Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Secret of the Universe is Choice? Some of us did not get a Choice but we fight to make one every single day!!

Distortion will not be an excuse for you!
Clarity of todays view cannot be denied.
Even I fall from "Shock & Horror."

The state of accusations in Nigeria.
So cruel, so unkind!
Still ignited, yet it still Rules.

Not just once in a while,
since I was a child Pastors have joined.
"Leave what has kept me safe and suffer you?"

 A "Waif"
"am I?"
Yes, I was told.

I am now bold.

Call with concern.
Attempt again,
 and be shot down with your very own sin.

Ignorance from within.

A Narcissist of the Malignant kind
can only rip apart what?

Usually it's a start.

What will come next,
comes from below and comes so hard, 
you will definitely know.

For a moment,
you only have one in time
and it delivers to you the very next line,

"I am coming"

Never satisfied, always lied,
sadly we are still under the age of Five.

Choosing difference, a choice that's fine.
Condemned for things and thrown to beings,
who keep us safe, they're never late.

Resting upon the freshly killed open mind,
is serious and will eventually leave you in a very tight bind.

Makes you delirious, 
and will cause such a thirstiness;

Pedophilia is not possession, it is called RAPE,
and we are not fine.

Your perpetual require of what you desire
is called a sensual find.

When we can speak,
we become weak, with what you have done.

Reality pours.

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