Monday, August 4, 2014

Swim Meet

Perk the filter in the Bean strands a string of certain Bay,
cross the Number with natural Primes the lit Flames,
candle the Wic to a lighter a Tunnel brakes,
drive in the path of a Twister the Eye day,
gear a Spinner in the Open a Shark votes!!

Gum the Feat the shoe Plates in the Investigate,
credence on the Track a Race coursed,
Polo with the Mallet a home goals,
stick the Carrot feed an Apple the slobber lates,
bucket to the Bask in a Moon Wolf the Courting of the Buffalo in Plain!!

Sweep the the certain growth to wheat seed in Oat baled,
water to the Field on the farm of the Ranch heard,
echo to the Reins in the Lunge,
tie the Rail with the Halter state,
a Stable in the Mid`barn of an Aisle played the Instrument of Opera!!

The humor in the Black of Comedy backed,
verse as the Script of a Letter laid,
keys in the typing of the board cage,
popping to the rhythm of the Lime squeeze in a Cocks roof raked!!

House of seeing by be gones has loaned shake,
pier the adjust to the galactic Cosmic Space,
jump through the dimensional 5th rate,
flight of length is the better Plate,
no breaking requires the Rogue Wilds 1st stake!!

Journal at the Pace of a Stream Mind in Consciously holds,
change spurs to the beat of a drum in the Ancient day,
first that did thump for the Indian up the dress stayed,
skipping 'round the World in the Two that always show,
the Sun shines the Moon to the shadow of its Revealing.

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