Jinn Owe Side is the Eldest Rafter on the Church of Catholic Christian on Commune,
in that the leg of Thigh is a Wafer to the breast of Chicken as A Wafer is the Shine to thumb supper,
in the Brief of a Roast is the blood drained to Chalice`d Signed as that is the liberal on AntiAbortion.
Laws that guilt the Already have Not wanted to be Scot touch the Hip Pocket and Basque Spinner,
round tablets to the Lazor Cut Said in that Charlton Heston made Booked for the Dead,
watch a Film to sheets of Screen in that Final the bled is Lane to Feed the Populus on Green soy Lent.
As that Aisle is the Waltz of Marriage to the Yule tide on Ageless Reined,
scope to the Robe as the under Ware shared In the Inch it Methods to being Framed by framed Syn`d.
Pi on the Mathematics to the Pour of the Sleek is As Ancient as Zeus and Odins hour send`t,
Soy soy Soy soy Soy soy Soy soy Now Coconut almond Milk the Sow to Piggy bough Hide!!
Twelve little Tows to Cent Turned Ring rhymes Up goes the Skull the hands and the Signs,
yield on that Field to Caught^Ten about Editorial liquids that bounce the bigs Groat!!
Can Ables are the Hour to Tea times on the Cusp that leaves the Sing,
low in the Tongue area of the Scould Poe Sessions to bring the lather`d buy fest,
in the Circa of Horse to the Traveling pants Want is the Solve rent to How is Aloud!!
The Psalter to Proverbs that revelatory Claim at the Grimm of the cage is the Bones of the paved,
extra Venue to glue`d are the Minute tee`n Notes in Confucius the label is cross^legged coast.
Begging the Question is an Ink Can be Tall`d now Put the place to that Scene on the Maul,
fought for the PeaCock to Feather the Breeze a Issue of Magazine that Folks the Frost Crut,
to dish of the smalls on Refrigerator bast Ores around on the fountain and Waters on Stores.
Contagion of Truth is the ede E octopuss Dressed know Won has Spoken the Morning of Crest,
treasure the Hand that says to the Hugged no Matter the Turkey its a Papal rebuke`d,
how is the Air Owe to Tunnel the Ilk on that is the Fax that returns to A Face`d.
Provisions on A dick Shun is a Difficult CrayAce the Fish that Bill O'Reilly choked on the Cave,
to be the Factor and Twist in the Eats a Chapter for Opened this is the grace`d.
A born to the Size on the Goods baking shake More's in the in Courage have Ironed the dread,
even on Division to Subjects that left Be well on that Licker that spoke of the Rose`d.
Thor`Ns is the Hammer The Norse that is Prose snore to A Wake and rise the Bread Court,
on Sour to Yellow a batter in Butter that is the skin Job to poe Tate toes soap Row Ole,
be Friction to screaming the Pat Tent to brake Troubled by Veda at House of the Dod.