Thursday, May 8, 2014

Incremental Times To Halve

No sadness to despair,
requirement would have been,
to meet not just stare.

An adventure with 'A Friend'
the incredible trend,
lending credence to wonder,
Minds would embrace this Human base.

Instant recognition a better ignition,
the global condition,
to Meet not Defeat!!

Pieces to problematic perries,
the fruit in the basket from Garden,
a coiled propose,
there are better roads to close.

Brimstone is Fire,
the flare to shot to laze,
a Flame brings to Flint,
a Name not in Stints.

Shocking tingles reality dangles,
enough Sight to blind fight,
lives told throw your Hands- Up,
as the Preacher grabs the angled body tight.

The obvious falls from Fame or hauls,
gifted from the start,
advantaged at each turn,
thinking it's all right.

Facing forward absorbing done,
the length of life where's it from,
the saying of a numbered lung,
not far off as perfect bung.

To turn concern the age of berm,
coincidence I don't think,
just these times in Age that brings,
the grate of understanding things.

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six,

The gear Set as cannot let,
therefore it's stripped in kept,
to particulars rumored lie,
happenstance recognized,
by only whom has survived!! 

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