to form,
a crunch upon the landing done,
a port of fire rails,
with flame in sky and System by aye know the last has Triol.

Band to rubber bouncing baal,
a Pleat in hemming skirts to Sheol,
the Sheth of Nor to rain in Mugged,
the head of dusk in Veal.

Court ore lance a dance in Gee do you know the limb,
ole Yes dear child it's the found atop the Sardar`d Neil.


Within this Life of Trident High I only see the Rail of the past in Fable,
upon the introductive lawn the most at Aspect touching,
the steep of Mountain in the Air of breathing all the luster,
a river on the banks of lair in balance are the Musters.

Boat to ship an Oaring lane thou has Cast of Trade Terne,
the platter of the bowling class that Asks of all the late burr`d,
in the Tree of Ever last the Arctic of a Snow,
the falling rain to upside Lo a Tank in tracks of grow!!

To still the lives of sewn of more to keep the Pew at vote,
the Crow in the Magus Grove did moth a time of stone,
in the Marsh of bog a like to Raven in the bow,
a tabouleh dusk Frame of coast to Bean.

In a part to Circle start the Line in Affinity,
the calculation on Bathe to water in the listing,
a fall or Cave the Rolls of laid in Scroll or on the brain,
legs that Carriage of the wheel to fourth a Cart of real.

The staff of Yoke in harness spoke the tongue in the grip,
a Rein with bit to hand of lip the Whip of Art in league,
depth to Sea the Creek in key a pour at countered Veal,
the Cow broke pine in Wallow.

Tied to base in Structure Cased a thorough birth to gifting,
the present can in garbage land a World fold of steal,
a Nail in the shakes Peer rate to post of Lake on Isle,
a Pawn or rook to Chest ba Erst the clam in shore on blanch.

A Corker In The Mail

Time Tale Foll`d

Too the Fields of the plough ask Alfalfa of the curb in the Many cuttings a learn.

The first so strength the bovine in rinse upon the chew digestion of the fourth in loose,
the sample on the Twine in Wire Bale Tooth a scale while the courters play Tennis on the dale,
the Net in enter ankle quest of the grew`d a toilet arm for flushing the bowl of all in pine`d,
a bale for the oyster the Clam in the strand a grit of sand in Pebble the rocker in a stamp,
label on the print stir in broth of Crown of head a tarp ornate to Monkey in Orange`ing of the peal.

Charge for all the platters in the Pottery from in the Instant Message a brew for All to key,
in the cage of body the energy a fee with blood in Vain of drinking the circulation lead,
muscle on the Cost of fish in Cod on brought to have Cross with disc. in Compact the bloody Bach,
a Waltz to Einstein learner in Tesla on the banded a Room for in the Canter the hands of Oster San.

To Clippers in the sail of the Ocean on a Flat to balance on the Compass of North by Norse did sat,
the throw of bones to Pope for change a Name that means a back the lease upon the deathly rasp,
in Wrench to future kernel in Past of whom has that in Which will the Bearer be Title of a Clap.

The ton in Grave of tomb burn a Burial of lathe to dig on the Curvature in sphere of life on task,
shovel with the Hoe down to Cain the Able fact a story for the giving in learned of the laugh,
an assailant is Nos Hero or is the Comb of Craft in twice upon the Up rites a cup for all the bats,
a Club to stoop the pod in deck of growing Shroud a Crowd or E O`d to count the gate of joe.

Mug a grope of Mouth in place a grain or shallow Tea of lace the hour of the 4 in trace to Time,
in swinging shield clothed to know the Mind of Sweater for the Cold a chilling Verse in A bold,
tink on the Fairy throne to Scepter for the Crease in ripplings on the Lake of lo to Aunk`on lot,
in each theirs is an Every course to seat the Meal tale borscht as Rapture had a Pie.

The rabbit in the Yellow mixture of the bowl in Crust with shopping at the Grocery in told,
a carp of living with the Whole a sport in Aspect of the shoal to understand that Comprehend Is.

An Icing    

Chap Turned Twenty Sick Sheep Nineteen Out of 20tee Five

In real life of worth taken by a World full of mold,
in depth to the lank of hind quarters,
in the measure of the Altered bore, 
barrel oft pickle in the substance strand,
as the starch to bleach in the bones of Man.  

A branch of bough to the blowing Winds,
in North by raft in the ceiling of louse,
likens itself to a death without.  

In the marker of Chisel,
the Owl of Mart in a tape,
by type the Tusk of a Tick in the blood sucking lunch.  

Caste upon or on Atop the Mountain of leal has joint,
the peel to a lumber in the word of no velvet crunch.  

Ask the candied lat as a Shingle to the Bark,
upon the understanding of a Birch to the forest of larry, 
thus Creation blanc,
in Wine as the pole,
in Blast to the evolution of lane. 

Breach the rail as the built,
in a snail,
to the Sands of Time hour on glass shattering line.  

In the value of a Blank, the shrill,
of a 'cause`d on the Add version grouse to the Pigeon on a lay.  

These simple place Mat,
to an Anchor of shale,
inking the slip of say to a gallant in scale.  

Note in and Are,
the broth tar prices of the Tag on @ text for in example of the Lar.  

Tooth Robe in the Cloak,
of the Solar room Shark,
with teeth of many Rows,
as the Pews in a chode.  

To counter belly Climb,
with a ladder not a fine,
the structure of the Pants,
to the tongue of a lance`d. 

In the Arbor of the Forge,
a nail purr to sword,
the jewel in the list as the handle of a twist,
on the trunk of a Fail in the pottery on kale.  

To ear the Corn with exact,
in Same form a languish with the plaster,
to the Mortar of the bay`d.  

In singer of the Jail,
the body of the trail,
a lights to many Core,
in the points of a door.  

Thus as the aisle of the Walker,
in a style to the Pasture,
of the ground in the sky night,
on a Cry.  

Corpus Christie`d  Lied

Bonk Cree

  'The Sky' in a Pin-Out aye thank Sake deep sign to Caser by design,
thus the Pinion toot to evolve Nest Plat-Tow to eve state via drank,
the lipid learns that exhaled swallow as halo beltch,
the hiccup tend will leaves to Winter~Fall Autumn lathe,
the means begets 'The Means' in lest.

Anew the lake to speakable in Math a mastic Cork,
the Malleable chew of gum teak too the sap of Maple,
a clean syrup minus the equal of long Joe Mugged.

Spring to living lock a bramble vein must Stint the Organ of Pipe-Organ flute Plug,
for 'The World' act Cept of Pan to plot has in Vast turned the Glacier galatical Binary.

In analog the digit finger with Print Taste has and does,
crate the bark to land,
map grid with Cycle Tore`d,
the sheet caste at crumb board,
the bowl in mixture timbals vibration,
thus rack ton.

Done in order lather repetitious Ring True Note to letter lay Hey slash dot Nine,
the 11th last.

Trig Nail

Letter Method

As silken thread attach all spine task,
a kundalini by-staff adopt,
in tap the Foundation,
in action the lilt,
in sleep a barrel.

The breath design in shallow plié of earth on foot touch ground,
artem in must lead wing to the dee-pull sleeve,
in care & Full reais than needle to a has,
on level of beal the slip-in and removal.

Tooth gear mechanic in state, 
a View to the being of total Archean,
the Tuskers on a Sural Trine upright with Pine,
to rails carriage with Joint disconnect at lathe,
the Time @ Take!!

With the accuracy of dance Precision,
a treat Rhythm Ballet on real toe,
a muse in Ore-a-Call at Acetate to reed,
the re~Cord now a system Sheep asgd,
arent swell; the laborious-ence.

Not to ever in line trace an heir with latch,
the active life wills time in spent to a horse in prime condition shape,
backwards through a key-whole type.

The additional of much work,
on step with sweat,
a Anele tride with glue to evase the Too.

To think on embyro,
the last 'S' spatulated'd tune in fornent,
a back to stilt,
the lather Weald in hazel Chald charts Speak`king.