Is it Not exciting to Know that the Media will be Host Ding the duh Bait for the Political par Deed,
on stage Wills of charge to Care Ridge of the Edge of Tow'Mar Oh's??,
whom shall the E! dock Tore trades bee on the Ounce of the Deal ugg,
beggars at Creaks of The Doors on Pear^Raid Corks??,
plunder & fluster to Hook the Pyre??,
raise to that is just Tips the blind on Stature or framed??
Rancid are the National Media Boreds to broad Cast the hare Owe in Feeds,
round that is the charge the chain knoll to hill Side wrap??,
that language of the breast telling Turkey of the chick In to cover that Shield??,
nerves ground Power grips to that Gab??
Sew shell to the Tantalizing of the grave Yard with a taste of Steeping,
climbers on a Cliff note to vernacular the swell As also cool,
an X Treime on the Deck Aids venture to the Journal is tagged!!