Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Magic Of A Real Is IM

Awe form of Music that sings the galaxy a Proximity lid,
skulls on those Bones saying its the X at Y of the Z going eh,
back 'round to the singing Joe,
thank good nuzzle for the truth on the boots!!

Kit tens and that visit last evening from Bandit my pup Raccoon,
for he cuddled right up under the porch for a good nap,
heard the snoring and . . . well the Cats said its such a bust,
journey the Mind with a day on the song.

Very big finds on this Planetary clue,
spry growth with feet to dancing dreams,
reality shows the gifts of life so long,
the Trips of dinosaurs, dolphins and a few odd leeks Lens`d,
its the spell rate that chorus of The Plates on earth in a beautiful stream,
breathing with equation.

Quietly Piece by Piece saying that we got to live on the Universe that herd dibs,
Creeks that spend that precious start to feed the River with rocks rolling with the drift of water on the sticks.

Take a state for these are the Ages in The Times of what is ground,
that Waltz to talk,
Hugging while enjoying the pause so one is able to 'embrace' the Come,
it is a best foot forward that introduces the place Mint, 
light in the eyes such a say these scheduled days of hurried,
look up to that love of connect so you may remember what a hand held operation included,
for it was not a Screen but a Real Life,
a Human Being, A best friend, a favorite Company or Maybe just a New begin If you're lucky enough to stay Win,
its the Mindset that brings love to the arms of a hearts favor,
be it the Wild nature of the Elephant paper,
the Element of Frost on Fires Ice,
a breadth of spin or quiet possibly the fact that we can witness that chin.

Cheers To All The Brand New Sees

Paper shades Morsels of Trails the simple to a great fathom on the love,
deep & curtain Wide the Universe is full Tipped to play,
excited and on an Adventure to cross the Solar space,
is not the sand in descript of a grains land,
to the Tops of the trees in the Sway a gentle breeze on the thanking the Lands,
its been a Life!!

Hard compass with Won Hell of a path on these fine pebbles of Festival leaves,
fantastic to clean the lens with a good shake once the as taste,
formal on the bends,
the nights of a ka billion tags.

Sturdy with foundation of a Future sound it is the feet that tap a bit of heat to sat,
but even on that weight it is the seat of a good ride relieving the responsibility for whom harbors a stall,
for I it is the Wind that engages my state on energy of sun lights liberty at pole,
sew in the Milky Way as a bar its the cleat on a sharps flat in a gigantic stray,
in bearing I love the journey to just paint the walls with print and proof of this farther grasp.

Breath on the Sail of knowing a balance on the text,
in that is the sleeve to shoulder the carriage of . . . . . 

well thats not really the sticking point to grave now is it,
its really about the hugs and the People that actually show up to say in Whole form,
"I love being alive!!"

It Is Howl Oh Ween

Interestingly the An Adjective to description of just before the noun in a rather curious adjunct salt,
makes the table a setting to provide a provision to the character off the rose in the shards,
sharp to detail yet in depot the Train had already Stationed a rail from far far a way Date on the day Too long ago,
known as Rock n Role not being subjected to Or sun Wells pre^Dick^shins.

Rather simple to just be frank about the slides encountered Here on plan it earth to the Content Ten it,
the divide naturally speaks to not be explosive for that would be palm pay,
which in History was a Goods lesson on The Sail of a Clear,
for the good Buy has been the Teach And,
the comprehension has sole'd finality to be the breaking of the Tide as the ocean is A seed to the Schools fed.

Natures Course to Introduction of a Truth,
a Trillion billion Years could not have changed the Route of what does have a Heated return,
call it . . . . 

The Doors.

The Truth Story Of The Atom Bomb Equaled Up, The Return? A Volcanic Production

Current Status of Transition-State Theory

We present an overview of the current status of transition-state theory and its generalizations. We emphasize (i) recent improvements in available methodology for calculations on complex systems, including the interface with electronic structure theory, (ii) progress in the theory and application of transition-state theory to condensed-phase reactions, and (iii) insight into the relation of transition-state theory to accurate quantum dynamics and tests of its accuracy via comparisons with both experimental and other theoretical dynamical approximations.

Its Called A Been A Fishery Guid

Society has built In an Allergy to The Goods of In to Wish shin,
a chin on the Hell met has brought to shore a sleepers parade,
to negate the a diction is to bell the trowel on plaster & paris,
stature of Shoulder has decidely done the difference with The Core,
in source of Natural dedication it is the Well shore Depth to comprehend the Waist!!

Shall the burst of Stun shape a School of Thought that is that & Thus the Writers of the future turned,
does the Wave on a Whalers ship just be Throw it to the bones??

Dancing in the rain of humanities shoes is as the sand does the role on the beach stoop,
waves on the side to froth a move as the water is brine,
each tear that has been shed to the cheeks of shale surround,
this is the full to touch on the dead,
every task that has fallen from boots.

In that is the very strength that is found to say that life is on the ground,
thunder and lightning on the bring is just a torn strain of the sound that crashed the paved sentence to steeps,
storms on the mile of a quiet calm in witness to the death of chords,
joked I have still on a sync to that treasure of lane And avenue Road,
singing in the simply stand,
its a Hand in Understanding the difference on the Read.

Tomorrow yesterday on no edge is the cliff notes on a climb,
bearing on the rise,
know kite needed no string for that is the base of morsel,
this on the how And that is the Wares.

Point on the comma take a breath and sure the self to these parades of lead betters,
the raised brow off the hand,
that hold that never did come to say,
the soaring floor of a conversation just to hug the breathing torn,
hover over the language from the cent to the crown,
each wing clipped to fit the terrors wall Up.

Dive deeper to the form of in on the comb,
no snarl or tangle could have brushed such a Turtles Hare on the goals,
but dinner is snow and breakfast has a becoming rise,
for the Sun shines to allow my smile to never frown the nature of things naturally.

It is the breaking Tide that chart of the Hi that has delivered a death by death proxied strum,
drums that beat the life till the write pens a window to familiar the seer a mirror,
in properly told, in the silents of no sleep, on the rings, the fire and the shirts,
there was no lie to trust the span of what said in gentle dawn that the World is drown.

So swim and speak a Truth to those that had tack,
saddle note with account,
be of the rein on the stride to jump the Moon and land a Tide,
for the ocean spoke of century on a million turns,
sands dialed a virtue to be on the grown,
swept through the Times of multiplied,
it has been a treat not a sting,
for that is left to the Twist of the gut in the Foot bird that said that I had rid it from my Chest.

Friday, October 30, 2015

When You Give Up The Ghost Due You Come??

Hooves on the ride in the good shoes of the iron Hammer or glue On,
should the forge meld a Fair owe does the wade shallow stet??,
is the Rasp on the File or is it the worth of the bit work,
is the storm on the gallop of a raise,
or is it the reach.

Sky Hell owe on the road to Know a person on the shore of the Mind in the still,
ask that bearing should that desire you light,
bank that a drop to tell on a letter of brain,
sentence to a Porch and compass for the lane!!

Tack Up the root and blanket your sweats,
dress for the Form and say it with Plane,
girth to the Earth I am charging that flight,
hear me well Shirt the clothes shrank the vittles Delight,
in this treasure you'll shark Mi a rein,
all thorough its the food on The Train.

Think for the Vast Space shawl of Recognition,
on the eyes of the Keep be of no alarm,
farm to that roads long should the doors not slam the strain,
in Jacket on the Wares try a depth on the Mountains sayer,
a Bridge with the Draw sort to File a remind.

On balance of work bring Rein!!

Niagara a barrel & same,
on coordinates of lathe say to chord,
sing on the quiet,
be of Truth,
lyric learn and Know!!

The World Wall Turned throws!!

From stay no The fern,
ears of Corn,
eggs scrambled,
yet its the Fork in the Road that rose this Prose,
signed with Love too!!

Adore the fountain for it Writes with exact ride on Fact of steam,
word a dime 'cause the penny dreams,
copper an Alloy of peer^A^mid,
this Map Charts the Sphinx Once a grown it Will skid,
playing the harp like the strings of an Element,
fire on the sky in sight of the brim,
its a Shown.

On the read speak with a gentle tone,
for shy is the found & Well . . . .

      well that is the deeps on this language of thrown,
skates Once glaciers Ice!!

By the Time the ages harbor Hour-glass ease Its the shape,
look Carrots in the Field,
grain with Wheat in the Oats of sway,
stables have a drive to be familiar,
these are The words out day.

Should the (W)ring not be of Sweat,
than Answer the phone of Ab solutions,
its a trade with the Milky Way as a hard wire in its rare,
alive and State at piece is the riddle with Piece on Vie let!!

Shades the tree with a type-Set,
keys to label,
Names touch Ancient Lines,
speaking with the easy trip on coral lands!!

That Ocean,
the wave,
a Constant of the beach of song,
rolling hours with a great 'how are you' just a palm,
'cause its the feel of range.

The edge on Not an echo,
should this tell a Sole be said,
on^Course is the Trip of Journal or A thirst??

Rein on a lapse of counter top Oh for the language on the Hymn,
rides with a Volcanic said wonder,
to the travels off a loud,
quiet torn,
its Human a tea with the Left's Right on the Crowning detail of a chest!!

Park the fret for a circle is A sharp "but" the Line it Greats the fax,
taste that savor of Collection,
treat the sugar a Cube,
tech Neet to glass Plates in the days of strike,
the Piece made from Stride!!

Work is of detail
each daisy Know rote,
banks of Real eyes,
speaking with easy clay,
read determination from Admiral show!!

Put to license a Say to talk,
the valve of prose,
it comes On & love's to sprout,
growing on the Infinite,
sew with Harness stitch,
the bridle will bit^Up,
saddle girth on a stretch to ride the outer flights,
this will sing on the dimes!!

Clear is of Venue,
at price context Note to are more,
quarter Halve on the fifty Cent peace,
Heads on Tales of the Registered 'Poe' lease,
shakes Pier to rumble dice!!

Crest Ton

Riding the far race of what is the space of black holes on explain,
a sink quarter on the fabric of time in the gut off the solar dime,
in that is the stretch of the gut speak in with a digestion of matter,
weak to a month on the call of the seer is just a bust on the talk of a clear,
on forward as that is dawn of life in this the compass to stride.

Language of an ancient wall to say that lives are rare plus,
in reality it is the work,
to the brain and the Mind on the shoulder the carriage,
at bridle to bit the Reins on the buckle relaxed at equipped,
enhances the ease to be of a shore on this the earth of grounding floors.

Dance on a circle for that is Humanity on that without a harness of length sit,
grid balance to sight with the eyes on the jump,
poles standard to cups,
what is the set of a bounce on Cross-Country for the Eventer,
is range that belief that simple is just the kick of the sleek,
or is it in basic that girth that does fit knowing that billets.

Well in the depth I purpose a cinch in conversation to the dust,
walking to no bloat is really the trick,
should the storm no the reason Than patience prevail on be stun,
but no that is really the experience of recognition over the Mimics of this Worlds rinse,
for how many can drive to the Trailer lift on the stay to brave the shift,
gear to a Talk tack stock in the lot just to be on the Paint of read block to tighten the clock??

Grace inhabits with a Teach the Clinic and the whip should give be of stand not of krill by exampled landing,
a whale is a story yet also In Addition the blue by describe is an Ocean of salt with a tick,
a pulse of Its own riding the beach with a comforting sound joined by the breadth of its lip,
or is it Sip??

Does the drink represent the Dock on the Pier between all the Ships,
is the waist wise to the water of comprehension,
or is the slip on a dress rather than knowledge of a Pilings foundation for adaptation to Tides special introduction,
there are these changing radical shifts that do not just turn on the bellies hour but store ability for the calm,
or does just the process of Crowd chorale only mark the flume on the storm or Torn,
fill in the buzz word to appeal the staff as Aprons are in usual the Feeds price to locale of the Tripe!!

Baskets for the bisque And a stew on the reef Rank to burr mew duh's try angle,
cats and puppy dog Tales,
wagging the culture to crumble the building but what shaft knows of foundation on term,
yawn back to the dates on the traveling road,
//that Hi Way of A task Ka dare Owe for the sight of a Mail,
put on the Plate an address & sharp hard no turn,
ask knot what chose is When Choice had a friend!!

Spark plugs on the facts to the call of the Ducks feather and ruffs,
quietly know,
it is the best of the broad way show,
'cause Its a Wind chime on the days of sing a Shore,
write like that bare Ole of memorized chess,
on those Boards of dried Erase the chaff with a good Scrub,
chase glycerin and Love.

Soap Box the Words with kind,
stand by and Watch for the lace,
it will come by Wave of a trace,
at the Second Read in silent,
shun or Support,
it will be That Score,
shall the Muscle not be Clam but the beauty of a ran, or, In the case of the library,
The hoarse.

Sway on this ride to the touch of sand in the dial on the marbles stone,
in that is the froth of the breathing wind,
an ocean for the push,
the suns long pause Well that is the rib on the Moon of a stair,
rounds on the plain of earth at type,

As the sphere is the rose on the Mountains tell,
a valley broke the chord from the Falls of the waters lull,
swinging on the curves to straight down the hillsides grace,
in that sweet taste.

With the carriage of the harness of the Harps from the begin,
clouds on the tickle to that watch of the clock work here on placed,
as that is the soak of the pebble,
what is the fight??

Forever in the nature on the sing,
buffalo on the daisy chain,
counting Clover with the method of core,
does the soil speak,
or is the body of the reach??

Shells on the beach say to that calm its a door,
simple to believe,
the sky chalks Out to shade a tree,
or is it the waltz of the reason on the angle of the Feat??

Step to the craving found on that rock in the wisdom of soapstone on a carve,
changing with a look or is it the treat of an eyes loan to the reality of the shapes lead,
did that gentle breeze charge the chisel to hammer as the bending bee,
should the reveal strange revelation on that memory or season a deed.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Logical Song On Reining Frogs

Pound I a note to write the run,
in that is the balance on the beam,
now at the term of life is that dance on the trees,
did that throw or clear cut the Horizon on the sun in the sign of a keep!!

Shall the sea become off the blue does the Ocean sway??

Can that bed of sand in the Coral go,
upside down right on the simplicity of a stay on earth with the shakers or the rolling Waved,
step on the gum in the shoe of the body,
as the ghost is in the past,
did it say.


Corner stores with rabbits foot for my Ten speed handle the compass,
oh yes I say in statement fact,
that the ride on the Cycle is that becoming a Bakers dozen on the creek,
so take your all ready abbreviates and noun the wheel!!

As it turns in the sides of dimensions that true me,
bank that swing on this Hello of that ray,
dark are no hours on the Tea,
as a saucer in the film,
A marker on the Sleeve,
that course to Wink a breathe,
in reality its the life that Says in bearings its the Grin,

Unicorns and Dragons more to Horn my aptitude to the best of Funny shows,
speaking and be of the character to have had a blessed Can,
for Fork it out in the Solar park as a Star or a Comet on the Tide,
I love the ride as the day in a traveling on the drums!!

Picket fences bricks and mortar Mortal feet with reals its exactly the found as the chilliest of Colds,
slippery Violins that for bow the Cello on the instrument of the Orchestra of living with keys,
stride touch a special,
play the fact or Reeds,
its the pipes on that Organ of the pulse,
a heart with a treat!!

Making shop on the Tale of what Humanity has done to dust,
mud and dirt,
boils and waist,
limbs breaking bough,
shackles and brae.

Plywood glue to Shingles with the Cell in the hand not the jeans,
shirts sake the clothes of the Week,
belts on a notch and ankles to the dead state more to the Speak.

Operators calling,
whom is answering,
must be the gratitude of a Napkin last leaving,
wipe the slot and stick a Clock on that rib,
snap goes the Wheat,
staff it to the exodus and enter genesis,
shift with the breeze.

Volcano's Reality Shores A Familiar Cruise To A Send With A Wink As The Media Fire's Up Dawn Tea's In Fern Know

Speak on the forward,
a Future on the simmer of Society at the table of shadows and stomach corn,
the Mind in the feather of sought to descript a Commerce of the tongue on its lathe.

Throat to the Swatch,
as that sync travels the bell chose,
is it the Word or that Coral on the adjective,
is the Adjunct a Noun express,
should the Park be on the Tunnel or the Apron of gift in acceptance of 'its' use on the Valve.

Said to be that breast of comprehension to the fork on the spoon,
can that be of introduction touching on a sectional or is the Spring??

In that be pear to a fresh guard than put to the Plates for map others at chart explain,
than the present is gift wrapped in the broth of What is why When is how Where is plainly Skeleton,
the key to shape that Whole in steady on a touch Truth of the ABC to Know 123,
is that in And of Its self the exact Core of the nautical trace!!

Sew in on the best of a taste,
take that Good with the Say to the board of the brain,
in task to term it is the complete stern to keel on the ship of natural role's on state of scene,
should this bother the bend than course a Breadth on a sphere to begin,
these are the tears that should be shed.

Streams on the River lambs bled hard to the sheers of guise from no level plates,
from steep mountain freeze the principle of said on the reason froth,
a valley's bridge deck on the sit,
both deep width to shallow grit Silt and rock on the shale exposes Time.

Ages mass recollection at sudden Impact,
should that not be the chain than it is the beauty of the message on the turning rides,
put forth the foot to aware The Falls of grace Origin and rice once Waters rein,
field the note ask treasure in silent blink as school brought towards a slip,
buttress the girth with personal stretch it is the dawn of the dew in sight from an opening of the skies light : a skull with ability to toss the nothing shackling come thing is as the hare,
the learn creeks,
experience parts the sea not by magic merely through sway,
a chart of quarry in realizing the upside of the grounds cover.

Tradition on the hand to stride the Fire knows both of its flames heat yet what of the burning Night,

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What May Tricks

Life is packed grands on banks in strange parallels of scene to paved creeks on the tums,
in that there have such range of remainders to that singing pulse on the forward dart,
to the language that has trembling coordinates to the real lived is in deed a stagger of rapport,
however the pause on lathe is not an edit of wave for the Ocean nights the beach both stone.

Sun light to sand that salt water cools,
sharp cliff notes to advance a sheet muse on slates,
chalk board of scale Minuet on rail,
trains that stop to account for the Tale.

Inch to foot Second to clock which is the sound that Measures a tack,
is it the saddle of cart A block or the day is it the Jump of the Grid Work of Horse trails pork,
should the bridle show bit or is the rein on the skit of the choice at a piece to know in advance a shift,
go Monopoly dice on that start Is the bank in the fiddle of instrument source,
should the arena be life in a be of the short does that take less or More conditioning to sport??

Mind in the brain of the thought on a game,
is that just Cards on the gamblers be vein,
does the ride in the being of Human by shore,
travel the simple to speak of the floor??

Well is a word however its deep,
a bucket to handle and a ditch to the feat,
filled with first to be clear on the state,
what is the how on the leave of The Plate??

As all do the go around to beg the quest is on Quartz,
timing of Watts is the electrical show,
flowing inside the body on stow,
sync it with park or is it divide??

Further on feather the flight or the kite,
string or the rigs on the shipping be shade,
does the shadow of calm envelope to sealed,
or is the look see a living on steel.

Does breath draw that perk to a Parallel stork or is the bearing of Compass at type,
do Nouns verb the Subject or adjective out,
did the adverb speak Client to describe the nest clear??,
shells on the Clam muscles on keister,
what is the donkey should the horse mule it out??
did the stuff on the come just mark to a cleat,
or did the entire know of where the fudge beeps??

Honkers on geese the goose of a sign,
do the sheep believe that ducks don't go song,
does quack quack say squawk or cock a doodle dew,
oh say does the Mountain familiar that trued??

I love the trail on this fluster to the bearings of core trailers,
the text to the write on the stables of the ground,
the fencing to the desk in the absolute of strange,
picture the barn with a dig to the deep at a perpendicular but rather steeper art tick range.

Care 'E' Oak Key For All Lives With A Spoon Full Of Cod Liver Oil From the Springs Of Living Water

At the cruise a fix shin on the wonder of my son's birthday coming in on the storm of a Worlds lore,
for November 3rd is a day that Johno arrived in my arms on the Treasure of loves eyes,
My Mother graced his arrival with her excitement of a grand ballet to bring Witness that first breath.

Life in a Tale is that Johno also In addition has Three Siblings,
these special rays of sunshine have brights that light the year with saved,
each parade of calendar Month brings for every being a pandora on start,
stars on the sky that shield of Wise is a Sing along to days of thunder on the brings,
with land ding to ground the plan it on sound this is just a Trail to simple and crown.

Towards the introduction of this Year of the Ram what Is the vote on the ear of a Pier,
is it that traveling route a pretty dawn stout to say I love the call of that reminder each clear,
that My Mother smiled in beams on the Show,
it wonders me so that being loved by such a candor of grins all a row.

Shall the shade Tight in jade Just this marvel Car tune to speak eased by vista on Marvel be Coo's,
that mountain of a coming surprise like gifts are 20/20 on the Tide pigeon rides
waves of constant to consist of this found to happens on the rhymes jist,
memorizing found to increase the Envelopes opening!!

Springtime on see Zen's the most of the Signs,
fields of work Horses and clearly be Timed,
that is the bridle the Reins of a Classical Opera that Ballet to instrument Flutes and the Shock raw,
from Ba bar To reply A special on why,
the hugs go monopoly at tack to the barn,
for the stable of method is the Hi Tech on farmed.

Reason wise,
chorus Hymn,
shop tools,
be off the cold,
sneeze for a saying,
dress at the desk,
what is the how on the why is a loud.

Answers come while Wall letters deliver,
alphabet set type to farther the bit Sir,
an as the step stairs remember the date,
any drive on the road is a quest to be sake.

Chap^Lens Show^Panned With Thigh Salt Tee Sir Fir

Sail with I to the distant of the outside Tramp on the Solar smile,
grin with the avenue of the map on the rose of this Worlds beat,
to task this life off to the learns on the leans Owe well my steep,
depth of the Human Noise is as the speaker on the Milky Wares,
thereabouts the sun bursts to that Know!!

Shining on the back Side in front on the Turns it is Ask scrabble,
words flying the cheese on the filed,
train for the station of the being At that say its a creek,
score the river on the Y division To Ad up on the mile!!

Mill a met turned To People on the grain of molds step,
green mash on the Belts,
buckled to lacing the boot tribes!!

Wow on that is the fun and the Trails on the course of this saddled life,
stuck in the body Structures of the skin and bones Muscle and tongue,
wagging that like the dogs paddle.

Kit cats and Lions rat the Mouse ran up the curtain rail,
down came the blink a Lid and a think,
over the Nail to cross the Thorn and land amongst the ever Corned!!

Shake that pep Pop ease at the lease off this shell of staff,
extract shin to go to the lo on the biggest Time of raised,
the Fire in aye flame to lick the brights at an Energized tide of Waving sky!!

There are no Shack culls to shed for the Electric verbalizes the laughter to land a Moon on a earths lead,
steady on the beach of the formation of great life,
spanking the feet as the pads of a ski across this Ice of what has happened on this fare ole skit!!

Inhale the soar to just be Whom and What your felt ranks in the Season on Streakers sleet,
sleeves of sod at base scout on the mission of living on the ditch,
fields of Humanity have plowed the Thought of transfer touching spades,
Ace High and jack grow to the Waist!!

Scallops and dolphins Orcas and elephants Ivory and tusks,
snails And ants dialing those Hills of mail brought for the pebble to be,
count the Tows and cart a gallop Ping choose,
digs on the swell its really just a braid dee light on harness the fee fie fiddling shite that shift talkers kick.

Swan Ballet toe point and that stagger on the roads of Hi Way lift,
graveyards Fences gates and Tents,
have a day with a Platter of ride,
it truths the Turf while the Saddle is the girth of the Shirt.

Clothes shrink wrapped to fit,
any size long or short Wide or trim Wise or stumped,
sent to be of the Rainbow representative,
oh for that treasure on the brow of eyes,
sparkling that wonder on the foundation of Foot placed to shock the Sound on the 'rounds!!

Speaking as the verb Express,
station Now the Trains,
growth is the Work,
miles that increase to the mountains Valley of horns blowing shakers by,
clover swaying the buffalo treat,
Coyotes howling Wolves to Creations stick figures designation of Ears to piece,
a fish shark that Whale of Toby bale,
all wired to daisy and Crow dials of that Stone clock on the Shale of strict Nine.

Say Spur

Write Tree and Answer the Moon,
as that is the route of a band on the Foot talk,
with an Ankle on the line be of the shape that Shadows the tightly knit paddle,
swing tell the lull a buy that fast is the staff on the style of grounding speak,
over the Top nail to ham stir the rest Once on the Time say,
oh well on the sift.

Waltz this with the shale,
earthquakes and sail,
Wings Flight and a bit on the Tack,
body Kite is the energy on the breathing Palace of All Man shins to Speak!!

Ways and journeys For With the trial of the Human sign its just a Trip.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Green Milk


Written May 28th, 2009
by Karen A. Placek

The beginning of every end will cause us to take pause, and realize we too are full of flaws.  It is not often that we actually stop and think of an end as a beginning.  This is a difficult mode of thought when you are pained by a fresh end and your hurt begins to outweigh your logic for the time being.

Really an ending can be a graceful way to study yourself, your thoughts, your motives and the like.  As I originally stated, 'take pause', is not something we often do in our lives.


I feel and/or believe for myself it may be for reasons of feeling like I am constantly hurried.  

To 'take pause', you must first react adversely to a situation, stop and think, what is a wise move for my life, my mind, and, my sole.  You must allow the presence of your mind to gracefully allow you the time to consider before your emotions take-over your every fiber, to your very being, in a reactive nature, to an unfitting end.

Unfitting, simply means that it does not fit.  You must really stop with all your might, and, decide, for your own self, in your own mind.


A thought is only a delayed reaction to the now.


Well, what happens around us stimulates what we are continually thinking.  It may be only one word, one body movement, the sight of one thing, a grunt, a groan or it may be only a glance that you yourself are not conscious of, but it sinks, or sank into your own very precious and gifted mind.

When this process happens, it is less offensive than an onslaught and/or responsibility of an entire conversation.  Your mind will allow an incredible beginning to occur, by directing you in the relaxation  of thought itself.  However, 'taking pause', allows you the small fortune to digest it all without words spoken.

The reason I believe this is important, would be for the sake of yourself, and those around you.  This way when you decide to speak on any given topic, your are now threaded with the design of patience, understanding and wisdom, as oppose to a quick reaction to a possible adverse action, which has now just continued into the forum of what may be considered to be an argument or a similar.

It's interesting, how quick we are to react, and, how slow we are to consider the reaction of our react.  It's not very comforting to know, that we are readily able to open our mouths, and speak words without thinking first.  The words seem to spill right on out of our mouths, as if we are only able to consider listening if we are vocally hearing ourselves speaking.

To be still for a period of time, that will remain forever, can actually be, and/or only take a fraction of a second.  Closing your mouth, while blurting out your emotional state of unrest in your own mind, seems to take a millenia, or two, and yet sometimes, will last a fraction of that same second.  Weird when you stop and think about it, but this certainly could be true, at least with me it is.

I enjoy the actual realization of many said and unsaid things.  I have found it to be educational to my sole and in turn to relieve my mind.  These are not the whys, but rather the possible hows.

* Our minds swirl in constant relief.

* Our thoughts are the road to our own Peace.

* Design is the construction of our reactions.

* Where do you lie when you could make way?

A question to ask yourself today, and, every other moment, in every other day, forever!!

Oh Shins Of Lox

Owe sigh wrist the agony of the anguish set at a crumb,
may a stream of mountain tiers maintain,
on valley of dust a bridge or the subbed be on can door to see of the grand,
it must be only a per fume that erupts tale off volcanic mail to deliver the attentive to the rein.

Lettered wealth to fern,
a fickle clatter of the rolling boom,
chance to this an address on stark light on the quest,
sharps on Notes to stick does word,
eternity sailing nouns to adjective verbs.

Horror Us With Greater Truth & Show Vine Night To Establish Why Dark Is Light

Pictures still Frame on my Desk to the avenue of smiling times the foundation of breath,
the garden of Wonder to enjoy on the pleats as the jewels of Nature on a day of said,
it has been a Name to Way the Nouns on present gift that Tasked my hug to placed,
for in the on for future to embrace the past I counter the tears to shape the Mapped.

Allow me to put to the plates of Seen as a feather on the Day of A camera Special,
should a perk to the form be of that Old Oak Tree the reminder is the additional,
from read in a please from be of the funny need now that particular day has comforted my chest,
in such a done the Photographs port has brought memory to detail grace.

Imagine for One belief that a Say can to speak,
in the truth of that Known on forward life with seeing the curtain of Coming king Tides,
there on the Roseburg driveway a certain safety delivered wealth,
on luck that day my kodak made Priceless memories captured trade.
for that I know that in such sound the hugs have crossed dimensions Ride.

There in the exact fort off the cuff my tears did cram,
streaming to choke my lonely state these are the facts that Albums press,
I strolled out to my Porch for clear a footstep that I comfort still,
what a said from flight of growth yet the sight of made my sank,
for love is true to formal came I know that Nature sings me steer.

My cheeks felt river of prepare for flood,
in that capture I drew my good,
great breathe enveloped life as dear dynamic fuse to type set steer.

Soaring grace flew to bough,
not 6ft staff that measured loud,
A Falcon calm to stead Breast to breast,
that beauty met my sorrow the dowry of loved.

How does such fortune sing to I these plays such strength a ring to Task,
breeze that sleek to landing limb this Incredible origin of beauty sword,
the strike I pause as it was the legs that gave to I the photograph of wow,
each feather held in perfect saw his foundation each the sill to leap.

To believe that being is thought of line As from to all sew sky in touched,
those beasts that counter sight tell heights the battle of no fields slide,
eyes to view Wings designed be assured his gentle stand signed my cry to speak a find,
the challenge only Hook that speech of Humans shook to Paint a beech,
 so blessed with let that Ever read a bean as is inside of a routed seed,
that this scout was Infinite on Being the Cries I know I sighed to Seer screaming Mirrors of panes in died.

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Field Of What Knotz

I have watched the To each Hymn own more's on These Now a days,
towards Daisy charged to Naples on the Crutch of Egypt for a Freezer Bright,
in that the moth is of Anut and the Cadence on the Scene,
long in the trip on the Journey across the Solar Moons to displaced on Sake,
futures owner Ship is the tell of Ships on the Canals in the stuck Burst sting A Brushers peek,
so at the Base structure of Persons Crowds it is In Truth the language of Alpha bets on The games!!

Treat this note shun to the diggers that port Only exit to Enter spiders on Web,
in that surrey of the passing plaster A billets Gallop to know,
not by Just not by How not by Vice not by Bull but simply the Take of reason to Wise Dom!!

Buckle your lives in with a Map on equals lop ears on the dough burr men Tops,
frost on the door bells rinse,
a Tax on that is the letter Addressed,
in process is the Milky Way on a Can deed posture,
written in Complicate to pea^off the Matter in basic BDSM branch,
an art Tick call of phone to bean the jar of Spelling to sphinx Trout on the creeking litter,
bring the mow hawk,
fly that to the deep banks of grand Yank keys at As tack ole,
trim that Christmas tin Sole to silver and Camera,
at clip and Voice oven Bake the Count tee to a Club of Media on Ancients in Now.

So on that evident in the Greek found,
say to the Sculpture Muse see stone to catch the Stocked fish on real ledge In's of Core fighters,
tristan at the fire Felt on the answer Trees in the route and rub burrs fork,
cure with the drink of Ankle boot said Easy stiff fitters Its looking to the Glass of steiner,
in branch on the National Broadcasting Networks fishing is a Tank Ponds Stack,
famine on Teak rice snows dinner to Spice the pumping Savage,
owe Well my dark Hour on the Minuet of life,
it is only Time I herd thrice!!

Cliff Notes ~ Is This On The Record or Off The Record be Cause I Am All Ways On Record. Write Coup Per An^Duh^Syn

The treat on the language of the deal on The View is a typed file to The Worlds bra of Nip pulls,
as in direct pass to forward Thwarted as the back of Basis on the Axis of said shows Masque care awe,
so Sum how on the Audience is sing Up a stair and bus Ticket to Bumps achieve 20/20 and . . . .

well that is really my beef off the enter vein bisque,
the stew on this tingle is like Christmas for Jade,
pretty shiney Etcetera shank,
watching the move ease like Serenity ranked,
one plan It for curtains the Won on the thank,
such Borscht on the Pick ole yet Specific on Preying.

bust the Nut shell the Card than put to feather the lend of a set Typer to krill Whales ah Mot,
shaping the lingo with Set-Ups on Aude dee oh,
than at the Mission no Impossible go,
like Monopoly on studio to record Clickers Cleat,
shell the lesson to build on the frame,
all envelope to simple this grain,
originals go treasure And the Media go's crane,
the public says Pew bic Hare and the fetch Says go dare,
for the Ore ridge knolls state is a Mountains ballet.

Manipulation on the Air Walk is ask Indicative timed as each of that Barb a Raw's watering to Shine,
messaging trip to journal on RIP the blank Prose to defining Prescript shun,
swallows of the lathe on tongues Wagging the bow Sir to arm the Punch of A jingle Scene lunch,
sew in Stead on the thread Is stictch of the skull banking the deposit on grabs of the head,
 in sole of ribbons on jogging the loud.

As within my grown I have laid Witness to ankle skipping the Learn from that stomach Clip,
readers Digest on the equipment of local Tell a Vision under the Pretense of an Education,
as sentence to the bricks and mortar typical Ratings Channel on National Networks fries,
the Population of Gossip Box shoot the bead like a Pearling of cramp.

Monthly shoes to sword the box It is the dancing of the rinse with Soap and clay,
mud dried house with straw torch grands,
on any caliber of subject that draws the picture for climbed!!

As the drink is of Minds to cheese News on the chain,
a lesson on Mail derived,
the Post office to special that stamp and pack Age to scope.

Flute brushes Etching division to Plates of license,
know different brings leather to flys,
saddles & Bridles bits to Pieces the Crown cheek Knows band,
a Coptic barn tack In from Stable which will scrub Down the Miss^shin with Say bull,
is it the Glycerin sheen or Cast Steal of scrub, 
thus Inside Edition a letter torn Rise,
that steep of brains for the rot to sing Glide.

In Ma more real the walk to the stagger delivered touching the skid Row a Peel,
the challenge of clock to that spot on the pull was Coffee on building Not a crematory spam,
as car deal of body to sole the thick out What is the garbage And recycled for Clout,
should the broth show Sewage to serve Dinner out Than the hand did speak to ring the leave Sieve.

Oranges not apples Juice or the Sauced,
did the bowl skin with cuts list of trout,
ladder on years to the exact bigs on a stout,
the Public just throws Catch to the trays.

So as the dream of just last night dealt,
state of serving both Silverware as chilled,
the railroad of Train to freight on the Teas,
cups And the Cast to provide timely in keels.

Now put Powder Rooms to the jello conversation to stall the case,
a minor representation of listen to glade,
toy lets of paper that wipe to step grass,
what is on barcode but the sealed of brass,
Polished with sample Speech on a tack,
visual be shingle to the times on the did,
may each of your per dones in gauge a evident truth,
that once in a berth the Skiff is Owned too.

So be it the skids or the Slip the Drink or the shingle,
clogs on that Rice or as The Field,
just say M&M's dock And pier that Write to key,
Harps are beans to this Gift on my prose,
for in the gather in the Collect meet is rejected to farther a Bose,
no lie from the date to keep it all steep,
for why's is the soaker on Electrical rein.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

These Things Will Not Bite You. They Want To Have Fun." Then Out Of The Box Came Thing Two & Thing Won

Found on the News seal is that drive of Head kites on the strings at choir`d,
in vista of cliff notes to task the bender not a learn is like blanking the sport of life,
in dust Tree of guise often pertains to Harpers on a growing Scene,
should the dial wrote tare read than the boost is Vats,
pork bellows that trip the In test Tin awl Tick.

Pulse smoke of furst Kings 13.10 to 5 on the clock from Leviticus 4,
joke kin that Uni verse to clothe the Robber reads to Fill the tank at cost,
shell prices often Vent owe^ill in pre said dents,
but on the lungs of been there person a lead I'd brain the sake a cow Hall oh,
for it is the experience that lens of blinking kings and Principles to value at Measure read.

File the say to open the lane betting the learn was on this stomach of Trivia chords basil,
in that ride of Magnolia movie to the funnies I thought about the Apocalypse as Watts,
like making jelly fished frogs to WKRP in Syn A Gnat tee`d on Turn keys,
an enormous revelation to Psalms 9 to tack Proverbs 10 on the Corn.

Just bulb count Bulbs on the daffy Ducks to what the splat?!? on treasures detailed,
in sorted files of bringing to term the In^edit^a^bowl to Timing the Watch of a Capers egg.

Camera Film Of The Fair A Lawns

Once the Grand Banks of difficult smashed the Tides of fair on the Mention the rocks And beached,
up on the sharps of jagged shards of broken back cliffs I was tossed in that ocean of specifics,
tossing the turns to swim in anvil,
people forged my brain with Nails so piercing the blood was my shredded bodily signed,
each place of attempt to gain log of typed gave representation to this daily grinding of done.

Still on the barrels of sealed with soak I floated ashore to brave the colds,
shoulders branched like the spread of enter sight,
mouths chimney`d my very seat.

Inch to miles backwards those same persons cut deep gorges within my skull held tight,
to no avail the stop did not present itself until I found myself a footstep pace And walled a Way,
word by word riddles And verbs Noun touched to scab the fences at the biggest capes,
swamping dial in severed risk engaging nothing more ore less than the equals such`d.

At that the language of countered others my sisters still sliced on my strain,
scoring even grave as my twitch to say it would be best for the family on laid,
leaving my Self in based to shame it ended those shaking tongues Fingers with trimmed.

Throughout the say to paste brave only as the Tack of my sit to speak,
wheels keep on the go 'rounds to yarn,
threads of spiders And quilts of lärm.

Tick tick Talk the via shock no phone I have at now,
for the plow to dirts and shroud is to despicable for I to hear that voice of sisters lice,
that over static fizz Noise is screaming razors edged on bids,
term life is the in sure of sentence,
imposed from scene at every licensed And joined by hip stirring from add dish shin old batterers.

On torn a portion to hand dole storm Shells of dry timbered lanes,
forest slides roots engulfed to cut my trunk at living through,
in a Watch of gear mow dumbed my mute blinks kindly to distance summed,
in that Envelope I have cent`d my stair this truth of bare is as Naked pear`d.

Skin dollars to belts in Creek,
one adjective to Predicates come,
in I sew lay shun the result,
brought my pieces to form a stilt,
carriage of my in duh visible rise,
I found that lives like mine are ever shammed.

Con after Con the corkers pop,
sham pane bot Tolls with pine knee strings,
it is the stroke of Pen and Quill,
milk key ways that did these horrors,
all the chained to Me just for being born circumstantial to the 1960's Hip^Pea storm.

Back in the day conversation would have referred this lantern in repeat on my life as being gas lighted,
now electricity at those broke back mountaineers took top guns approach to bead a Mill a tary drive, puffin' off smoke in on the drifts to Camp a Operators grip,
the wheel in a cherub to cast the friendly fire just to sake a graham crackers chalk lets Ply her,
just to burn rubber And say it was a tree of todays system seed,
the MS dee Eh of dropping shale for the arm breaking thought to be left with a Shovel or The Pick of my Pains an Ode bow and Air^owe to Hymn the eyes of Marrow.