APA: (2013). pp. 331-2. A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners (Vol. 3). London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1881)
MLA: A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners. Vol. 3. 1881. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013. 331-2. Print.
(333) | |
HISTORICAL RECREATIONS.234. Show how the struggle of each petty Grecian state for autonomy prevented the unity and prosperity of Greece.235. Compare the personal rights of man among the ancients with those that he enjoys among the Christian nations of to-day. 236. Describe the mode of Rome's growth as a nation.237. What was the character of Rome's government over her provinces ?238. Under what emperor did all the provincials acquire Roman citizenship ?239. Explain the expression^ ^'ChsBronea was the coffin, as Marathon was the cradle, of Hellenic liberty." 240. What was the origin of the word politics t Pagan t 241. Who first used the expression, " Delenda est Carthago" t 242. Narrate the circumstances of the death of Archimedes. 243. Describe the three popular assemblies of Rome. 244. How did the Romans procure a model for the ships of their first fleet?245. What hostile general once threw a javelin over the walls of Rome ?246. Who said, ^^ It is easier to turn the sun from its course than Fabricius from the path of honor " ?247. Tell the story of Lucretia ; Virginia ; Horatius Codes; Mycins; Romulus and Remus; Coriolanjs; Cincinnatus; Camillus; Marcus Manlius; Quintus Curtius; Decius; Caius Pontius.248. Name the twelve Caesars.249. For what is the date 146 B. c. noted? 250. Describe the funeral of a Roman emperor. |
APA: (2013). pp. 333-4. A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners (Vol. 3). London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1881) MLA: A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners. Vol. 3. 1881. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013. 333-4. Print.
**{I attempted to change the Web sites forum to represent the Original text in My Book on subject/Page proper OR as close as I was able to do, however I discovered that not only are the words in the first line misspelled, i.e. "Note" (see below) I thought to possibly correct however than the actual page numbers i.e. 3rd line down listed as S9 instead of page number 39 is more disturbing. Therefore I left the entirety unchanged for the review of greater Minds that myself to not only observe but to be made aware of such disguised text. This is an IMPORTANT detail to I.}
"*" The figures refer to the page number.
NOTB. "Diacritical marks are as follows: a, e, I, 6, u, axe long ; cX, ^, i, d, it, shorty hB in dm, mgty in, 6n, Up; d, a, d, gt, as in edre^artn, dsk^aU; Um in full; 8 Mia tSrm; ^ as in tJiere; g like s; ^ likej; ^h like k; $ like z; tft as in thine.
Abram in Canaan, 80; in Egypt) S9.
Ab/dus, temple of, 18.
Academy at Athens, the, 175, 282.
Ac'cad, 45, 46. Acca'dian, the, 45. Achee'an League, the, 157.
Achseans, conquest of, by Dorians, 117. Achaia (ft-ka'ya), province of, 237.kireez) 116, 190. Acropolis, 123, 128, 145, 180-182, 187, 194. Actium (ftk'she-tlniX battle of, 254.
Achilles ("-i,
^'diles, Roman, 271. .SgOspOt'"rol, battle of, 145.
^ne'as, 117, 205. ^ne'id, the, 117, 275. ^6'li-an War, the, J 16. iE-51'ic Colonies, 118. ^'quians, the, 220. .^Ischiues (es'kl-neez), 173.
^schylus (es'kl-msX 127, 165, 168, 192.
uEsop (e'sOp), 178, 174.
Aetius (a-e'shl-tls) at Ch"lons, 268. Lague, 157. ^tolians, the, at Thermopylse, 237.
Africa, 19.
Agamem'nun captures Troy, 116. Ag"th'o-cleg, tymnt of Sicily, 79. Ag3sila'us, King of Sparta, 146. A'gls, King of Sparta, 179. Ag'ora, the Athenian, 182. Agrarian Law, 216.
Agric'ola conquers Britain, 260. Agrigen'tuin, capture of, 227.
Agrip'pa, 214, 298.
Agrippina (ii-grip-prnaV 259.
A'hab, 4a A'haz, 49.
Ahriman (ah'ri-man), Persian god, 96.
Aix (aks), battle of, 242. Al'aric the Goth, 267. Al'ba Lon'ga, 205, 209. Al9"e'us, Greek poet, 164. Al9ibi'a-deg, 141, 143, 144, 175. Alc-maj-5n'idce, the, 123, 124. Alexander the Great, 150-152, 177. Alexander Seve'rus, 262. Alexandria, 151, 154.
Allia, 221. Alphabet^ 77, 113.
Al'tis, the Greek, 181, 186. Chistian Fathers, Am'broge. Seer Amenemhe (ft-men-em'S) III., 39.hOiouil1649. Amphitheater, Flavano Am'unoph III., 17. Anftb'asis, the, 172. An"c'reon, 164. Anax"g'oras, 167, 174. Anaximan'der, 174. Androni'cus, Livius, 278. Ant"l'cidas, Peace of, 146. An'ti-6"h, 155, 237.
Aniplctyn'c Cnc, 1, 1i (Closseum), 284.
Autro-"hus the Great, 234, 287.
Antip'ater, 150. Antls'theneg, 177, 194. An'tonincs, age of the, 261. Antom'nus, Marcus, 261. Antoninus, Pius, 261. An'tony, Mark, 251-254. Apei'les, 155, 183.i II 80. Aphrodi'te, 184. Apis, 3L
Ape p., Aporio (Apollon), 184.
Apollodo'rus, Greek painter, 182. Apullo'nius, Greek poet, 155. Ap'pian Way, the, 283. Ap'pius Claudius, 217, 288. Aqueducts of Rome, 282. Arbe'la, battle of, 15L
Arch of Constantine, 284; of Severus, 284 ; of Titus, 284. Archida'mus, 140^ 141. Ar"hiro"hus, 168.
Archimedes (ftr-kl-me'deez), 155, 284.
Architecture. See Art. Ar'"hons, Athenian, 121. A-re-Op'agns, court of, 122, 194. A'reg (Mars), god of war, 184, 192.dn,15 Argonautic Expeitio 1.
Ar'g58, 117, 146. Aria or Iran, la Ariad'ue, 185. A'rianigm, 265, 266. AristI'deg, 128, 129, 182, 186. Aristode'mus, 198. AristOph'aneg, 155, 169, 175, 109. Aristotle, 150, 176, 177, 194.
A'rius, 265. Armiuius, 256.
Armor. See Military customs.
Ars"'9id", the, 156.
APA: (2013). pp. 337-8. A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners (Vol. 3). London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1881) MLA: A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners. Vol. 3. 1881. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013. 337-8. Print.
| (336) |
Xll INDEX.Art, Assyrian and Babylonian, 65, 71, 72, 113, 413 ; CUaldeaii, G4, 65, 71 ; Cliinese, 110; Egyptian, 26, 44; Greek, 137, 145, 154, 158, 180, 193, 194, 201; Hebrew, 85; Hindoo, 105 ; PerAiau, 96, 104 ; Phooiii cian, 77; Roman, 281, 285, 305, 310. Artaxerxes (ar-taks-erks eezX 135, 145.Artaxerxei (BabeganX 156. Ar'teiuis, 184, 189, 194.Arts and Inventions, Assyrian and Babylonian, 48, 59, 71, 72; Chaldean, 64; Chinese, 111; Egyptian, 28, 44; Greek, 188; Hebrew, 85; Hindoo, 105; Persian, 97, 104; Phoenician, 77; Roman, 282, 310.Ar'yan race, lO-LS, 51, 88, 80, 105, 114, 204. ^as, 205.Asca'nius, son ofne Aspa'sia, 167.Assemblies, Congregation of Israel, 86;^5Greek, 116, 194; Roman, 208, 21 21 (see Comitia).As'shur, Assyrian god, 62; emblem of, 98. Asshurbftn'ipal, 49, 54, 67, 69, 70. Asshur-e-med'i-lin (SaracusX 47, 60, 55.Asshiir-lzir pal, 48. Assyria, 17, 46-70, 88, 89. Astarte (Ash'ta-rOth), 79. Astrologers, 52, 56, 288, 290. Asty'ageg, 88. Athe na, 180, 181, 184, 187, 194.Athenian art, 123, 181-183; constitution (of Solon), 122; democracy, 119, 124, 139, 159; education, 178; homes, 195; kings, 121; literature, 123, 161-172; Panath enaic procession, 187 ; r -spect for Pericles, 140, 141; schools closed, 157; schools of philosophy, 175-177 ; s ;nate, 123 ; snpremacy, 134; symposia, 197 199; theaters, 170, 187-189; tyrants, 123. Athenians, the, 134, 137, 138, 159, 170, 179, 194, 197, 201.Athens, 119, 121-140, 144, 146, 157, 158, 194.At'talus, 237. Attic wit, 199.At'tica, 121, 124, 143, 176. At'tila, 267, 268. Augurs, Roman, 205, 208, 251, 293. AuQfustan age, the, 256, 310. AugQs'tulus ROm'ulus, 269. Augustus Caesar, 252-258, 296, 298.Aure'Iian, 26.S.Arentine Hill, 205, 208, 209, 214, 217.Ba al, 78.Ba ilb;^c (bal-bek'), 75, 281. Babel, Tower of, 55. Babylon, 46, 50, 51, 58, 89.Babylonian art, 55; curious customs, 63 ; Chaerone'a, battle of, 149.empire, 43, 46, 50; literature, 54, 55, 71 ; reli;xion, 61; scene, 63; writing, 52.Bac'fthus (Diony'sus), 185, 187.Bac'tria, 10, 93. Basil'icas, Roman, 281. Behls'tun Inscription, 53, 90.Belsh"z'zar, 51.Beni Hassan, tombs of, 40.Bero'sus, 46.Bethho'ron, Joshua at, 82.Bias. See Seven Sages. Bible, the, 85, 154, 226.BoB-d'ttan League, 139, 147. Book of the Dead, Egyptian, 24. No a 55 Brahma and the Brahmans, 105-107. Bren'nus, Gallic leader, 156.Borsip'pa, Temple ofebt,.Britain, 249.British Empire, 687 ; mnseam, 62, 66, 60^ 181.Brutium, 203, 233. Brutus, L. Junius, 211, 212. Brutus, M. Junius, 251-268.Bnbaa'tis, 26.Buddha (bood'da), 107, 111.Burial customs, 82-35, 43, 63, 66, 71, 99,104, 190, 191, 294, 807. Byzan'tine Empire, the, 266, 260. Caesar, Caius (ka'yus). See Caligula, Csesar, Julius, 248-262, 280, 298, 302.Cairo (ki'roX 21.Calendar, 155, 222, 250, 251. Calends, Ides, and Nones, 251. .Calig'ula, 259, 303. Calllm'a"hus, 181. Callfo-pe. See Muses. Calpur'nia, 251.Calydo'nian Boar, hunt of the, 116. Camby'seg, King of Persia, 15, 90.CamU'lus, 221-223.Campus Mar' tins, 222, 299, 301, 808.Can nee, battle of, 232. Canule'ian Decree, 218.Capitoline Hill, 206, 208, 222, 296, 807; museum, 183. Capua, 203, 238.Caracal'la, or Caracallus, 262, 286. Carchemish (kj^r'kee-mish), b7. Carthage, 73, 76, 227-23.% 244, 250, 269. Carthagin'ians, the, 133, 227-2:^5. Cassius (k"sh'e-usX Caius Lungi'nus^ 251253.Cassius, Spurius, 216.Castes, Chaldean, 52; Hindoo, 106. Castor and Pollux, 213, 296. Catili tie's Conspiracy, 247, 275. Cato the Censor, 236, 274, 289. Cato the Stoic, 248, 25a Cauca'sian race, the, 10. Caudine Forks, battle of, 228.Ce'crops, 121. Celts, the, 12.Censors, Roman, 218, 266, 271. See Colo,Centuries. See AxsevnUies. ('erami'cus, the, 140, 177. Cer'berus, 184. Ce're". See Demettir, Cesno'la, Luigi Pahna di, 77, 87.Chalde'a. See Babylon. Ch"lons rshft-lon'X battle of, 268. Chompoliion (sham-pore-onX Francois 22.Che Hwang-te, 109. Cheops (ke'ops), 16, 36, 37. Chilo (ki'loX See Seven Sages.China, 109-112. Chios (ki'5sX 139. Chivalry, 410-412, 439. "horagic Monument, 181, 194.T, Greek, 188.Choragus |
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APA: (2013). pp. 335-6. A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners (Vol. 3). London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1881) MLA: A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners. Vol. 3. 1881. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013. 335-6. Print.
(337) | (338) |
M (ek'wI-teaiX 21^ a Etillupin cuiiqaered by Egypt, 17 EtriU'iani, Ou, BU, 201, m 211.Eu'uMft 1'7.Eolcr'ps. Hee Mutet. ""lu'uus. la EinluB Dt the Jem, 32.h ba rihil (U'lii-I). te, ra'blus, M.. Roinau dictal'ds, 226.i^nbraSAmhiv lu Athene, N";(n-.wni-Ji the. S2, 39, 182, 168, IB I. 30, S8, e^ 63, Oi, IIS. 15"^ IS 1, iXi, wo, SOT.HViniin, Bumaii, 2IK1. 29S, 299 ; luonumenU Huniea and home llle, Athenian.HS 1 in, 2jl,aS4: u"-4"f, 239, 281, 3"Xt 3a" fuviiiiiiu, Lak". 282. rulTiH, wile I'f Mark Antony, 253.h IHS.ITurlaa. I".Oa'dCgCCHilit), 73Galleys, (Iruek ar Oalliu, Rdtnaii E2S.", 3h OenitliiB K^iaii *, te, 220, 232, 360, W4, """'"'^" " Jfln-Bli kin), 10^ MX 2. Qermwi mlKTutioiis, 266-269.'i, 2.OTiigcnu ijcii ser Ik69aemianuiii50atieb (gffte\ 16, le, 3e.]dltuia] gainer "~ -8 nS T, id, xizt. Ooniiiiii,e Ooths, (be, 262, Se% 266.'ld ths, "Li 24 OrsBcuaiwB,1 Graco, (e te.SAl', war, 246.a"a4 GOaaa, 2, U,,id Hpe, C*[ie u, IB th, IIK.OoooGrace,l ClU.1.llntr.flll",ilh, 'nriO 2".bbrfi I. OnincnB bn-'" '"ylliipuB (jl-lipiis), 8i"rtBii general, 1'U 181.Ill, See AtlientanA Sparta.BV,iti, 18Bamitrlc race, 10. iS. Huinibal, 230-2XB, 297, Hai'dni'bal, 233, 234.Hebrews, (h:, 18. 80-81.tam6. Helen, wB oe Hel'lHituid the HclWneB,Beelor, son o t^, 11itf Mnelaui, lia. 114. lis, IIT.hSLHellMpont, Alewridcr ci-usaeB te, I He'luts, Spartan, 119, 136, IMV 161.ht. 18.^epicaue4HercuWneuiii dettroyed, a He'ro, oreek tnatbeniHtlclan. lu. HeiOd'otua. IS, 110, 167, 171, 182.'l)" He"l"jd(heetT.i". W,,Kl,,pChaldean, 68: ^ypau, 8, 40 " BonOiiiis, Bonian Emperor, 207. Horace, Beinari pi*t, 2Tt^ 310. a, EgyptlBn pid, 3^ 31, HjBla3pea,DjriBB, S3.du. Ilia., tEpli,-lhe Fcaimj, IW, 13a India, 105-108, 16a.Eopean. See Aryan. UiBuripUona. lanious, 1^ 32, IS, 00, it9. Inatltutee of Tlibnu and flBUtsnia, 108.Illu. Hiier'e, 116, 161, 182.lbegjli'i 26 InimorlaB, te Indn-iittpBua, battle u^ liiBrael, kingdom ol III, I. | INDEX.Joseph, 80. Joshua, 82. Jove. See Zeus. Judah, kingdom of, 84. Judea, 80-86. Judges, the, 82. Jugur'tha, 242-244. Julian, the Apostate, 265. Juno. See Hera. Jupiter. See Zetis. Ju' venal, 278.Ka, the Egyptian, 24, 38. Kar'n"k, Great Temple of, 9, 17, 26. Et, Khu-en-A'ten, King ofgyp 17.Khu'fu. See Cheops. Kshatriyas (ksh"'tre-y"sX 105. Labyrinth, Egyptian, 17, 89, 65. Lacedse'mon, 119, 132, 146. Laconia, 121, 158, 16a La're" and Pena'teg, 289, 310. Latin League, 205, 213, 216, 224.Latium, 206.Lay'ard, Austen Henry, 55. Leo L, Pope, saves Rome, 269. Leon'idas at Thermupylse, 129. Leonidas of Tarentum, 171.Lep'idus, 253. Leuc'tra, battle of, 147.Libraries, 18, 45, 54, 55, 71, 106, 154, 156, 157, 162, 177, 178, 274, 275, 278-280, 297, 304.Licin'ian Rogation, 219.Linnse'us, 55. Livy, 277, 310. Lo'crians, the, 149. *Long Walls, the, 138, 140, 145, 146, 194. Lost Tribes of Israel, the, 84.Lotus flower, 62. Lucil'ius, 274. Lucius Tarquin'ius, 209.Lucretia, 211. Lucul'lus, 246. Lux'or, 26. Lyce'um, 157, 194, 282. Lycur'gus, 120. Lydia, 89, 125. Lysau'der, 145. Lysim'achus, 163. Lysip'pus, 174, 183. Macedonia, 46, 148, 157, 236. Majce'nas, 275, 277. Ma'^i, ma'gianigm, 97, 99. Magna Grsecia, 118. Magnesia, battle of, 237.Ma'go, 232. Magyars, the, 374.Mamertine Prison, 208, 242, 259, 307.Mftn'etho, 15, 155. Maii'lius, Marcus, 222. Mantine'a, 148. Man'tua, 550. Mar'athon, battle of, 126. Marcius, Ancus, 208. Marcius, Cains (CoriolanusX 219.Marco Polo, 109. Marcus Anre'lius, 261. Mardo'nius, 126, 133. Mariette (ma-re-6t), 27. Ma'rius Ca'ius, 242, 243, 244, 248.Marriage customs, 68, 189, 292.Mars. See Ares, Marseilles (mftr-salzX 118.f3. Massila (Marseilles), 118. Maxim'ian, Roman Emperor, 268.Martyrs, era o, 26Max'imus Fa'bius, 228. Medea, 169, 275.di 88. Meg'acle?, 123. Megalop'olis, 147. Melea'ger, 116. Melpom'e-ne. See Mtues. Mem'non, the vocal, 14, 17. Memno'nium, the, 26.Me'a,Memphis, 15, 16, 27, 30, 31, 89, 40, 43, 90.Menan'der, 170. Meuela'us, 116. Me'ne$, 15. Mercury. See Hermes. Mesopota'mia, 17, 45. Messa'na, capture of, 227. Messe'nia, 121, 147. Messenian wars, 121, 136, 163. Metau'rus, battle of, 234. Met'tius Cur'tius, 206. Migrations, Era of Great, 266.Mll'an, 264. Mile'tus, 117.Military customs, 21, 60, 69, 101-108, 126, 149, 191, 225, 271, 307, 309; roads, Roman, 282. Minep'tah, 17, 82. Minei-'va. See Alliens. Minu'cius, 221.Mithrida'te^ the Great, 243, 246, 247. Mithridat'ic wars. 24?, 246. Mnemosyne (n3-mds'e-neeX 185. Mceris (me'ris), Lake, 17, 32, 39.Moloeh, 78, 79. Mons Sacer, 214, 217. Monuments. See Art. Mortgage-pillars, Greek, 123.Moses, 80, 82, 86. Mount Ath'os, 126.Mount Etna (Vulcan's Forge), 184. Mount Vesuvius, battle of, 223. Mounts Ossa and Pelion, 113. Mummies, 32, 33, 34, 35, 42. Mum'mius takes Gorinth, 236. Mun'da, battle of, 250. Muses, the, 164, 171, 185, 195.Museums, Alexandrian, 154; British (London), 52, 56, 60, 181 ; Capitoline (Rome)^ 183; Gizeh, 18; Louvre (Paris), 55;^3; Vati-Turin, 41 ; Uflftzi (Florence 18 can (RomeX 181. Myc'ft-le, battle of, 134. Nabona'dius, 51. Nabonas'sar, era of, 46. Nabopolas'sar, 50, 70. NfiBvius, 273.Nebuchadnez'zar, 50, 84.Ne'cho, 19. Ne'mean games, 186. Neo-Platoniam, 177. Neptune. See Poseidon. Nero, 259, 27S, 305. Ner'va, ^"V. |
APA: (2013). pp. 337-8. A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners (Vol. 3). London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1881) MLA: A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners. Vol. 3. 1881. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013. 337-8. Print.
(339) | (340) |
XVI INDEX.Nice (nees), or Nl^'s (in 4sia Minor), Phar'na^, 240i Phidias, Greek sculptor, 137, 181, 188, 285.Ni'fias, Greek painter. 183. Niciafl, Greek general, 143. Nile Valley, the, 13, 15. Nimrouil, 4"" 55, 59. Nineveh, 47, 50, 58. Nirvana (neer-vi'nft), 107. Nu'ma, Ponipil'iiis, 207. Nunian'tio, siege ot^ 238. Nu'niitor, 205. Octa'via, 254.Octavius. See Augtutui CcBsar, OUoa'9er, Patrician of Italy, 260. Odyssey, the, 117, 162. (Edipus Trilogy, the, 167.lh 117, 120, 146.Oigarcy, Olym'pia, 115.Olympian games, 186; gods, 183. Omens, 185, 189, 196, 251.O'phir, 74.Oppert (""p'6rt), M., 53. Oracles, 167, 185. Or'niazil, 79, 93, 98. Osiri-s, 24, 31, 34, 42, 154. OB'tia, harbor of, 282, 284. Ostracism, 124, 129. Pacto'lus, the river, 89.Palatine Hill, 205, 206, 274, 281, 297, 802. Palestine, 46, 50, 82, 83, 153, 259. See JertLSilem.l"alniyra, 75, 281. Panatheiiffi'a, thf, 187. Pansa, house of, 304, 306. Pantheism, 106. Pantheon, 298. Papy'nis, 23. Parchment, 23, 156. Pariahs, Hindoo, 106. Paris, son of Prianj, 116. Parnas'sus, Mount, 185. Par'thenon, the, 180. Par'thia, 156, 249, 262, 309.Pasar'^adse, 96. Patricians, Roman, 213. Patro'cles 77. Paul'lus, Soman general, 235, 286.Pausa'nias, 133-135. Pau'sias, Greek painter, 188. Pedagogues, 178, 194, 197, 280. Pelas'jjians, the, 114. Pelop'idas, 147.Peloponnesian war, 139-145. Peloponnesus, 117, 12L Pena'teg. See Lares. Penelope, 117. Per'gamus, 23, 156, 237. Pfirlan'der. See Seven Sages.Per'Iclgg, 136, 140; events of age of, 185, Qninlus Cnrtius, 223.137, 200. PerioB'ki, 119, 160. Peripatetics, tlie, 176. Persep'olis. 94, 151. Per'seuB 236 *Persian Empire, 46" 88-104; wars, 125134.Pe'trie, Flinders, Euyptologlst, 39, 168.Phalanx, Macedonian, 149.FharaobB, the. Ste Egypt.Philip IL of Macedon, 148-15aPhilip in., 286. Philip'pi, battle of, 25a Philippics of Demosthenes, 149, 173, 202.Philis'tines, 82.Philosophy and philosophers, 26^ 166, 157, 175, 201, 274, 278. Phr"cian8, tlie, 149.Plioenicia, 78-79; Greeks in, isaPhtahho'tep, 25. Pilate, Pontius, 259. Pin'dar, Greek poet, 161, 164.Pirates, 246. Pisis'tratus, 123, 186. Pit'tacus. See Seven Scigea, Platae'a, 127, 138, 141, 143. Plato, 160, 168, 175, 199. Plau'tns, 274.Plel"e'iau8, definition of, 213. Pliny the Elder, 277. Pliny the Younger, 277. Plutarch, 177. Pluto. See Hades. Pnyx, the, 140, 194.Politii.-s, derivation of name, 117.Pol'ycatp, 2(W.Polyhymnia. See Muses, Pompeii (pOni-pa yee), "60, 286, 300, 302.Ponipey the rjreat, 245-249. Pontifex Maximns, 283. Pontiflces (J'ontiffs), College of, 289.Pontius, Caius, 223. Pontus, kingdom of, 156.Popes, power of the. Sec Papal Power, Porseniia besieges Rome, 212. Pt)rtia, wife of Brutus, 253. Posei'don, prod of the sea, 184.Postu'niius, 224. Praxit'eleg, 183, 305. Priam, Kinjt of Troy, 116. Pris'cus, Tarqnin'ius, 208.Pro'bus. 2(53.Proi^on'tis (Sea of Marmora), 118w Propylaj'n, 182.Protojjj'eneg, Greek painter, 183.Psamniet'i"hn8, 18. Ptol'eniies, the, 153-155, 192. Punic wars, 227, 280, 235.Punishments, 52, 60, 86, 88, 91, 92, 101, 191, 242, 245, 259, 260, 280, 286. Pydna, battle of, 286.^us (pli-'us), 224. Pythng'oras, 174. Pythian games. 186. Quakers. See Friends.IrhQuirinal Hil', 208, 298. Quiri'teg, 208. Races, hislori*-, 10, 13.Rameseg II., King of Egypt, 18, 80.Ramesse'uni, the, 26. Ram'neg, 209. Rawlinson, Sir Henry, 53. Regil'Ius, Lake, battle of, 213.Beg'ulus. 229. Remus, 205. | INDEX.XVURepublic, Athenian, 124; Greek cities, 118; Hebrew, 86; Komftn, 218, 21^, 223, 308, 309.Rhapsodists, tlie Greek, 161. RigVeda, the Hindoo, 106.Ritual, tlie Egyptian. See Boi^ of the Dexd.Roadd, Roman, 226, 2S2.Roman Empire, 46, 255, 257, 261, 269.Rome, 205-312. Romulus, 205. Rosetta stone, 22.Roxan'a ('* Pearl of the East' ), 152.Sabines, the, 206, 209.Sacred Band, 147; wars, Grecian, 149.Sacrifices, human, 79. Sagun'tum, capture of, 230.St. Paul, 260. St Peter, 260. Sal'amis, battle of, 132. Sal' lust, 275, 310. Sama'ria, 49, 84. Sammur'amit, 48. Saiuson, 82. Samuel, 83.Sanskrit literature, 106. Sappho (saf fo), 164. Sar'acus, 47, 50. Sardanapa lus I., 48. Sanlanapalus II., 49. Sardinia, 73. Sar'dis, 89, 125.S.ii-'gon, and tlie Sai-gon'idse, 46, 49.Sassaii'idae, 93, 156. Si traps of Persia, 91. Sat-ur-na'lia, 239, 290, 295.Saul, 83.Scarahse'i, Egyptian, 30, 33, 41. Scenes in real life, 35, 63, 192, 296. Schliemann (shlee'man), 162. School, name derived, 179. Scienc e, 28, 93, 111, 113, 173. Scipio Africanus Major, 234, 235. Scipio AfricanuB Minor, 235, 238. Scipio Asiaticus, 235, 237. S 6 pas, 183, 305.Seleucidee (se-lu'si-deeX the, 156, 237.Seleu'ciis, 155. Senilr'amis, 49. Semit'ic race, 10. Sempro'nius, 231. Seneca, 278, 305, 810. Senn""h'erlb, 49, 57, 67. Senti'num, battle of, 224. Sep'tuagint, 154. Serto'rius, 245. Sej-'vius Tul'lius, 208. Sesorta'sens, the, 17. Sesds'trls, 18. Se'ti (Minep'tah), 17. Sjven Sages, 173, appendix i.' Seven Wonders of the World, appendix L Thal'eg. See Seven Sages.Seve'rus, Alexander, 262. Severus, Septim'ius, 262, 282, 284.Sextil'ius, 244.Sex'tus, Tarquin'ius, 211. Sh^lmane'ger II., 48. Shalraaneser IV., 49. Shepherd kings, the, 17.Ships and boats, 38, 102, 227, 258.Slb'ylllne books, 209. Sicily, 73, 118, 133.d 73 78. Silk, 105.Si'on,,SintOn'ideg, 168.dlavry, 18, 36, 37, 49, 60, 6S, 80, 86, 119, 160, 161, 179, 196" 197-199, 214, 229, 239, 267, 274, 275, 280, 286, 290^ 292, 295, 298, 300, 301, 303, 306.Slaves an se Slavs, the, 12, 13. Smerdis, son of Cyrus, 91. Smerdis the False, 90, 91. SOc'iateg, 159,170, 172, 174, 197, 199.Solomon, 83.Solon, 89, 122, 123, 160, 190. See Seven Sages. soph ists, the, 175. S5ph'ocleg, 166, 166, 167. Sosig'eneg revises calendar, 166.Spain, 238.Sparta, 117, 119, 126, 139, 160, 192.Spar'tacus, 246.Spartans, 119. 129, 139, 141, 143, 160, 193.Spu'rius Mse'Iius, 219.Statues, famous : ^sop, 174 ; Anacreon, 164; Athena Polias, 194; Athena Pro machus, 194; Bel, Beltis, and Isht ai-, 69 ; Csesar, 260; Faun of Praxiteles, 183; Jupiter, the Capitoline, 250, 307 ; Mero non, 14, 17 ; Niobe gioup, 183; Pallas Athena, 181 ; Pompey, 252 ; Raiuese^, 26; Romulus and Remus, 205; Seven Sages, the, 174 ; Shnfra, 37 ; Slieikhel Beled, 27; Venus of Cnidus, 181, 183 ; Zeus, 181. Stil'ieho, 267. Stoics, the, 177. Stra'bo, 155.Sudra (soo'di-A), the Hindoo, 106.Sulla, 242-245. Sympo'sium, 198, 199.Syr'acuse, 118, 143, 144, 227, 238, 284.Syria, 46, 49, 50. Syrian war (Rome), 237.Tac'itus, 277. Tao-igm, IILTaren'tum, attack on, 224.f6. Tarpe'ian Rock, 206, 223. Tarquin, 208-213. Tarquinii(quin'i-i), 212. Tar'shish, 74.Tarpe'ia, treachery o, 20Tarsus, Cleopatra at, 268. Tartai-8, the, 109.Templars. See Knighta HospitaUers and Templars.Ten Thousand, retreat of the, 146.Ter'ence, 274.Terpsieh'o-re. See Muses.Tertul'lian, 264.Teutons, 12, 13; defeated by Marius, 242.Thap'sus, battle of, 260.Theaters, 170, 187-189, 284, 298, 836, 472. Thebes (theebz), Egypt, 16, 17; Greece, 147, 149, 161.Theniis'tocleg, 128, 129, 132, 136" 189.TheOd'oric, 268, 318. |
APA: (2013). pp. 339-40. A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners (Vol. 3). London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1881) MLA: A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners. Vol. 3. 1881. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013. 339-40. Print.
(341) | |
XVIU INDEX.Ther'mn, Roman, 285. Thermopylae, 129, 237. The'se-us, 116. Thes'pls, 165.Thothmea (tot'meez) I., of Egypt, 17.Thothmea in., 17.Thrace, Persians defeated at, 126. Thucydides (thu-sId'I-detzX 172. Ti'ber, the, 204, 205, 212, 250, 283.Tiberius, 256, 800. Tl'bur (Tivoli), 281. TidTlathiniu, 47. TiflTlftth-Pile'sei I.,47. Tiglath-Pileser IIL, 49. Tigranes (ti-gra'neezX 246. Tigris-Euphrates basin, 13, 45. Titus, Roman Emperor, 85, 260, 285. Ti-a'jun, Roman Emperor, 261, 292. Transmigratioit of souls, 24, 106, 174. Trasime'nus, battle of, 232. Tre'bia, l)attle of, 231. Tribunes, 214, 217, 218, 256. Trilogy, definition of, 165. Tri'o, historical, 171; tragic, 165.Tri'reme 192.Trium'virate, First, 248; Second, 252.Trojan war, 116. Troy, 115, 116, 162. Tul'lus flostil'ius, 207. Turanian peoples, 10, 46, 109. Twelve Tables, Laws of the, 217. Tyrants, 123, i;", 145, 170, 262.Tyre, 50, 73, 151. Tyrian dyes, 78.Tyrtwus (tir-teo'usX Greek poet, 163. Ulm (oolm), battle of, 562.Ul'philas, 266.Ulys'seg^ 117.ti, Clleges, and Schools: Chinese, 111; Egyptian, 26, 44; Greek, 137, 155, 157, 163, 178; Hebrew, 86; Roman, Universieso 278, 275, 276, 280, 300.Urft'nla, miue of astronomy, 18S. Uruch, the earliest Chaldean king, 64.U'tica founded, 78. Vaisya, the Hindoo, 106. Ya'lens, defeat o^ 266. Valerian Decree, 218. Vandals, 260. Var'ro, 232.Va'rus, massacre of, 26" Vedas (va'd""X the, 106. Ve-1-en'tine war, 218. Veil (ve'yi), 212, 218, 221.d th Hindoo, 98.Vendiad,e Venice, 269. Venus. See Aphrodite, Vercel'lsD (ver-chei'lee), battle of, 242.Ve8pa'"ian, 260, 294. Vesta, 310. See Heatia. Vestal virgins, 280. Vesu'vius, battle of, 228. Viminal Hill, 29a Virgil, 275. 310. Virginia, Roman maiden, 217.Vishnu, 106, 108. Vulcan. See Hep?uegtu8. Vullush IIL, 48. WorldEmpires, the, 46.Writing mateiials, 28, 43, 44, 62-54^ 71, 92, 104, 177, 279, 280, 805. Xanthip'pus, Spartan general, 220. Xantippe (xan-tip'pe), 197. Xenocrates (ze-nOk'ra-teez), 157. Xenophon (zSn'o-fon), 47, 172. Xerxes (z6rks'eez), 129, 130, 132; 138.Za'ma, battle of, 234. Zend-Avesta, 93. * Ze'no, 157, 177. Zeno'bia, 263.Zeus (zus), 166, 180, 181, 184, 186, 186, 187, 189, 196. Zeiixis (zuks'isX 182. Zoreas'ter, 08. | |
APA: (2013). pp. 341-2. A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners (Vol. 3). London: Forgotten Books. (Original work published 1881) MLA: A Brief History of Ancient Peoples: With an Account of Their Monuments, Literature, and Manners. Vol. 3. 1881. Reprint. London: Forgotten Books, 2013. 341-2. Print.