Y in the Desert would the Flies go say rode through on a horse with Know Name??,
from the Cactus or the Palms for the Trees had leaves??,
should the grove of read woulds' be a wrinkle in Time to UN.dure.Stand??,
does the For.Rest statute a sands'.dial too Air.con.Dish.shin.Kneeing on All for's??
Does the a.pause.straw.fee Add or be.come that in.Vest.meant once a.pawn a store.reed??,
than the Flow.duh said to the read.see that mud.Ur is a verb to pro.Nun.see.Ate or in.fin.eight new.May.or.coal??,
what is a Fire.Eng. with language on the Numb.burr.Ring of bind.dures' an ssh.long??,
a breast of Tour.Wren or The Lore.Wren from that Stop.Pig.Gin towed Mat.Tour??,
should the People decide to Choice on done Choose than Chose.Sin is bank.Kin a Trail.Lure!!
Hitch that with the Mess.Edge in the Bot.Tolls' price.sing and a lye.kneeing the Men.Towel.IT.Tee??,
the Fee.ole.Dean would gather that collection of phrase.is And bet.tour the or.a.fuss to bark.keen??,
what feat.is the method of rum.bowl is pitch.chin to a fast.tour slug??,
the ba.Nana or a pocket full of rye.ice??
Shed Tool.Oles to a press.a.dents of knee.cess.a.tea??
than does the duh.term.in.neigh.shin trough to a drink or make Fount.Ten the Write wrinkle,
ow.stead by those cyst.tours??,
what is the sub.stance??,
the underwrite of a station to eye.deed by those known or those show.own??
Spell.lean is of in.tour.rest.sting should the Train Station be a Farrier on the just happens to be a Forge,
that would define out to say a Valley??,
or is the Grand Can.Yen speak with a Pen.sill to ease.see sleep.per while the Whirl.Ole drinks Opulence.