Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Flue

Bartons' Farm in the yard bye Arm inasmuch of the glib Urn clutch,
a rocket to the faster in a Product of Pasteur the flounce partitions,
in the rock of a sud to Orion in the Mug I give the only tug a drug,
the gas that it takes to be a barthian on the Platform of Reality in luv`d by reared.

In taste on the fades of Siren to alarm thing thaer to barlows' lat,
in that Shingle of the sink burn the liquids of least folds to scrunge,
on the engine it is Paint for the stripe of a signal to War in the spin,
on the Needle it replies to the Yarn of the thread in a Spindle.

Thus catch the Piper in the Pan kile of grounds to Central blowing blot,
the dew of the A.M. radio on distant Chum is bait for the Reel dumdum,
thumb a cent troll lest the lane bank a tipper Train you're a Wheel,
roster for the Crowd a clipboard on the loud makin' of the bacon!!

Tree the fry to sky`r high a steep of theine in Aspen ream of toiletry,
perfume for the lamp a bit on the cube silk Ean instant grammar lude,
hay stack for kiss-a-back all innie Intro duct to the swim a stuck lum,
grow Gather in the Fell fur of a cliff on`er shoe burr pail Pans.

Credit to the Crimson rock as the purse in the Bar Napkin trades a Flush,
the Ace in the game of heaumes got stock in the fatter Faust fact Core filed,
in the absence of the Ancient wild the dock is set to being chyles lot,
the plate of Maunch in the Letter of the lock keen lard.

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