Talk a show and call the status to the Strauss of genetic Man ewe fact tour read,
the pheasant on a Peacock the Lions Roar,
a blast stem Sell,
the vacuum of a letters bell that list to the Touch chin of the Row Men,
is that than a glad E! ate Tour??,
a version of the compass as the Hiss Tour Read on that sandal??,
the Evident Loc. of Burlap Bags to state of the Barb Bin Wire to Morse Coded In Dye e! On's of Owe Oop's??,
should the trace of Elemental stall a Barn is the Stable on the Harness or the Voice in the Hoofs??.
Dye Jest to that is the Waist on a Dell to Spell In the bank as the Accounts of a Vista??,
should that Mew Knee desire a Vapor of the Smoke In Hail is the Saul Looter??,
digs to that is the Core eh Nor??,
a vamp??,
the shift to Gear on shaft of Scene is the trail??,
to Know of these Realms of Sight on the Top See is of Whom??,
a bun Dull??,
the Air Port of pot Tour read,
crock a Dials??,
Hip Poe pot To Must as the Ed grr Owl Len shell of grit to Sturdy Strum??.
What is the dirt??,
mud on the lip??,
drool for the Flag,
halve Staff to stature of shoulder on the broken berth to harbor that Canal for the shirt on a graph??,
sure the steam is of streaming that river to anxious the oh shin as the theater of reason,
however so is the traveling of the born on detail as the clavicle to that pack kin of bigger on the Fear.
To edge the move ease with a stumble or a stumper is to at Vantage that Torture for the rib snapping bill,
is that than the Ink of the Oscar on per Form hints,
a reminder on the Sheet to Notice of the charm Mean of every calendar Clock on that prism??.
Drop down give Mi song as the Thee dawn Key strung a certifiable to betting on the extra condition,
but nigh the hour of Men it Tee to bring Just Dust Stirs as Trap to the Farmers Almanac once digestion,
sink to the Clavicle and that Vulture on the come said in blanket to the small Tree in the branches on the tell,
in from Too answer is the Natural on the streak,
lights and Camera act^Shins that said Steep!!