The Rogue in the time of the rein of a Ride is the Horse on the vein of a syrup to the line,
in that is the Saddle the bridle be sign As the bit to that is the girth bee of Roan,
in that is the pebble of the Foot to that Hoof the Barrel of the rib is a Snippet pet per lived,
the story of the body in the Brain of the Mind linking to the groundin of eclectic be A sound!!
Halve of that Measure is the Six cent on the Dime four hooves to stride a Halt or a Tide,
on the Carts of the Radio touching Satellites bing Sky,
the clause in the Dock Tream be rackets of the World.
Pause to a struct and that Kick will be an Ass donkey on to the back of the Human Caustic stew,
thoughts to be lay at the System Mat tick raved Hard mouths bring Mouths tongues tied with String!!
Trail of that is the trail on a Life,
towards the loft of Ole be stacks Packard on the Tarp,
pleats of the skirt Issue on the lathe Pants of Suit to breeze the Steep streamers on the Earth!!
Tack that to brush belong an Absolute of shall the bath showering to pea,
pod that now on desk of Hands and Puppets in the path,
theater with shoppers a crawl in bottoms geared,
wiping screens to dried in baste Glue that marrows land!!
Stick and brones that Factor clone to Stepping left or Rite to Pyre what is the basic Strap,
that would streak a Nailing to enter Sections paved,
on Cobble of the Blur and Blues to shingle in the Spelling Cat Owe why's the Operation on the stone,
is that the Chisel of the Mall to thrice the burst be storage Front a bank of versus Dome??!!
Did in the Inch of Rulers mile on Kilometers Circa,
the print on Palm of the Trees that grove among the Flees,
mark that language with the curl a burr lap of the Sliding loud,
found the Air at the OH and snowing on the glay Sure!!
Does in the skip of the Creek a stature or the bones,
ruins on the Concrete of the Hue Mond of a booth,
did in that Wind of Compass bend to Minuet a Toot,
is edge of Cleft that frog or Science that said to Warmer sooth!!
Creation brought to evolution the Words to worth and Flute,
clarinet the Reed to gut and Pedals with a Flour bust the Sig. a pieced to Puzzled ruth per lapsed,
in swim of dolphin Soar of eagle the Dove on Crow to paint the Sage,
a Seer sings with Ole`s scene bathe that lather on the brow of side to sweat the Lodge at moved,
even divide of ration died to put forward Mow and shrown that double sword of Fenced,
yet at the Pick It to a pence the Platters of the Crock and Shrew will barn with rogue`d At Poot.
So on the thread of sinew read the vein in bled has dried to Comments that A jacks of the Cauldron,
environment that plate of plot to flatten ever In Finite broughts,
that string Mi a Scarecrow with Hey stack and Metro`d the Train a station beyond that Sole of laiden!!
Gush in stuck to blushings Fold the difference in the Rain throws,
as in specific to that sphere is on the Solar Cosmic spy,
in regards to Sincerely you'rs the Avenue to 815 that delivered Shock & Ra,
is the spark of Ignition the Yokes that Hames shop to Clear,
or is the Harness light Horse Man steer the reins in Fresh the Sane of pier,
pop goes the Ferret to Rustle oil a Daught com Maw to venture Spurred,
in simplicity the Complexity is knowing that the Magnets rate with Minors from the splint,
a leg that Match to spark the Change and not form Echo but hug the holds!!
His fate was destined to a foreign strand,
A petty fortress and an "humble'" hand ;
He left the name at which the world grew pale,
To point a moral, or adorn a TALE.*
*to whom may be applied, with a slight alteration,
the lines composed by Johnson for Charles of Sweden--