Monday, December 14, 2015

Whom Is Thee At Crow Bat While The In Tab^Lets Squirrel^Oles Grain??

Is it Not exciting to Know that the Media will be Host Ding the duh Bait for the Political par Deed,
on stage Wills of charge to Care Ridge of the Edge of Tow'Mar Oh's??,
whom shall the E! dock Tore trades bee on the Ounce of the Deal ugg,
beggars at Creaks of The Doors on Pear^Raid Corks??,
plunder & fluster to Hook the Pyre??,
raise to that is just Tips the blind on Stature or framed??

Rancid are the National Media Boreds to broad Cast the hare Owe in Feeds,
round that is the charge the chain knoll to hill Side wrap??,
that language of the breast telling Turkey of the chick In to cover that Shield??,
nerves ground Power grips to that Gab??

Sew shell to the Tantalizing of the grave Yard with a taste of Steeping,
climbers on a Cliff note to vernacular the swell As also cool,
an X Treime on the Deck Aids venture to the Journal is tagged!!

More^Bid Width Of Awe^Flee An^Gel^Lick The True State Of E! Merge Gents See Once Cleared The Throat Too Say Tax A Dure^Mist

Thou dough Ven chi or is It duh Vent Chi would Rice to pay Purr as Tree sun Would ring the Rocking hoarse^is,
the beau Sleeve that speaks Hi lead to Lo form on What is a dress,
through Exit on In treed Conversation may bee Leave,
who than will Chase 'Puff' the Magic drag On & On & On & On etcetera.

The deck^aid would Thereby bring In vol. lope to Cantor the Jump pea`ing,
a Pod scene Tell a Vision in the Howl lean Moon??,
No that can't be That its Thus the Revelation on but to as Said,
formal Introduction requires a Used to be Known as a Handshake not a Milk spake.

Excite Mints,
chalk Lets,
curb Bits,
however the bridle has Cheek pieces, Knows bands, Crown or Brow bands,
attached with Reins, lunge Lines or for this door of Explain say etcetera??,
nigh the key is in the stone of Tone and Hedge is of fun^knee brae^deed??,
shalt not the voice on Phone ole Tea be Clock for the hour on Speak??,
dew at the mountain Morning??,
snow fluttering the Hops??,
small rain to oceans of love letters have waves on shores of this Worlds dunes in land scape Ping,
the grace Tides chart the long Ayes to shipping thou Oars as Engines feather in a Scribes books Bull.

Strength with Sourdough,
Cable Cars real the lines on the gears grasp to Just saying!!,
that Hills and Rice a roan Knee have Value at the Bridge of Scene,
the Gold in Gate!!

The Disk Of An OB A List??

Nigh key those shall the odd a Sea dance,
waves on the draw to shores of a land,
sketchers are Paintings?,
mirrors are reflect shins,
marking the chorus to Hymns & the sand??

Should the rocks of the Rollers of that Ocean or Creek,
be of a River on the banks of a stood,
does that rein on the Cactus involve the Flash Flood??
increasing the down Pour to a Pitch on the Span??,
that form Ole echo react shin??,
figures of Vocal on start Spreading the News??,
or is it simplicity to sing in width can.

With steady on level where does the lathe dam,
do the Mountains harvest snowflakes or Lands,
valleys with depth that forest or shore,
sync touching flutter with a view on that Bland??,
playing with Wind breeze as the Weather shows Grand??

Canyons love wisdom Time on the clock,
raising is showing a Vista that Jam,
playing Pea an know,
clarinet Trumpets glee,
sheets of Musing the growth by growths Strand.

Onward Forward the dance on the Freeze,
a glacier speaks Miles with the Answering key,
with Min. per Sun spelled on the day Timers read,
asking to Quest shin brings Postcards a Read,
the Code decks while Math does division for sill.

Stitch thread Fiber speak inch to a Scan,
breadth Fun Knolls shift from the Gears to grant Spree,
the base in a structure the built by deep Rhymes,
each day brought such levity that Floor a duh said Keys!!

Mow over the lane the Look and the Verb,
chose took choice bend creating drives not dead ends,
the fresh grace of Air delivered an cold true hugs,
in bracing the wonder of Bread with big Love.

What Is Vitamin 'D' In Eh Should The Math Add It Too All Sew Equals Thee Hem^Is^Fear??

Would it not be sort of a Iron or knee should the World had bin Looked the cup from For,
as it Truth it may have best built the File as a Toast in language on the Arts as the found EAN farthers,
simply Put as the Whole lead Graeae Ole of a Note to the Vernacular of the Cause to written Inked.

Therefor the living Air would be asked to a Waves shore for the beaches lands off Seas,
a Can Knew on Act Cent with a Words Verse quest,
the Show Pan of Thistle to Thorns wealth of Greece once A Wreaths aye 'V' at Sports of skull Lean.

At the stage of Pt. Ballet an Opus day Once the Symphony of singing Opera tore touch the Flame,
speaking in Song as the grade of Scale,
sheets with lines bringing light telling a World of the boon.

Answering the pry Or reed of the sigh`on Rose spoke as the Chains width Wheels be carts,
care Ridge to bit Piece reins on Compass wares of the Thimble to Go spreading the Knews!!

Thee Whole lee See would Trademark a Copy right for the left hand Corn,
bundle with Wrap^Pers the daisy In cents,
doll Lars to priest an All tour to Scat!!

Cheese tube the Dawn key Horror Rise Zen a Steer spelling this Easy slowly for Seer,
the deck Aid on error Awe just saddles the girth,
cinch on The west Turn to bridle the Tut,
than came the New mill In knee Um scoot,
pigeons And band Nails to cross the X crutch,
owe Limb pick At more Ole taste War burned from Shucked.