Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ole Worms Cabinet Of Curiosities

Ask Science the Measure of Time on the Belt question of Stars to the Pyramids start,
as the built by design did floor the Earths store All around the World on Scored,
the bricks and the Mortar of civilizations At Cost to describe the Twilight on this Planets lime,
a push to the Pole as the Equator does shore This Whale of said asking the Evidence read,
to the Tee of the Cross as the Execution of Bossed does the Church consider the ground.

As in the ploy of the biblical Soil fertile are the Hours of the article dialed,
to pronounce on locale with the Nouns for the cave Paints that did chalk application bell Spring,
forward to Evolution the Best of the Saved for in this Tide the logic Will dime,
explanation Theologians to Philosophical talls An at That the query for shoulders atlas to Crew,
base of the backwards that Religion does sprite Inside of the Crater the Volcano blew Chore.

Hot molten Words laden Waits that Provide the Sun for the Warmth that Humans do Stake,
to consider the Text for the banks and the Doors expression with Accents to spice on The Sports,
thankful for the Keep as the lockers of brisk Cool is the Apron that steers to be gift,
moreover the fact to the Fact on the Core reasons Capability to complete the Big roar,
shan't the decision to Shadow a Plastered be debt account from the Sealed as breaking the Vat,
to discount the worth of the Memory signed makes conversations dead landed not Spine`d.

In list after list to the Greek or the shore Watch to the wrist on the Ankle be Snore,
in Patience the letter to Tellers of Mile,
it is the sound of the Music that sheets to be Sailed,
a quirk of a rhyme as the ashes do speak,
dancing the Ages through the Children in leap.

The ancient vernacular the tunes of the bellow taste the language as that is deep pine,
in death corking life to eventual be leaved the stories of Fables on spreading the keys,
a cage that does bar to the gate that can swing Galatians on tories that dock with a feed,
spoken on cycle the Ten of the Wire working the gears as the Religion Hams buyer,
alley thought a bisque with skulls on the tsk Dessert for the Creamery of factory snipped,
chest of the book As Enoch was torn Yet in the reference its like Judas had corn.

Patty Cake, Patty Cake,
Baker's Man;
That I will Master,
As fast as I can;
Prick it and prick it,
And mark it with a T,
And there will be enough for Tommy and me.

Mother Goose's Melody, (c. 1765)

Tears & Rein

Bladder the believed by the thorough of the Means,
for in the digest of the reader a diary of sleeves,
To cost the bank a Branch as the list Up on the frost,
Can the vary mention to extra or the Lot,
Take that catch in chapter Rest as the gravity of Earth in spot,
nothing as the Fence is dirt only buried hurt,
Ouch the scale with a Speak to talk the potted Stinger,
even Over with the beetle seated to be swinger,
As the tape of Worms in said Web the designation lead,
Mark to the bookable ankle to the ked.

Weighted heavy with a drip off the Tongue in English lugged,
Packing for the breath be known in shale,
Towards the further Farther time on dial of the Sun,
in spine Saul this pardon as the ‘L’ to street of the phone,
Numbers sale to the price as the bridge to toll,
the Vat spiral of the Circle lap and straighten lines to spat,
Negate to a Positive rock the arson Vile vomit,
with the Bucket side and Pail to the snailed,
To that trail of the Fore in Industry by cart,
horse Carriage of the footman to Page beyond the shore,
Beach to sands on scouted lands That Shell beyond the Eggs,
Cracking note to slight the Send on receipt be a Friend!!

Hodge the hedge to prickly beast as Cactus thorn the Needles seed,
Seat a Patience with a bone to ever in the eyes of groan,
Park on Vista to be Smell a Warn to cats that Dear of fact,
Write with Cue to table lean as the gnashing Teeth or scene!!

Dude a roni with the Rice be a bean to shine the Sprout,
springs of Trees in treasured laugh belly on the chortle,
From to the From in the Ton bounce with embracement of the Come,
cork with bottle as a glassed,
Drink the skeet that are the slot to greet the ‘Vee’,
in each a scar,
 feel on this simple snot the tears of every hungry Gaming,
like a Piece of meet to gander Aye!!

Stretch the Factor to the spill arch the Air with gourde,
the bill Hark to gravel it’s the skill in lockers on the slammed,
Touch the scamper of a special on the detail of the Snake as Hist or Ree,
to Marsh in deed be that lever of the flea`d,
Bite the scratch reverse At stay to present the Now of cray an Edge take Card to call a Tack,
Saddle girth bridle shack Hoof of Wall frog on pack Picks that show the ridge,
of leg be a Cannon on this graved,,
For instant on the Photo Type black the kite to scrub it Tup,
fudge the Gate with Oils lake as the Sword of Swail`d.

In the water put the trace of the Salts to cure the Marrow dark to light in shadow,
Cow purse sow,
Piggy’s on the bacon shack Due are the tows of lore`d,
counting rafters in the rig singing for a captured swig,
Core All reef the blood in sync Boils with the warmth of Tugs that ocean in the bay,
off crab is beacon to a Trig.

Bastion of the skies can the earthly bells be shine,
shall the solve be Cupper`d stain,
Does the ‘L’ in Vadors porch special for the Handle perch taking steady Place^Meant,
Could the Moon in tumblers shy shadow on the Change of tides Charting for the bantered,
Tar gets Used in forehead beens from the Mined in chapel lines,
does also fuel the Scar in side,
In Car Nation of the peek pumping Station to the sleep percolate the fabulous,
to undue all the trash you

4/17/2015 11:08am

Do You Believe It Is A Good Laff Or the Fact Ore Speaking A Chorus By Corpus

Sing from the Ages of the dance on the Moons Ferris Wheel sky,
that magic in the Theater with the Hands On the Work in the read,
to that Carousel of Address on the black of the House and the concrete Peace,
to the distance of the Waltz as the Opera A fence to blanket the Warm summer Sheets with 'Cry'!!

Storms in the Human bar Bare eon short are the Times on that is the Ages,
in Mass of the Start to the Clouds on the Lace is the buckle my Shoe,
to grab the Bow on the Arrow of the Tack is that Sword of the Meet,
counter Measured to bring the Heat!!

Former to the Cap tanned by the Sun in the Rise of dawn of the Hau Rise on,
straight to the froth that is the barrel of the branch,
for the Rings with the Tree to the Fires in the Brights!!

Shine to the Arms of Sprouts as the bubble to the Pop go Corner of the Stores,
with the eyes of the Singular trace to gallop the Sonar of the razors edged Its the grave,
talking to Complete the Whole as the Wall of this Human corn Paste ease`ies the grounds to form,
I rather the Envelope of Opportunity to breeze!!

In Memory All While Asking No Favor

See the Art as treed to the death of my best Friend Eden by Name Sundown by state,
as the slam of the Timber was heard by now another sound the dead by said trade,
to burst on the sham Pain to touching the reality of statute A glass the Ceiling to Operators dial,
to the Numbers on the sing of sewn to More than the dips and the Rose betwixt the Christian slain,
to fix on the method of that is the symptom to plate that repeat is Peter by the baseballs theme,
strike Out to taste dirt for on the Hit of a Homerun it is the Roar of the Cut lore that strangles the car,
this Nation of global scene to the cheats and the seats A ride to balance as the station of the Standards tagged.

Pitch the Fast as the Hunger Games in that the Divergent charges the choice to Happenings of rail,
on that is the built by Design to process the Flag as the sitters read Line,
cruise with the Sea to float of the Barge question the Freight from the envelope Songs,
in the midst of the Shite to the Pub crawling long It grains the drink to Al call Haul the Storm,
presently accounted tore the damper to Open the fluke as that is the Answering of the Quest to landers,
shipping class to Steep metal the boiling Waters which blood Born will Title the next actual Horror,
like the Eddy great of the Creature Feature learner of Television of the National broadcasting Net Works.

Does the channel of the Sat in the lights of the Lamp blasters engage marsh to Mellow the steep,
while turning the Valve as the gauge and discussing the Factor to Real Time on the Pail,
eating a purchase stealing the Oats oiling the Vinegar with the Waist of the Poe leased??,
is the ink in Question of the sentence Foot to now Greek the enter to the Human Being reamed??,
can that clean and dirty Falcon of the Hawk be of the Crow that Winters with the X Mass of jeeves??

Shackles in the barter to Caste of the fountains on the History of the Clothes,
as to Mention of the Tables on the Salts or is the the butter screaming Milk,
on the skeet in the rifle as the sheets for the blankets Bellow for the Smoke on the breadth of go deep,
a Motorcycle on the sound of the Rumbling lands A kick Start to know that shoe Ganders sand,
pond to the Maker on the ear of the Perfume as the eyes are on the painted Counterfeits of rent.

Again on the blocks of the Founders of the Earthly realms by the Ways of the Tower of commerce,
basket pass that Coinage with the Pope on the laugh as in the Robbery people have died to come back!!

Van^It^Tea Fare

Ask in the world of snot and the deliverance shall become the clothes of stored skins,
as the first to the touch in The Mind on the Conscious procession of parades to the Monetary trees A bet,
to Produce on the Garden of the History to the storage of the Biblical plant It pours of slaved,
word spouting Mouth of this and than sat to just choke the life at the most base of approach,
no foundation to the Prelude earth Prequel to Genesis of the In the Beginning of the signal to stump.

As the growth inhabited the Fields of the More's at sound the Acoustics corporal a double twist,
the gut of the coffee to the Filter of the sleeve Down goes the supper to The Cross and the cuts,
blood that is grounded to the crupper of a State done by the Value to the Coinage in the crate,
my Mother spoke on pride to Plates that tiers were Shipped by News,
printables to bales at Folds to storm the Whether Blues,
shall the Tune beget the course of the sit on Power lit than in the arrow of the tip it is the foot a clue!!

Digest on the Reader of the decade in the torque hath brought to the Couch a version of the Plot,
in the severity of speak in the treat in each A Path to cart,
hark the Everlasting starts by Weighing purchased Courts.

As in the American of History on the generation of the Face to best in View,
the Hot is hot the Luke is warm and Mark, well that is just a Charming,
to be on Revelations floor as Deuteronomy Psalms deplore and while your Attic go to burst the book of Jude,
at that behave of Comp. breadth than sink your Teeth in Leviticus for on the port of good ole Proverbs the scene rebukes to score.

Chapters of the dark Nest clam as that will speak a Clever yarn to Spool of Avenues,
block of Said to address On the building of the Hinge doored Strongs,
of in diction of Dictation the writing of the Interpretation opens as it Kongs,
but to the basic of the Daily tool A Bill and call it Sent tree for sake of Good Times wronged.

In the Infinity of the Ever on the years as the Tether patience on the deck to Porch of all the Set,
be in the soup to seat or the arm of A9 twist portals are dimensions with a Conduit to grown,
speaking Plainly is the course as Radio for lighting door the steer in Cattle garnish,
garlic with the Parsley slip to stitch the Trip at dip equip forgetting of the Sand glitch.

Counting states that grains of lands is Oceanus to Value rocks that have been broken Carriage,
the foot Man brights with Measures Rite to family on the Pear fig.,
at that the permission of the list is in the Hands of same exact to what was Ignition to the taste of Creek.

Per that the steady on the treasure of Pandora's song that fire of the Ache,
be I from in the jib a Sailing on the Solar tip will be the Universal dong,
a bell for Sheet the pen in Ink a pretty sweet in sympathy thus invitations deeply seat,
as Any would the Know of beat to the Music of its Call as that for Rein is form a lead And dancer.

Eff Sharp

Mother Earth on the stead of the Study red Ventured touching dirt to Sea waters,
the pond of puddles of Showers in April cheek my sobbing tears to graced by Natures sturdy,
to be tasked at the Vat of broth to the Mind as that is the system ob Over drawn sold,
forthwith to the depth of the blessing by the sound in echo of the globe the language for the know!!

To youth of my certain as the file is of hand a pressure in the tale to the thrust of this slam,
landing for the sudden to the Thunder of the Sky as Raw as the bearings the curtain pliers law,
to bask in the Sun as the Moon in her company the gravity of subject to the horror of the breadth,
in Wind the whistle sings to storm on Shy of Ant to hill of grant that perfect evolution to clank.

Purchase with a Wheel wright to value of the Measure flight in Absolute of creek A river in the shed,
mountains that did speak of Valley to the cave the burden of Humanity and talking peoples grave.

Ask nothing of the Anything to Every Thing be laid As that is the Culture of the present Gift today,
to strike the luck a curtsy stuck that Polite of policy to Politics in that this is the grail,
for as the cup of Human store to the Shoulder carriage Thor in Odin hear the Zeus of ever Came!!

No to the eating of the Flesh in portal Spirit loans to that drink Of blood the bones in seven known,
face this in with dignified to Up the stuff that Crosses lie on the hammer of the snail in the taste of Combs,
brushing with the Tote all box as that is in the Horses stock to Thoroughbred the days,
a good old fashioned Breeze to shed the ribbon Used for as the Oak in speaking tide the garden did abuse.

An at The Apple bitten grapple the Adam of the throats to graze the Pastures of the bloat,
swell with Yards on fencing store to Make in faith believe the Doors a Threshold born to breathe,
with terminal on All the state a Train for Caboose in realm Apply the simple cream,
the burn of the Flame at fires on the Corn to Maze the stake and bring The Fates OH what a Siren`d.

To date the World placates Form to tank the Trough of mud in Wronged perking only skirt,
as Plato spoke and History wrote of kills that lasted Fluff,
the Tomb of speech to Conduit will care for those by Sleeve,
this challenge at the front door came to straight on shook by off the lane driving bye the brine,
but should the soak benefit those that wish to Soy account that Wafers for the still.


"The Pane Decided"

As my life has become a body that the sleeve shelves the tears, 
a Library of prose to left on the Floes.  

Minds tangle a Crown while ‘The brow’ burls to the circle of scenes,
tread of exhaust in Plumes clouds the pale as flushed by silent Seasons,
the pages torn Acoustic thorns deliver Minor chalks as The Mortal Dale,
hilltops arch shoulders that per Happens, 
purposed while at stand to shackle the Ankle of ‘the Hands.’  

Correspondence remains,
asking only the soaking shirt, 
A droplets letter!! 

Written on time & date stamped:
4/18th/2015 5:52 PM 

Print Feat

To Wards the charge,
 off the scour of liberty,
to capture the Man at hearth,
 is in ‘Inch’
 a Miled road of razors.  

The shave of stubble,
 the hard shaft of Oats,
 to the swept breeze of Rain,
 measured stones.  

Fields plowed Whilst the Mind factors Soil;  
Thrush Whistles blooms on Thine Vine of Yards.

Gardens sync to Rein Trees,
 byways Which sever hinges,
 ‘The Plow.’  

A mower with Mule to disc. The Ass, 
A fire to revive the Earths method often Fallow!!

Starters of Ashed Within,
arson built will craft A Marrow,
 to stick touch Clay; 
the bleeding globes,
 a Spherical Sound of laid!!  

Door Nails at thresholds,
Crossing lead during Jade,
Upon the shield of Debt, 
a death to stride Scenario darks,
A Pad to dock A slam:  

Truth hands doubt a Stipulation.  

From ‘Thought’ to worth thee Word of Chase is mirror Throttle,
as the The Art^A^choke of thorns born thistle by Nettled;  
Chained stings through grass of Mountain Moss sending ‘The Dews.’

Trade Par for the Trials Whilst troubles beseech the Fodder as the World.  

In Country Heir the blood rains,
Span the showered,
By both bled and Bones to flesh out/on A spend. 

The Dust of Courts, 
of Sand during ‘The Tides’ Chart released An Hour tip, 
Square Abstract on Pie hath Shown Humanity the sliced.

Navel bellow,
Chores Digest,
to ‘The Palm of Reader’ at Speak’; 
A hold!!  

Hare bows to Hop,
A Stop on skit in bounce, 
However the Ears Antennae,
the Said.  

The Trench depth is Worked or Well to the buckets Words.

Men is Treed to sport,
Removed the slight as a Fit^Nest to squire the Sealed; 
Instants of Clippings of Birch: 

Thus An Oak to Plumb.  

Shale`d Thorough To bread Of Oils History, 
A pits Place to Sweet ‘bitters’ by Press.  

Awe special Plot to Spake

 ‘The Wheels’ 

On the stance of Pleat or the Hemming of Potters root Bounds Lot!!

Straddle Atlas to Pull of leashed,
the Loops May bubble To Vanquish the Crave;  
Chin Straps.  

Skeleton leather!!

April 18th, 2015 6:07 pm