Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Et tu, Brute?

The fact that the Day of the Nations is on the Ink of the radio at a Herd is a Cent,
for without the Constant of the Reason for the Play the song in Its forum is skit Passed,
as the Stage touched delivery to the felt of the Antler rubbed and dropped in the fall,
an Autumn in November to July asked the Summer hit to Flower in the blasting spun!!

To record the bother as the cinema of An @fare is Product formal to Chose or choose`d,
to bring the sing with the bump and Shake as the Ice Cream to the lolly Pop for sport,
to discount the Wisdom for the Days brass as The Symbol is neither Drum nor Trumpeting Signs,
nor is the venture to the Pick in the Factor of the Media to advance daily the News as Feat!!

Travel the bell throws to the wells on the Plank that walk to Each a space in the proposed,
it is not a Minuet for the Opera of the Globe to World over the Pain with Agony on Apathetic demise,
brought the speak to the Climb is seconds to Hours to Frisk colds a sleeper in the Wake of Rise,
at brow the Tremble of the brain to Mind is a Correlation of Society at blades,
cutting the Chop as the fry is of skip a Pic. to frame the Class for the Money`s Coin!!

Shambles are the Roof topped not Once per Time year rather the FACT of spur,
in that the leg to the Thigh on the stick to the Beat of the Drums on the bucket,
bang Goes the Thumper of the Rabbit to Fast the pace & Yet insult to Injury is CBS courted,
counter to Span the floss of String to the teeth of the jagged Edge is sputter.

Spent drool to the Speech as the kept a Face to smile the Scene as the loss of the locked,
that Necklace to the brace Let is the Sniper of the account with Know regard to the deposit,
in the Steady as I blow the Dragon in I spears the Fierce to power the Haunch of the STRIDE,
increase the leg to the Crown that the food is the dinner of the Line on the patience to the Weight.

Thousands of Years in passing the buck to the Chapel of the Skirt to cross^sections seated,
change is the Stand of the Tale^Lore to Announce both Intention and succession of The Continue,
not some Jag off to master bait the Misery with a stilt day honoring the Pole arr Bare on the snare,
that is the enjoy of the Watch to the words follow of "isn't that sad" as the closer to the Fine Alley.

The Sacks A Phone

It is not the reluctance that signs the stop to Halt and smile,
that is the the stride to appreciate the favor of the time,
in a special edition of life to the pride of the Rise,
in the Sun the horizon sings to the Morning.

As that is the break of the tell days to speak,
it replies to spread the light on the banks of Earth,
at that the Mountains say to valley perfective,
score the breeze As the rain is Sublime!!

To those Clouds of Humanity that have Tsk tsk sand All`s,
than fetch the give to Reception as the Stars in the Skies,
depth of the Seas of Matter in this the black is Not dark,
for that is the Vent of Magically Thunder`d!!

To great the Universe with the Handles lane is the Spice of these Pleasures,
for on the Outer Realms of this globe the Form is of Grand foundation to pine,
eyes with the Ability to soar the Thought of Why the temple of the brain,
forward are the Hours to touch the Minutes of Hugs!!

Enter the Feat of the banks that spark the Environment to Evolve,
at taste it is the Flavor to know the Rainbow is grace,
the shape is the borrow of Chapel to the Slides,
for the people seem to only Want,
I rather the beauty to the Face,
a product of the factor The Ancients drew A wonderful Guide in Stone!!

Traveling nothing to Stand note is in the Information Highway of the Moons,
journey a state that is in Energy,
a Magnetic pull to being!!

Tied Up on this Earth with doubt is the Negative and I prefer the Positive Plus,
to engage with the what is the Opportunity of an Inch,
the miles on the spring A jump at the transition to Breathe eternity in An infinite bring,
the Words of the Idea that Life is Beautiful.

My Life

Bog the Fountain to the Mud that The World swirls with the Vintage speak of Christianity on stead,
in that it is a Revelations to the Duty of the Psalms on the Proverbs herd,
in spout of the Short to the Verse of the Luke it is on the Salts to the Pill lore of Stone,
that is the Inch speed to down the Fetter and In Crease the stem of Wander.

On a Gypsy parade the Tinker is the Horse of the Toby gone Sly to tug the Hames at Home,
in harness of the Carriage a Foot storm to rein the Thunder of the galloping shown,
as the Shine is of the Glycerin Clean to bank that is the Sheep in the comfort of Pastures,
on the Snakes in the Window the Sun swa the Peace of the temper in the Tubs that did Here.

A great to the ways and the Seed that flower of the Road to death of the gate,
for the Slammer asked and the Mails spake to the Empty and the sear,
to divide the Fireplace spoke of the Flame,
to quest of the Britain on the American steam.

Half Moon Bayed to hound the Fox at the Cost of the Public school in its Hay,
straw that bedded nothing to simple back any path to brave the patch as a dime,
to that I state that any and every Fact is the Trailer with a buggy hitch to spill,
to drain the clod as the sand in the Which is the Candle and which is the Feared!!

Style of the information tells the Comma Cause to spell the Comet as the landing got Full,
grounds tht speak to the dirt as the river is the moving of the Water in the over`d Coal,
as the Volcano blows its Top so does those Rocks in the melt ooze to the froze,
a Million Ten in the Thousand grave on the times of Too as the chap is of an Anchor sleep.

Grand is the Creek with a rain scene of the rise to gorge a Stream with an Ocean on the horizon,
for these are the shores of the Paper found pens to Ink the stature as the Posture of Rave,
a dance while the World is stuck in the Dance of Tomorrows.

Present and Accounted Fort to Walrus design speech of an Elephant to the coffee Table rooms,
in this there are Cable Cars with Bing that heart of the San Francisco Mister to trust with Value,
as the Kings are the Sanity in the Courts of the Tonk a Toy the Life of the sound is the Harbor,
to fleets of the Slain as the Christian Catholics the Sprain I Will Up the wrap on the Trouble,
a Summed difference that More's Code to the language of the blood in MY Vein!!

The gold of the street in the pants that shown the Timber to sell I place a hug to the trust of Love,
for without each and every single dime Quarter on the Calendar I would have surely rude`d today,
but for the lace of the leather the high Heels and the Restrooms the patience and the leads,
from the Tell to the entirety the People that the World hates most The Homosexuals, The Whores,
these are the persons that brought to me the Peace that hugged me daily.

As that is being Naturally spoken it is left not to the Media as that is a given pot of boilings,
lies and seats that laugh the deaths off like the fat of the Ice Cream melted to served,
the shopping for the barrel the media should be family to the rifle as there lies the bullets stung,
shocking application to empty trousers from the waist to the Pre-Recorded cut throat trebles.

Did the Verse beget the smooth of the Talk show case to Upped a stiff by the crate,
in nails and hammers the bench of the fount is to be of Instructive measure not Cancer,
as the pyre is burnt by the foe so is the Sewn ripped by the Thread in a signal of under Wire brahs.

Tigers Spelt Ti Ger

Curious the Mooring Time to add as the subtraction to Scrub the cell,
in that it is the baste of the came to the garage of the Walk,
as the Car in the Solar of the drive on the Hi Way,
sew Business i not the Crane that is the basis of a Taught.

Ground Central with a Tell in the Sign of a Quilt,
the World today is bed Lambs face than throw the filth to Rate,
as the Pacer on the logic in the Class of fling,
the shift I know myself to be is the step on Moon at Jeeves.

Grace be tall as Grass be wheat the drink of Milk and Honey sweet,
that Horn to stage the Stagger sway swinging with the Vibrance leaf,
lake that Filed make a craft Sail the tales with gifts and sake,
marker Pens signature Lens a blink with Case to file Terms.

Grand the Morning with the Blend fresh Cut coffee Christmas hymn,
unwrap the Present sing the Vowel as the day is box a Tau,
do dot Ayes in increased of Skirt for the product is the Spurt,
spread the piece bounce the Sheets rubber plants to dish a Lance`d!!

Dig to the throws of barf and Bile in the Crowds of transfer Miles,
used to bean the stick of Staff and Yet the evident is rewarded Lamp.

Vice A Verse uh the double Snap trapped by What the curtains Sound,
know spoke the Chord of the Ramp curled up and stroking Done,
as the tunnel vision skates to the Town Ship on the face,
pearls of Keys to loop the Knox than the lunch is bot a Bunched!!

Braid dee over to the Thing in the sake than Call it punch,
a bent to sync the Toad of Moo heard that the Platters in the Crunch,
crisp to scab The Knees to fill bending Bottom to hunker sand,
grits to Clams muscles Halved to split the gut and comment Salve,
to Igor of the hunch of Take that receipt is both Sink ways,
first the stature than the Noise seconds 3rds to name the Thug.

Cream to pills the brain in stayed for the Ever and A day,
next week last Year to times the Mull,
cross that with the Age in steer a Bowl of spend for Hard next Pier.

On that Learn the dock is built to Withstand the tides of Sear,
as the tire is not a scream Yodel with the Angry bird,
scratch the stint to open Rinsed this is the Maize that James Blunt did,
sing a Vittle card the Swathe than do the Plow and brag a Spaced.

The Hoarse