So beam great the smile on the grin and the nails for even the entry says to be Tray Old,
full of the pitfalls that bury more People that is just happening starvation and weebles,
infestation is that sling that stays in the shake Marking dishes that Sky in the Vase'd,
looking down from Up above no longer should Persons query mug,
for it is the Satellite that measures Valve at person to persons preying Pew pole.
Their are the Masses arms stretched out to the sky,
the hour is of answered the grasp is of aye,
now for the quick pro crow just pick it application,
pools of threads fabric reads wise are brother joe`d.
Frank be symbol Charge be fee One at a Time is the easy Speak,
sum kind of trouble is no longer the found,
its left to the right of the super trend sound!!
Share & Give goods and pleats Sticks now stones are Words with skeeters And bounds,
rifle through the Web stir than all the change is A foot,
finger lick In goods to Chicken Wings and Pud.
Than the Waist said ways and meins',
Core spoke of the Priestly things,
but tithes be came,
and money rang,
it sound dead like the exact in slain.
Puff the Magic drag On lived by the See.
And Frolicked in that Ought tum Place in the land of Hon a lead,
lid dull jack key paper loved that Rascal puff,
And brought hymn Strings & Ceiling wax And other Fan see Stuff.
Together they wood Travel on A Boat with Bill oh'd Sale,
jack key kept a Look Out perch`d On puff's gigantic Tale,
know bull Kings and Prince is would bough Win ever they Came,
pie writ ships Wood low Ur their Flags when Puff roared Out Hz name.