Forward the wonder of Nature in her spy for Two Crows flew outside And in the flight they Cried,
Ka Ka, Ka Ka, Ka Ka was the gallantry of their call to my listen all the way across the sky I watched,
into the distance of my hear I saw the direction of the straights.
Than in the surprise a flock of Robins granted me their appeal with comforting company,
flying to settle surrounding me with such beauty and peace I feel so little,
to this foundation of marvel I write to the World and state that my life is in substance of grandeur.
Each moment of grief is the words that provide a trace to whom may be buried in that grief today,
I say with gentle worth, believe in yourself and attempt to take yet another step forward,
should we carry the burden by spreading our hour to timely scry than we will make a difference,
one life at a time will come to the evidence that there are people still in gradual purpose of safely speaking,
to gather each write knowing the related tug to the boat oaring with measure to provide not a line but a craft,
to rest upon with only your mind in the sound that you are not alone yet the World would like us to be.
To that I state be the strength of a Magistrate,
be of good judgement for your account on any and all happenings,
the silence can be deafening from Humanity for nobody wants to hear us at any given time,
it is as it has always been for persons in difficult roles,
it is very simply the character of our ability to carry on that not only frustrates the world but angers them,
go slowly only with your understanding to the worlds denial of stopping the hatred,
be a comprehension to fact by standing with the dignity that provides a track to cadence.
Stride as a lion with the pride of a Tiger,
pause to the all of the tragedy, the deaths in our history as the Elephant would on the find,
create a boundary from the river of Mankind that wishes for our demise,
do not be oblivious to the callous behavior of negativity towards survival, productivity and charm,
the pain is a whistle to the Wind Blowers charting to course the driven nail more deeply,
be aware of the Hammer and tool your Self with the worth of this challenge,
you are alive, you are unique, you are incredible, you are what not many people can be today,
you are reality.