Saturday, June 14, 2014

Dancing Waked

The breadth of any Keep is the hide in plain Site of the discover as Lot,
verse the team as know I in the spur of the bourne to verbal knot,
the spree of the Any towards the brought of the Now clipts scot,
a see from the before in the fact of the Actions prop!!

Yowl to the Cryer a speed to the scratch an inch of the Miles,
the queer to the nerve of spinal in wroughts venture do piled,
joint in a quirk the Ell of a thought as know roam to the written each spot,
declare rates decision as heated explosive the Pot shall the molt of goldened in caught!!

Keeling as sail vast the delve to the rite in the fire of the flames sparkings of bombs,
no plug to pulled for the hand -held is driven by the remind of the steeps,
crimson in title a decide after inked the press too's the keys a stroke it locked,
glasses that speak in the mid of a teach professor the churn in the sift of a Neat!!

Tongue in the quiet as the seat of the Jeans know cheek is the double back in a squirm,
credit the Voice in soothing to Ode whilst Naut will not change 'cause decisions are so,
down to the Under in the sharking of thrown the Task of the bait is to catch out a Fate,
destined to Singular ves' skate the plate!!

Trounce to the stickers as glue in the Nape of a brilliant delight to ache in a Sate,
prevailing bonks on the head or the knod classy to break the steady of late,
rating to capture or bound in the twine a care full bravado sings to oop's take,
the stage of in meaning that fickle is taste for dress does accompany while scooters just say.

Leveled the play to coring the boar with handles that grip for the ride of a crave,
pickle the brains as the study of steal will only behavior an interpretate of desking the state,
traits of the broom that wisk it to Room as profiles Tell the tisk is a loom,
all in the revertant that do seeking crew!!

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