I hope that you never suffer at the hands of a Malignant Narcissistic person. As an F.Y.I. they will never stop the attack on the offspring or the person that attacks back in silent repose. However, I have developed the natural skills to defend myself. Nature has afforded me this small favor. We are not inept as the offspring of these monsters but rather have evolved in order to survive. We are the next generation, for better or for worse, nature has seen us through successfully. Just as evolution evolves over millions of years, we have progressed naturally in one generation in order to survive, not bad. Do not dismiss us and do not deny us without reminding yourself first that we are the flesh and blood of monstrous creatures. Nature would not birth us to the very monster without preparing us to be the more intelligent and possibly the more deceitful of the two. This makes much more sense to me than thinking that we are incapable victims of our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters or step-parents. We are just horribly hurt. We can be wise in our actions before we too step forward with our own judgement on humanity. All be it skewed, it is not for lacking of trying to find and experience all the things that we are told collectively we are missing from ourselves. So while my peers enjoy a day at the beach or a pleasant vacation, I spend my days working through the reality that only a flashback can deliver to you in full. I am healing from the very real and abusive life that I have experienced. Not so I can go to the beach or on a vacation, never acknowledging the horrors of life. I am healing so that I can continue to move forward and move up the ladder of success to become the voice of the innocent. To expose to the public each and every person that never stops to do anything other than for themselves. If we are not here for any other reason than to pleasure our own selves with life, I then accept that gracefully, however I believe that people who think this thought are full of selfishness themselves. What kind of judgement would you pass on them? I simply announce to whom may be interested, that the pleasure I get out of life is the free writing and the exposure of the person that is selfishly living the life of the lie. I enjoy telling you that I am excited today because I am still alive and did not have to think about the people that have committed suicide over my mother today. I enjoy telling you that I am pleased that I have survived so much and I really enjoy the fact that I can share the "Snuff" I experienced at a very young age that failed in its attempt to take my life.
I will or will not write a book about the terrors of my life, who knows and truthfully, who cares? By blatant disregard every person who reads or has heard my plea is responsible in this life to stop the pain and the strife caused by these monsters. I had one person tell me that I wrote a piece of poetry that has stuck in his head and caused him nightmares. He cannot get me off his mind. I write what comes to mind so that I can work out the anger and rage that I have towards the people that have harmed me and my children thus far. Why be silent anymore. The reason for silence is to protect the lives of others. I have no one to protect anymore. It is now an open book. Destruction goes both ways in life. Some would say that by writing the wrongs committed against me or my children I am being destructive and vengeful. I don't feel this way, but I accept that opinion as fact. For I feel that lack of remorse, lack of pity, lack of compassion is more destructive to the daughter of a malignant narcissist than any other action can be ever. This is because it makes her mother right in the end. People are not worth your time, nor your care of their existence. When it is put so plainly, it must be like being kicked in the gut, but in truth you have no argument to stand by in this matter called WAR.