Sunday, June 8, 2014


The ride too the Castle Hearst for spake did speck of dust,
the Post of say to Ferry Trays three-coins to keep the pursed,
two for the eyes a third in lid to blind the scape of trades,
a treat to spry the Sprites of Played the Value Upped to Blood!!

The burst of Tennis in know shoes a Shoring due I Pier,
to dock a breed of brooding Kates to sample in the Cup,
a brink to closely written photographed for spinning in the Blind,
a cat in aspects sayed to streaks that challenge is a Mug!!

Clipty clop to the Four Horsed knock a Bridle or a Dare,
the speed at which the Ship must Lair is bet to Lakes that only scare a way to brew the Booth.

Hardily bitten in the Reins of Wares the better does no Scare to spooked,
the Cause begets the Wise in Lets prepare for the Overboard in Views!!

Tramps to Skits the Cartoon lipped the Spaghetti of the Squirl,
a howling Moves to echo do's the beastly are abrupts!!

A Squire or a Lord at Lance the Darkest Fare in Wilds of Vance,
groating is the Oats of Graining strength to product prance!!

The Waltz ballet to Sigil Stay a Venture is a Quest today that Man did not trace Scooped,
of Icing to the Caking breaks to bind the Rogue in Rues.

Gallop to the Banks of Knew where Cliffs were shown to jump the Bone,
bigger the grander to the Oceans of Solar to flight across the barrowed broth,
the boiling of extra, extra, extra knots that tie the Loop to-Boot!!

Transiliteral Cost to Passing Moths the Butterflies reverbs,
a reverse in gear produces mere for Set at Zero is ready Veer!!

As What's Been Printed IN Lands THAT Minted the Letters of the RING MISSING,
to prove the slip of sliding longs a twist-of- Fated Spruce the Mated to Questions of the Clear!!

Now to Factual Reasonable Asks for Wiser Tack to Bear,
a grizzly appearance in the brine of lacks does evident the Pact as Mirrored!!

The Churn of Style in Been Awhile a Milennia or Billioneth Turn,
likens much to know mistake that presently is Australia's spake,
for Volley this to James Blunts Hist' and Coiling enters Hosed!!

The growth of base in Jeans and dazed the brainy waves of knooky lays,
is immediate to Wares of Scrolling Hows the Breast of Chilling Iced.