Monday, June 16, 2014

Mainstream Indy

For in this wise to reason dealt the see in person reals the game,
and dear I am to Self!!

The Game of Been in thus revealed with Singular in vasting whale,
a write to need the actions keeled to know that girth is Belt!!

Speed to tray the Serve was Lead that steady as I growth'd,
to Earth the Feet that Walk are Wealth in this I state a Keel.

A steer to spun the Zero spins to Tell of Knots in Woven Lots,
the strings of Web in linked to sped that Men are revealing whelped!!

Trades of made that teach of day that wire in the whipping lays,
that Truth is in the Law of Hands that wright the Wheel well.

The Tell a natural Bells the Horn in Sealed breaking in the form of Morals that due Pell,
to kites that flew for forwards sake a blasting to the rockets stake the Stay is trued.

To spout the brinks as in the clink of sorting through the lives of blink,
I know these are transparent Lears that stern this breech approached!!

In Rear of Life as 'Just' in plight the ample of the Scene as tights a Riddle is the shelling,
the Calm to Base showed Clams that Merc. the muscle with a look to stout.

One turn to taste the sample rates that pacing judges leaks to Coast,
the degree of Hot or tree the branch is heel not to bleed,
the crops that bridle know the Bit of further down the Bannister breathe!!

So flipping switch to be the Keep the Original Deed does Role the Lead,
from waltz that sat to opera's rack the jist is to be kidded back,
in value of the bare foot knack the mirror of dream to Racing theme,
the drop off jump to Birches vent the airstream is a fluke!!

To ignore the bore in for a formalized in final why's a Trip in Journey spine,
the turns reveal an interest steel that Iron has a faddle clear to touch the Being with Nears!! 

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