Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Singer James Blunt says his sociology studies have helped him write insightful lyrics?? or is the truth moreover a matter of Bolds In Age??

Cod you're throw to sent about,
out to venture trunk to shank,
disapproval credits HIT to louds,
puts exampled to Stake the Mount!!

Darks reveal this to Real,
know test in SHOW the bank of stunned,
had belief that Wire travels,
now I'm sure that POPs Unravel!!

No warning just killed with photo shop,
a selfie or the text to bleed,
as I thought these vile means,
certainty took my deeds.

Tried to help by warn of be's,
a whip to switch not PHOTO cried,
weeping fro the tears of blown,
my life is in a know fly Zone!!

Thoughts go to protect thee born,
tell of dangers everywhere,
Pointclass or joining the Alpha Ki to Platter,
the free in a Life's why?

Charge these bastards lie with their Copy Cats,
in decree of mere in chilling to regurgitate,
the Verse belongs to the Original,
the Sentence is Theirs to try,
like a cute!!

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