Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I Came Undefiled The Trumps Of A Slow Boat To China Styled

So slam that Door to open shores,
that think this might is light,
in trued it's not the thunder strike,
it's stricter than the Rites of Trites!!

Grounds of no appeal,
just bury the blackened site,
first it's you in blasting threw,
than it's me the little shrew,
thirdly it is World War Four!!

Call you're Tenant Leased by other Countries that Hold to appease,
the bill you never pay.

For in the Day of the Dawn the Moon is Red and the Born is gone,
to out the press of national kept,
the secret is the lest in met.

So as I have posted Articles that state,
should you .....than you.... 
exportation's of the coup will be the outing of the Blue,
for this horror of welting bruised,
the Service is the Slaves abuse.

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