Thursday, May 29, 2014

Red Light Green Light Know Engineer Is Full Bore To Clear

Sew stir you're thought the Cobb webs Knot,
tangled in disrepair the lack of Human touched,
whilst left without the body shout comes to say I'm out about,
to know the broader lays.

To the Art of B.D.S.M. a shower is a storming,
the lightening bursts are thunderous kites,
electrical 'cause the string is Mights!!

Arms that hold not shut the sold,
will come to envelope not seal the well-Up!!

Stones to brick a concrete stick,
dungeons have their Lairs.

Chocolate entices the ice cream Nices,
to speak the tongue in communicate lung,
as rhythms to the feat.

Standing a loan with singular shone,
the speed is thrown to the winding tone,
that Men should Cause concern to Pause,
especially in production past on Video path,
showing the Restaurateurs.

World touring to Band,
money in sand,
grit to grinding queer,
definitions are stolen changed to hate,
expressions now put limits wow,
one less in per year.

Original price to know a Vice,
the guess is that I'm fee,
to speak of on or steel the Song,
the difference in the stock is feed,
the Cow makes great for Butcher how??

Books are written bound by leather,
saddles are made out of same,
times do change the riddle came,
now Bridle is a Rein of tame.

Since the please to meet was read,
a letter of the enter tree,
saved to grow like red would know,
without the alterations doe.

Wide eyes to look in person,
a thing that no one does for curtain,
leaves the Show to whom will fro,
and not just post the hey are you,
protection seems a clue.

Connective tissue to the crawl,
make way for what is knot small,
for touch as youth was not received,
the hands delivered thoughts perceived,
the film of rinse through such a Lens.

So Dear Guy you sing of try,
but counter in actual the failure is not I.

The Continue of Venue with slam dunks adult,
remains to be that little girls lead,
the tears of joy are good to breath,
a sort of final moment need,
to see if James Blunt is real keeps.

To his fault the measure will go,
'cause I've been left so many throw,
understanding that I don't know,
it was just a hand or meeting go.

No mention of this forever stuck,
the Cause Affect I see the luck,
to inspire the persons that need belief,
that Two is Three in Zero Deed.

Sense creates that blocks are crates,
to pack this in a rook sack pate,
responsibility shant not declare,
than the run becomes the dare. 

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