Ewes can barn to the Farmer on the All Mac bart,
as to the say in the File on Take is to be ridden by Blunt,
in the wrap on the Tug to hat the Parade its the lark.
Prance to the Training on the B.D.S.M. for its the Charter from,
to send the variable as the Central channel on the Radio television start,
statistic to the Payphone on Stand.
Disconnection Note tick on Article of the A grade,
graduate of the Academic on the Homer of Schools,
logic at the Cambridge dark is at the Present.
Now on the Thermal Under wire is the California trees,
a bridge to the Clear of the House of blackest Nark,
in that the MkUltra does the Geronimo of theory to Cart!!
Hark the saddle is the bladder of the Peas in jobbing a clued,
cleanser on brand to Tack is this bit Piece of cheek,
a brow band with the Throat On as a figure eight.
Tried and Truth is the duty of Honesty on The Plains,
barbed Internets is a Cob on the webbing of Strung,
oh rather the Bill goes to the Games of the poe!!
Herb bowl Tea with the Words forming Seat a Traveling Teak,
oaks are in the foundation of the Read Would accent on the Utube candor,
as the brisk in the sill LOOK elegance grands the arbor with the audience on land!!
Tonk a coy with lend a grown to balance the standard to sing on the give,
tires are the exhaust of the Hose to garaged that engine on the coiling,
breaking Cancer to Acura the finish as a Beginning to turn the mole to great.
Distance believes that reason measures the top to the base as Any cork can shatter the bottled bean,
counted for the said as the Tow tag is not beneath the bottom daze It is the Up ringing soil,
dirt Muds on the Facial know is a Mixture of gallantry to Placed,
these are the Minutes that say in dance to be of the brightest journey to stance,
shake the drool and wipe the tears a way In Case it is the sign that Humans clerk.
On division of Race to mile on the spake is a Wheels wright to Carry wool,
starry are the Manhandled to gift the Coal yet it is that very Ignition that has brought forward this lived,
commercial Disney to the studio of Universal than the breath will Breathe alive!!