Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Pony Express

The telegraph such an Ancient Morse Code in the advertising of a click sweep tune,
as Satellites communicate with the big sewn remote View a sordid closet is barking Text at Tsk,Tsk.

Traits of Mind are written in Lines that Stanza out the dream in a Wish of true,
to subtract the Letter for the Crow in delivery is a debtors trade on the Winding loc,
in Watch stoppers the wrist is the hands attachment to the Elbow bone from a shouldering stone.

Granite the staff to well in Task than the inquiry shades to simple fact,
in the Scoop of Ice Cream on the cone of sugar beat,
it is the Baskin Robbins of the Future flavor in catch!!

Thirty-One to Fifty in a Two Set of examples in the Paints of Colors from Crayoning crust,
lava a Volcano to the pillar in the Column,
the grounds for a Roof have thatched the Square to Wares!!

Relative state in the Oversea late,
a bridge that is burnt leaves the Ocean as a Feat,
crossing on a Cruise shipped with Goods,
plenty are the Candies that Venue to a Back!!

Strap the leather for a saddle to breathe,
every life has the Able in the Cane of be Steed.

In the fracture of Appearance to the force of a way,
not my cup of Tea as the Coffee comes with cream,
back to the Cow as the Black & White in breed,
my Mother loves the Dairies as she took me to See.

Round the Country side on a little Car in drive,
notes to compare that Ice in the Fare,
nothing is for everything and anything is Care,
why in the deductions my Family must be Rare.

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