Saturday, October 11, 2014


Tinker had a Man that worked a Gypsy ride,
in the misty mornings Coffee was not his drive,
but he served Tea with biscuit Me & that was Fun & Cool,
the riding was the Treat and stop that made the Caravan prot.

For on the Mach of Tinkers lot the bust was in the Nail,
atop the Rider found a crop the verse to tale rail,
the least of Most was Cart rides boast to bar Keep on the Trail,
a sort of stupor that said Vale with Trigger on the keep a bail.

A harness was the greatest sport to Hooves that sped the ever Crupe,
a leather band with vast in land the Part of learning Lead,
as every story has a Snail it is the sheep on Flock,
for theirs was in the field caught all by Hoof & clot.

A wig to Wool the ewe did Full for often lambs prevailed,
the meat so Sweet the Mutton stuck with stick the smelly pail,
the ram is for the useful chore of making more the goat,
as billie had the snake of grab a slicker came to Stay.

There amongst the town of Say was in the Princeton state,
Half Moon Bay by name and place was teaching key to Rake,
clean the mail on assail for Marriage is the bleating Game,
convenience for the subject Chores to milking Cow of gale.

The storm went too the landscape true India the crane,
for as the story comes to View the English do have pale,
a gap year for the preview life is in the met of rare device,
yet on the Mouth of from the bath a College with a price.

High expenses paid for language with an Accent vibe,
but in the story of the tribe the Pernickety spoke a clever hide,
for as the Class in system rash is based on litter dye,
in such the said the Wicked bred did grip the funny gybe,
a kind of way to say the day in farming Cockney side,
these are the real stories of the life I've lived too love,
for in the effort of being better it's all about the Lives.

The Ponytail Pyx

Cock The Folder

In every other every the list too know the Cover is the lid of crown,
brigs that jail Minds of lot to Job the ever in a crock have not regarded Nail,
for as the hammer is of main the handle is it's lever,
on the elbow of return the shoulder beacons Measure.

Coal of litten inks the Fire with ignitions Said earn,
planet life to earth a bite the Crocodile had a type,
with the Hippo on the shore Mornings came to know a door,
the Hear of Kit and Able.

Credit to the ear of Who is wise enough to Cable,
the copper line in ground of chime has now gone to the table,
salt talk pepper sit the spice as jalapeno pickle twice,
adenine the in gree dee nth of graduate school Fable.

From see to shining on the dug for Tombs are not in Need,
the broth of Soup in served with loop has bin with garbage seed,
even Crow the vulture dough has tasked the dump to cheep,
growing birds that ring add Verbs to prophetic being Bean.

Soil on the fertile Noil is cancer to the flea,
hop a bunny with a Hare that toads are doing frog despair.

Water is the drowning pools that Casting practice stair,
for riding Freckles at the Park the golden Gates did chair,
spinning Reels that line of look it's all about the Classic,
trigger bell with chase of tell than falling drums the basic.

Buffalo in Pen of grow had Cyclone on the Fence,
an addition to the thump was a Hot Wire adding trunk.

Touch the Hotter with a Feat the step is bounce feed Complete,
take the Scepter for a swing the fountain will shower with Every thing,
flowing hoses on the treat with a Washrack for the beat,
quick release to Tie the skeet makes shooting on the Rangers leap.

Cruise Ships often get that seat at the request of a meet,
Captain asking more the ration of the spoken Convo broken,
communication Morse had on the telephone of the grab,
back the Up with reason duck than Mallard gave the goose abrupt.

The Bal Lot 

Pea Knuckle

Peter piper had a Pan in the dream of I heard a buzz on the Ring of ole saline the Eye be ran to tuners,
because of Shake the earth did lake across The Pond of New on log with bummer all the Sting,
the bee said bra the send spoke Got & at the Clock the hands did sing of old the Glory of the Thing.

Fore the Most of further Toast the bread did soak the long ask Older Tong if taus read strong a king,
cards came on the Deck of gave in the Joker of the cage from keys to Loss the ever Trot of bedlams,
tent a Rose the thorn of Grows the father on the Predisposed just Jammed with breast & Honey.

Traits be Ran door come sham as the Letter noted bam the brig Jail on the Outer fan,
blowing hardly a twister lands in the guts of grand,
fork the set to Napkin kept for the butter lead the Tram.

Grease on oil ink for brain in thrush of the Whistle line,
score kilt Speak with Echter tuk a drive be whence of Sand.

Hour shatter to the Matter that the shards are ester fire with the Match between,
in the sandwich of Salami pickle mayonnaise with the bottle of an Alco on the throttle,
as the carriage is to storage carry All to know the Forage.

Feeding oats with symptom soaks cold are jugs that stiff the grubs,
for in the seat of all complete the tunnel is the lever least,
on that gear of Shade to shift look to Moon and walk like sun,
down Up down the feather sound cork Acoustics round by Round.

World nose on the lyre of the Weed in earnest Ire,
pork the belly with chips of snail about the Tease of being salon,
fidget gnarls to the Star earl Trump the Taro carve a pong,
with the paddle at the Ore creation be the ever floor,
send to I an Evoo`loo pour the Pitcher to trunk mold,
with the bacon on the Rib take the Tosser to the Rag,
sphinx the sync rim of Rink part the clouds to Treble Crowds,
with the Barker on the cry shiver Crier to talent Y,
at the cross of Roads on Hi mark the Miss to stop the die,
with Arms in Hugs and Hands on leaps make The Force be in the Keeps.

Stay with human body Form put the Bahut in the Storm,
mix the Gallon wick the plight to dose the Information Right,
left of turn to stand in light crate the Vision with Sum Sight,
narrow pains to equal Rite with the balance SAVE A LIFE!!


I woke this A.M. to crew the tethering to a wrote the day yester say,
in the mid of the ex'ray a broad came in with the Sun on clue,
for austere was a photo-lap on the Venue to a strap,
in brae Say language the burr of Fright enhanced the Trade to straight up right,
a signified.

To tally the Ho of a Hunt on the feed at the fay of grander in lay,
I simplify the strike of pen at the key of Board in tend,
striding as to ride the Horse saddled and gone to Port,
arena is the blank on page each word does just sentence bong,
a state that Signs the context too is the picture Title plu,
that with grant of Picture brain the compliment I give to came.

Loving Art as muscle same it speaks with Words inside the Frame,
the nail in the glue to Trim 'The' title that is best in Fit,
sort the procession to One 2 three in Equation it All adds site.

Congress of the Numbers side to fulfill the Move as sail,
built from scratching words to sat with the Pencil on the fact,
erase is not part of the Cause as I believe the worth is Raise.

Once the Post goes to the day I read it live to sure read Twice,
in miss of spelling or words used dice I look up the truth to shape the price,
in thus found the define is more than often held with grind,
for in the weird of latter lace the tie begets the shirt today,
for in the find of strain Eye glass the Performer had a past,
the turning Teal of odd it Aye blessed be the Gosh was stare!!

For more orphean ink Product case for the note is in the grace,
like spilling news with Beans of gazed through the wisdom of the shade,
to blink while in the deed of spake the Mind does sooth the ballet too,
toed all up to wrap around with the Shoe of pink ba loo.



Ask the stream to sing a Verb in the Noun of found per day a violin with Rosin bow,
so rod the whip with glycerin strip the birth of done in dream on tip to photo snap the pave,
as concrete are the terms of Wood in forest of the grove to Rare a grove in Tall said stare,
quest upon the Ages shall bring the Orchard like a dove in that black and mellow voice of Owl.

A sign that Hoots to big in Theme for guidance is a chalker line in Outline in the key,
body Our have caution flares to signal Stile with feeding care in the Pastern fare,
the gate does read a Remain in keep for the Gate of open hinge is W-2 in 40 been,
grease the squeak with Oil reap the World has an Opportune to leap a Romeo to Jewel.

Know shift include did say the stood was in the fact of stealing lights to burn the life itself,
claim a vein in the lane write a river with the came each proverb is a listing claim,
to dusk of Eve envelope Creed before the adam Apple pea a pod that held to Vice,
do not bite that sauce of Teet for feral Children have a wrap in the swell of bloats that spun.

Rumpelstiltskin bounced a that announcing how to open rape and take the quit in doom
ink the thread with Platinum Head a record on the Vinyl say with scratching all the Hood,
the jacket Cover speaks with Jade to old the News a ringing put excitement with a Kite,
perfect the string of Fiddle bridge the wire Strings are formal case to bulk at black to put.

With knowledge at the back of School a strangulation by the way is introduced with Clay,
dough the kneed with rolling play a long bred came to be in Day an invitation jigged,
dance to Hope the Blunt said Soap with the cane add a brain and in the Mind I looked,
drop that dime to total Present the expense is Tunnel spoon to an echo lesson.

To make a Wish is really bone that Turkey on the Nose,
cross over to know gallop loop than what will come is not May,
sting that with a Song in list sewn old to drive the mist,
wipe the tears with Screams of cheer for I have better did.

In the night of a dream in August it said Car,
a joke in times of youth in mine the sample is to Graeae,
a bug went to the Garage Paint and had the 'S' to spray side,
next in stand did Bus in land the Muni on the ride,
speeding down 19th found an Avenue the kid did prove the punchline In a loud,
Look!! At that Escargot.

So On Line The Match Light

On a breezy write of wheel the hand * pen cruised the sill in * on the keyboard stand,
there in the middle of the scent of Perfume a skunk to Cat came to mind in a true,
descrtipions ran with each Stanza come a meter Whom of just sucked is done,
for on the thimble of the prod the Needle is the best of crop.

Smack a bit of Word with a two dollar track,
the bet of the dice on the eye Saking path,
cause of the determine is moreover in exact,
to produce a shy to children growing in a World,
for now the present Hour minute burn to second,
in the 60 of it the number is a seed,
so I have a sheet of music to Vale on the Send,
in receive of Ticket key a better Best goes tell.

Wow how the Autumn in Vista of a loud,
current in the ocean chart for platinum it a Missed,
embraces from & back too sung a great full wrote to be,
done in the drive the Counter sighed to know the point of Truth.

Zinc in marrow of the Hot in temperature the deed,
usurping hard to embracing far with touching router done,
as Fall is true to seasons of the Year,
days are in October Pane as truer than the Crane,
to see the staff Umbrella cast a walk in Shed of share,
but for the might of sad to folk the truer stood stands Where,
for as the next in whirl text are the Fee of fie,
my Grandfather did sew teach that Sentence of the How in shown,
for repeat the story on the Couch I'd beg for him to say,
'cause in those smiling Irish eyes he glimmered in the play,
cheeks would bring a Smile to me & that was rare in life,
for as my Grandfather hymned away the chortle found the ice.

A Fan